화엄경 어휘 ㅂ
바(va 縛)자:Va
바(ba 婆)자:Ba
바(bha 婆)자: Bha
바뀌지: shift
'바다광': ocean womb
바다물을 치다: churns the ocean water
바다 맡은 신: ocean dieties
바다광반야바라밀다문.:a door of transcendent wisdom called oceanic matrix
바다[諸有海]에서 뛰어나leaving the ocean of existence
바다의 소용돌이:the whirling oceans
바닥: a surface
바라는 마음: seeking or expectation
바라문: priest
바라밀: transcendent means
바라밀다: transendent ways
바라밀다를 구족하며: fulfillment of transcendent ways,
바라밀다를 만족하며: fulfill the trenscendent way,
바라밀다의 길: the path of transcendence
바라장(婆羅藏)불: a buddha named Spleddor of the King of Trees
네 가지)바람둘레[風輪] :four kinds of atmosphere
바람둘레[風輪]: masses of air
바람둘레: whirlwind
바람에 날려: wafting in on the breeze
바람처럼 걸리지 않으리: like wind unhindered
바로 결정된 것: the fixated
바로 아나니 : in a single moment of awareness
바루나천(婆樓那天) 부처님: the buddha Deifying the Universe
바르게 머무는 데로 향하는 이: those who are rightly oriented
바르게 생각하는 힘: power of mindfulness
바르게 생각하다: contemplate rightly 바르게 정하다:properly stabilized
바르는 향/약:unguents
바른 길: the path of the wise바르는 향과 사르는 향 여러 색상구름:clouds of myriad forms of perfume and incense trees
바른 길[八正道]: the path,
바른 길을 지도하여 벗어나게 하고: show the right way to go,
바른 법: true principles
바른 법: spheres of truth
바른 법 말해: proclaim the truth
바른 업 닦는 다라니문: the medium of undertaking of proper acitons.
바른 법을 떠나지 않다: without deviating from the truth
바른 법의 음성: voicing truth
바른 생활에 머무름; abide by right livelihood
바른 생각: right mindfulness
바른 소견: correct insight
바른 지위: the absolute
바른 지위[正位] : the absolute state
바른 자리(正位): the absolute state
바른 자리正位 :the absolute state
바른 행을 내게 하는 마음을 일으키고: be determined to set straight,
바라밀다: ways of transcendence / the transcendent ways
바라밀다를 닦다: cultivate the transcendent ways
바수밀다(婆須蜜多): Vasumitra
바시라(婆施羅): Vaira
바퀴가 구르는 듯: revlove like wheels
바퀴 륜(輪)자 장엄법문: a scripture called Manifestation of Turning of the Wheel of Letters
바퀴를 돌고는: having made circumambulations
바퀴 돌기: repetitious circles
바퀴보배: treasury of disc
박해하다: injure
반갑지 않은 : displeasing
반기다: be gladdened by
반달: half moons
반(半) 달: fortnight
반달[半月] 형상: the crescents
반신상(半身像): busts
반야바라밀다: Transcendent wisdom
반야바라밀다: perfection of wisdom
반야바라밀다: transcendent wisdom
반야바라밀다 : total mindfulness
반야바라밀다:the totality
반야바라밀다: transcendent wisdom
반야바라밀다: the perfection of wisdom
반야바라밀다로두루 장엄하는 :by way of th arrangement of the totality
반야바라밀다로 부터 모든 법을 내다: elicit all principles from transcendent wisdom
반야바라밀다문: a door of transcendent wisdom
반야바라밀다문: a door of transcendent wisdom
반야바라밀다주般若波羅密多呪:the perfection-of-wisdom mantra
반야(般若)의 광대한 법장:enlightening beings' great encompassing practice of wisdom
반연: 마음이 대상에 의지하여 작용함
반연: in the face of objects
반연을 삼고: contemplate objectively
반연하는 대로: mixing with objects
반연하다: reveal /focus on
반연하다: assess
받고: can accept
받들어 : imbued with
받들어: invested with
받들어: reverentially
받들어 섬기고 공경하고 공양하였으며: propitiate
받들어 섬김: service
받아 나는 선근; the acceptance and production of roots of goodness
받아지니다: absorb and hold /accept and hold/ receive and held
받아지니다: acknowledge and take up
받아 지니려는: preservasion
받아 지닌: imbibing
받아들이다 embodied
받아 행하게 하네: have ~~ accept and practice
'받는 이': receiver
받을 만하나이다: take on
받을 이: receiver
받자와 섬기고: propitiate and attend
받지 않는: not accepting false precepts
발광하다: go mad
발기(發起)하느니라: are produced by.
발기(發起)한: initiate
발기혜향(發起慧香) 주주신: Day Spirit Bringing forth the Faragrance of Wisdon
발로 누르니: set foot
발로 다니는 신: footstep following deities
{{{발바닥은 판판하며 수레바퀴 모양이 구족하고,
발등은 불룩하고 손과 발바닥 사이에는 그물 같은 막이 있고,
발꿈치는 가지런하고 손발이 보드랍고 이니야사슴왕의 장딴지 같이 일곱 군데가 원만하고,
남근(男根)은 으슥하게 숨어 있고, 몸의 윗부분은 사자왕 같고, 두 어깨는 평평하고
두 팔은 통통하며 길고, 몸이 곧고 목에 세 줄무늬가 있고,
두 뺨은 사자와 같고 치아는 40인데 가지런하며 빽빽하고, 어금니 네 개가 유난히 희고,
혀가 길고 넓고 범천의 음성을 내고, 눈이 검푸르고 속눈썹이 소와 같고,
미간에는 흰 털이 있고 정수리에는 육계가 있고, 살결은 보드랍고 연하여 진금빛이요,
몸에는 솜털이 위로 쏠리고, 머리카락이 제청(帝靑)구슬빛 같고,
몸이 원만하기 니구타나무와 같았느니라.}} :the thirty -two marks of a great man
발밑으로 들어갔다.: went in under his feet
발생희락계(發生喜樂髻) 천왕: King of the thirty three Heavens Joy -Producing Topknot
발생희락계(發生喜樂髻) 천왕 : the Celestial King Joy-producing Topknot
발심(發心): will for enlightenment
발에 엎드려 절하고: prostrated oneself
발에 엎드려 절하다: lay one's head at the feet of SB in respect
발을 잘 디디고 : the stance
발(發)하여 일으킬; put into action
밝게 비추며: become radiant
밝게 안: clarify
밝음이 만족함: sufficiencies of insight
밤 맡은 신: night goddess
방사(房舍): room and shelter
방사(房舍) 라는 마을: the village of Kuti
방위 따라 열려 있는데: open at intervals all around
방위를 잘못 알아lose one's sense of direction
방일: indulgence and laxity
방일하지 말라: Don't be indulgent
방일하지 않는 데 ; nonindulgence
방일하지 않다 : without slacking(늘어진, 되는대로의)
경계를 반연하되 반연할 것이 없으며:
they are one- pionted on the objective realm, yet objectless
all pionts of attention
방일치 않네: not lax or indulgent
방일하다: being lax
방일하지 아니한: without slacking
방일하지 않는 일: attentiveness and diligence
방일한 이를 깨워지이다: awaken the heedless
방정해: even
방편: techniques
방편: techniques
방편: devices
방편: techniques
방편: method
방편: skill
방편: expedient means방편: accomodating methods방편: expedients
방편: liberative techniques
방편: techniques
방편구족주(具足住)보살: the enlightening beings equipped with skill in means
방편문: gate of means
방편문: expedient means
방편문: expedient doors
방편문: the expedient door
방편바라밀다:transcendent skill in means
방편에 들어간 : delving into this technique
방편으로: provisionally
방편으로: expediently
방편으로 말하고[安立說]: definitions
방편으로 회향하며; expediently dedicate,
방편을 얻은 이: the skillful
방편의 공교한 경계: the sphere of skill in means
방편(方便)의 광대한 법장: enlightening beings' great encompassing practice of sill in means
방편의 지위: skill in means
방편행; expedient practices
밝히다 elucidate
방석[臥具]: a hoe
방소(方所): space
방소(方所)가 있는 것이 아니어서 : the bodies of buddhas have no locus
방탕한: self-indulgent
방탕하거늘; minds run wild
방편 means /skill /devices/techniques
appropriate means expedient skills /expedients
방편에 든; delving into
방편의 몸; expedient means
부사의한 겁: inconceivable
방편: principles and method
방편으로: expediently
방편을 따라:according to technical expediency
방편의 힘: the power of expedient means
배腹: guts
배: abdomen
배가 드러나지 않는: without protruding belly
배가 드러나지 않는: without protruding belly
배가 차지 않은: still not filled
배꼽 navels
배비단띠: string of jewels
배우며: emulate,
배워서: in emulation of
백갑절이나 지나가다(??): surpassing a hundredfold
백광명용왕: a water spirit Hundred Light Beams
백등왕(百燈王)불: the buddha Illuminating King
백만 공덕을 구족케 성취하다:fully endowed with a million qualities
백만 아승지: a million zillion
백만억 유희향(遊戱香): wafting fragrances
백만 천자: celestial beings
백목연화계(百目蓮華髻)보살마하살:a great enlightening being Hundred Eye Lotus Topknot
배울 것 없는 지위: the stage beyond learning
백만 법장(法藏): great treasuries of enlightening beings
백성: populace
백옥: white jade
백옥: white jade
백은(白銀)광명빛:the color of silver light
백은장(白銀藏)마니보배: jewels set in pure silver
백천 겁: a millinon ages
백천분의 일에도: to even a minute fraction
백천억: ten trillion
백천억분의 일 내지 산수와 비유로도: to any calculable fraction
백천억 나유타 :untold
백천억 나유타: hundreds of thousand of millions of billions of/tens of quintillions of
백천억 나유타 세계: hundreds of quintillions of worlds
백천억 나유타억 부처님: a quintillion buddhas
백호상(白毫相):the circle of white hair
뱃사공: a mariner
뱃사공: helmsmen
뱃사공: helmsman
뱃사공: mariners뱃속: belly방편으로 말하고[安立說]: definitions
뱉고 삼킴: exhalation and inhalation
빠지다: sink
버려야 하네: halt
버려지이다: may slough off
버려지이다: may slough off
버리게 : divested
버리기: relinquish 버리기 어려운 모든 것을 버리던 일: the difficult practice범천의 음성: a clear voice 버리는 일: relinquishment
버리다: relinquish
버리지못함: being unwilling to give
버리지 않나니: without forsaking
버리지 않나니: unremittingly
버리지 않는: not abandon
버림: equanimity
버림: indiffer
번개: lightening
번기: pennants
번기(幡旗): canopies
번뇌: afflictions of sleep
번뇌; knot
번뇌; knot
번뇌: taints
번뇌: bonds and compulsions/affliction
번뇌: afflictions/taint/agony/ anxiety/ lust-- 더러움 얼룩 오점
번뇌를 끊다: extirpate afflictions
번뇌를 늘게하다: incite passion
번뇌를 따르는 행을 보고 싫어하고 의심하지 말며: not malign the act to expedite
번뇌를 떠나서: shed veils
번뇌를 여의다: get rid of all burning afflictions
번뇌 마군의 오랏줄을 아주 끊고 : free from the snares of the demon of afflictions
번뇌바다를 알기: comprehend the ocean of afflictions
번뇌불: fire of afflictions
번뇌와 여러 마(魔)가 깨뜨릴 수 없는 마음: invulnerable to the afflictions of all demons
번뇌의 도적 깨뜨리고: assail the enemy afflictions
번뇌의 때: defilement of afflictions
번뇌의 마(魔)를 부수는: assaults against afflictions
'번뇌의 막힘을 덜고 깨끗한 광명을 열음': light of purity dispelling all afflictions
번뇌의 버릇: habitual propencities
번뇌의 병:maladies of afflictions
번뇌습기habit energy
번뇌습기를 뽑아 끝내면 : prospensities to contimue afflictive habits are ended
번뇌의 섶deadwood of afflictions
번뇌의 세간: the world of action
번뇌의 아수라: titan of afflictions
번뇌의 졸음: asleep in affliction
번수(旛手)보살: pennant-bearing enightening beings
번열(煩熱)하지 않는: being unfrenzied
번잡한: clamorous
벌레; microorganism
벌레무더기: mass of microbes
범계(犯戒): transgress
범광명(梵光明)불: a buddha named Light of Brahma
범(梵)당보살.: Torch of Brahma enlightening being
범당불(梵幢佛): The Buddha Banner of Purity 변이(變異)하지 않는: without change/////
범보천(梵輔天): the heavens of brahma assistants
범부: ordinary people
범부의 법: the realm of lthe infantile unenlightened condition
범부의 지위: the state of the ignorant
범보천: Brahma-assistant deities
범수(梵壽) 부처님: the buddha Purifiend by Spiritual Knowledge///
범신천(梵身天) : the heavens of brahma bodies
범신천(梵身天):Brahma-body deities
범부: learners
범부의 지위: the states of sentient beings
범왕계(梵王髻)보살: Crest of Lord Brahma enlightening being
범음(梵音)보살. Brahma Sound enlightening being
범(梵)자재왕보살:Lord Brahma
범중천(梵衆天): the heavens brahma masses
범중천: Brahma-group deities
범천:Brahma heaven
범천: great Brahmas
범천: Brahma gods
범천관: a sacred crest
범천궁전: a celestial mansion
범천들: Brahma body deities
of little virtue
범천왕: Brahma gods
범하지 않으며: without transgression
범함이 없는: nontransgression
범행: religious practice
범행(梵行): religious practice
범혜(梵慧)세계: the land Pure Wisdom
법:law/ phenomena/ principles/the things/things/everything /phenomena and principles/ doctrine
법신(法身): reality body
법 아닌 것: nonphenomena
법왕자(法王子): an inheritor of turth
법: truth
법: a doctrine
법계에 두루한: throughout the universe
방편 지혜 갖춘 이: the knowers of means
법계에 들어감[入法界]: entry into the realm of reality
법계장(法界藏)의 몸: cosmic matrix body
법공왕(法空王) 불: a buddha named Glorious King Risen in the Sky of Truth
법광명연화개부(法光明蓮華開敷)불 : the Buddha Blooming Lotus of Light of Truth
법광보살; Light of Truth enlightening being
법광(法光)음보살.:Voice of the Light of Truth
법거보개음(法炬寶蓋音); Voice of Arrays of jewels from the Light of the Teaching.
법거치연월(法炬熾然月)불: a buddha named Moon Glowing with the Fire of the Torch of the Teaching .
법경계: the sphere of the teaching
법계: realm of reality
법계: the realm of truth
법계; realm of reality /cosmos/realm of principle and fact
법계(法界)가 가없음: reality realm without extreme or mean
법계가 차별이 없음: the unity of cosmos
법계광명(法界光明)각보살:Awareness of ways to Reality Realm enlightening being법
법계광명(法界光明)불: the buuddha Light of the Cosmos
법계광염혜(法界光焰慧)보살마하살:The great enlightening being Wisdom Flaming with th Light of the Universe
법계는 여여해서 항상 동하지 않다: The suchness of the universe never moves.
법계륜당(法界輪幢)여래: a buddha named Illuminating Voice of Universal Knowledge
법계를 두루 비추는 경: a scripture called Illunimation of the Principles of the Cosmos
'법계를 장엄하는 큰 광명': Array of Cosmic Lightning
법계문왕당(法界門王幢)보살 : enlightening being Mind Borm of the Light of the Cosmos
법계방편해광명(法界方便海光明)경:a scripture called Light of the Reason in the Ocean of Rality Realms
법계보음(法界普音)보살마하살:a great enlightening being Universal Sound of the Cosmos
법계성불(法界聲佛):the buddha Voice of the Cosmos
법계신(法界身)불: a buddha named Splendor of Reflection of the Cosmos
'법계에 두루 비침':differentiation of levels of the cosmos of realities
법계에 두루한 허공신(虛空身): the body of space
법계에 들어가는 데: entering to the realm of reality
법계에 충만한 걸림없는 광명:light rays filling the universe with
out impediment
법계영불(法界影佛):the buddha Reflection of the Cosmos
법계의 창고; the matrix of the cosmos
법계의 허공: sky of reality
법계(法界)인 허공: the sky of the cosmos of reality
계장(法界藏):the matrix of the cosmos
법계에 가득하다: fill the cosmos
법계는 가이없어 : the cosmos has no bounds
'법계의 방편인 물러가지 않는 광[藏]': offspring of contemplation of th eprinciples of the reality realm
법계의 실상: the realm of reality, the true form
법계를 깨우치다: awareness of the cosmos
법계에 들어가다; entering the reality realm
법계의 온갖 미세한 경계: all subtle realms in the cosmos
법계: phenomenal realms/the realm of reality (중생계- the realm of sentient beings
세계- the realm of worlds )
법계 허공의 그림자를 나타내는 구름'세계해: an ocean of worlds called
Multitude of Reflection in the Space of the Cosmos of Realities
법계화불(法界華佛)불: a buddha named flower of the Cosmos
법계: the reality realm
법계성지혜등(法界城智慧燈)불: a buddha named Lamp of the City of Reality with the Light of Universal Wisdom
법계에 자유자재하는: freedom in the elemental cosmos
법계차별원(法界差別願)보살: Revealing the base of Cosmic Aspiration enlinghtening being
법계차별원지신통왕(法界差別願智神通王)보살: the enlightening being King of Superknowledge Discerning the Differentiations of the Plane of the Cosmos
법광명(法光明)불:a buddha named Light of Truth
법광명자비월(法光明慈悲月)불: a buddha named Moon Radiating Images of Eyes of Light.
법구름:clouds of teaching
법구름음성당기[普光法雲音幢]: Sound of Cloud of Teachings Illumining
법구바다[法句經]: the ocean of the various conceptions and languages
법그릇: vessels of virtue
법기(法器): receptors of truth
법기(法起)보살 :the enlightening being Born of Truth
법기불(法起佛)불: a buddha named Born of Truth
법 다라니문.: the medium of doctrins
법답지 않은 것 이며: not be the true teaching
법당등(法幢燈)불: a buddha named Lamp Emblematic of the Body of the Teaching.
법당보살.: Torch of Truth enlightening being
법당(法幢)보살: The Enlightening being Banner of Truth
법당(法幢)불 : the Buddha Banner of Truth
법당불(法幢佛)불 a buddha named Banner of Truth
법당불(法幢佛):the buddha Banner of Justice
법당왕(法幢王)보살: enlightening being Blazing with Light in a Body Free from Attachments법당에 오르려 하매: enter the abode of enlightening beings
법당(法幢)여래:a Buddha, Banner of Truth
법대로 받아 가졌느니라: took up
법 듣기; imbibe
법등광불(法燈光佛):the buddha Light of the Lamp of Truth 법련화정광당(法蓮華淨光幢)불: a buddha named Enlightened Paragon Illuminging the Lotus of the Teaching 법륜: the cycles of teaching 법륜광불(法輪光佛):the buddha Light of the Sphere of Truth
법륜음허공등왕(法輪音虛空登王)불: a buddha named King Illunmining Space with the Voice of Truth
법륜음허공등왕 여래: a buddha King Illumining Space with the Voice of Truth
법뢰음불(法雷音佛):the buddha Thunder of the Ocean of Truths
법맛의 물[法味水]: the water of the flavor of truth
법몸: spiritual body
법: doctrine
법문: facets of truth
법문: way to truth
법문: access to truth
법문: sermons
법문: doors to truth
법문(法問): teaching
법문 말하여: by articulating truth
법문 말함: summarization of teachings
법문을 연설하다: expound/bespeak statement of the Teaching/ doctrines
법물을 정수리에 부음 : consecration
법문의 깊은 곳: the recondite depths
법바다: ocean of truth
법바퀴: cycle of teaching
법바퀴를 굴리다:operate the cycles of the Teaching
법보: the locations of all treasures of true teaching
법보(法寶): the treasury of Teaching
법보(法寶):the lineage of Teaching
법보계(法寶髻): Ratnachuda
법보(法寶)의 섬: mines of principles 법보화공덕운(法寶華功德雲)불: a buddha named Multitude of Lights of Spiritual Jewel Flowers .
법비:the rain of truth
법비단을 정수리에 매고: their heads are wrapped with the turban of truth
법비를 내리고: showering rain of Teaching
법비를 내리며: shower the rain of religion,
법사: spiritual preachers
법사(法師): teachers of truth
법사: teachers of the teaching
법산운당(法山雲幢)불: a buddha named Mass of Manifestations of the Pinnacle of Religion.
법상(法上)보살:Born of Truth enlightening being
법성(法性): the nature of reality
법성(法性):the essence of thing
법성(法性): the essence of things
법성(法性): the citadel of teaching
법성주(法性住); the subsistence of the nature of things
법소라: the horn of religion
the buddha called Infinite King Awakening Space with the Water of Truth
법수미(法須彌)불 a buddha named Polar Mountain of Light
법(法)승보살 : Splender of Truth enlightening being
법신: the reality of all buddhas/the reality- body
법신: reality - body
법신(法身); the body of reality
법신(法身): the verity body
법신;reality body
법신: reality body
법신으로 보이심은 진실이 아니니:the manifestationsof the reality =body have no true actuality
법신을 증득한 이: the body of reality
법약(法藥): the medicine of the Teaching
법약:spiritual medicine
법업(法業)보살: enlighteninng being Principled Action
법에 대한 지혜: objective knowledge
법에 인색하지 않다:do not begrudge the teaching
법염불(法焰佛)불: a buddha named Light of Lofty Flames of Truth
법염산당왕(法焰山幢王)불: a buddha named Supreme Brilliance of tMass of Lights of th Teaching.
법왕불(法王佛): the buddha King of Light of All Laws
법왕자주(法王子住)보살: prince of teaching enlightening beings
법왕자 지위: ordained as princes of great teaching
법왕 지위: sovereignty of truth
법월왕(法月王)부처님: the Buddha Power King of the Moon of the Truth
법을 구하기: in search of truth
법을 말함: expound the teaching
법을 여의다: aloof from things
법을 듣다: listen to the teaching
법을 말하여 그들로 하여금 아뇩다라삼먁삼보리심을 내게 하느니라:teach them in such a way that they become certain of supreme enlightenment
법을 받아 지니다: absorb and retain it
법을 밝히는 문: perceptives on truth
법을 수행함norma of practices
법을 연설하다:cause the Teaching to be heard
법의 광명 가진 이: those illumined
법의 비단을 머리에 매다a head wrappen in the turban of truth
법의 성품: phenomena
법의 성품: the true nature
법의 성품: phenomenality
법의 성품은 무너지지 않는: the nonannihilation of the nature of reality
법의 성품이 고요하다: the nature of all things is null
법의 성품이 차별이 없음: the undifferentiated essence of reality
법의 실상: the real character of things
법의 싹: talons of teaching
법의 연못[法池]: reservoir of truth
법의 종자(種子): the lineage of the Teaching
법의 즐거움:pleasure of spir
법의 지위: the ranks of truth
법의 참 성품; the essense of things
법의 처소: the realm of the truth
법이 공(空)한 청정한 바퀴삼매:meditation on the purity of th esky of reality
법이 응당 이와 같은: they must be so by natural law,
법인(法印);the definitive marks of things : impermanence, dispassion, selflessness
법인: stamp of truth
법인(法印)장보살: Matrix of the Ocean of Truths enlightening being
법(法)자재왕보살: Lord of Truth
법자재(法自在)불: a buddha named Spiritual Master 법장(法藏): troves of teachings
법장(法藏): metaphysical treasuries
법장(法藏): treasury of th Teaching
법장: treasury of truths
법장(法藏)보살: enlightening being Treasury of Truth
법젖[乳]: the milk of the teaching
법륜: cycles of Teaching
법륜광명계(法輪光明髻)불: a buddha named Crest of Light
법륜광명음(法輪光明音)불: a buddha named Brilliant Sound of the Wheel of the Teaching.
법륜운(法輪雲)불: a buddha named Multitude of Sets of Teachings
법륜치성광(法輪熾盛光)불: a buddha named Flame Light of the Wheel of Teaching.
법륜화광(法輪化光); Ligtht of Projections of the Wheel of the Teachings
법문 teaching /discourse/principles
법문: gate of teaching
법성(法城)에 이르게 하고 : lead them into the city of truth
법승불(法勝佛): the buddha Glory of Truth
법신; spiritual body/the body of reality
법신(法身)의 공덕: the qualities of the reality- body
법왕의 자리에 가까이 하는지; to approach the seat of a spiritual sovereign
법왕의 궁전을 두루 나타냄': Image of Abode of a Spiritual Sovereign
법왕공덕월(法王功德月); Radiant Moon of Awareness of the Nexus of Realities.
법운명칭왕(法雲名稱王)불: a buddha named King Acclaimed As a Source of Teaching.
법을 비방하다:repudiate truth
법을 생각하고 관찰하다:contemplate and investigate Teaching
법음공덕장(法音功德藏)불: a buddha named Mine of Initiatory Sounds
법의 성(城: )the city of the way of omniscience
법의 성품 the essence of all phenomna
법의 모양이 없다: things are sighless
법이 없어지려 할 적에: at the time of the ending of the teaching
법인: forbearance
법일공덕운(法日功德雲)불: a buddha named Multitudes of Loghts of th eSun of the Teaching.
법일운등왕(法日雲燈王); Lamp of Myriads Sun of Truth.
법일지혜등(法日智慧燈); Light of the sphere of knowledge of the Sun of the Teaching .
법자재(法自在):the buddha King of Law
법장: the treasury of teaching
법지보광장(法智普光藏)불: a buddha named Mine of All Images Arising form Knowledge of the Teaching
법해뢰음광명왕불(法海雷音光明王佛)불: the buddha named Illumining King Voicing the Ocean of All Truth
법해묘음왕(法海妙音王)불: a buddha named Sound of Explanation of the Ocean of the Teaching.
법해불(法海佛):the buddha Radiance of the Ocean of Truth
법해불(法海佛):the buddha King of Powerful Radiance of the Ocean of Truth
법해음불(法海音佛): the buddha Sound Born of the Ocean of Truths
법해음(法海音)불:a buddha named Thunder of the Ocean of Truths
법혜광염왕(法慧光焰王)보살: King of Fiery Energy of Truth enlinghtening being
법해묘련화(法海妙蓮華)불:a buddha named Lotus in the Ocean of Truth
법혜보살:The enlightening being Spiritual Wisdom
법혜보살: enlightening being Truth Wisdom
법혜보살; the enlightening being Truth Wisdom
법혜(法慧) 부처님: the buddha Truth Wisdom
법혜월(法慧月): Moom of Understanding of Right
법혜음(法慧音)불: a buddha named Knowldege of the Sound of the Ocean of Truths
법계월(法界月)불:a buddha named Moon of Cosmic Mind
법화당운(法華幢雲)불: a buddha named Clud of Banners Marked by the Flowers of the Teaching
벗어나게: redeem
벗어나게 하며: emancipate/////
벗어나는 도: way to emanciaption
벗어나는: emancipation
벗어나는 보리행: emancipation enlightenment
베풀다: provide
베풀려: disburse
벼슬: renown
벽지불의 지위: the stage of personal liberation alone
변동이 없고; immutable
변방: a remote area
변역함이 없는: invariable
변우(遍友); Vishwamitra
변일체법계(遍一切法界)음보살: Voice of Pervading All Universes enlightening being
변장(辯藏):the treasury of elocution
변재: eloquence power of elucidation
변재: eloquence
변재(辯才): elucidation
변재: elocution
변재: intelligence/intellectual powers/ power of analysis/special knowledge/analytic and expository powers
변재가 바다와 같다;their eloquence was oceanic
변재구(辯才口)불:a buddha named Face of Complete Knowledge
변재로 연설함: eloquent exposition
변재문(變才門): ways of felicious expression
변재의 큰 바다: the ocean of his eloquence
변정천(遍淨天): the heaven of Universal Purity
변정천:deities of the heavens of universal purity
변정(遍淨) 천왕: a king of the heavens of universal purity
변조광(遍照光)불: a buddha named Glory of Sunlight
변조(遍照) 아수라왕: Titan Kings Universal Shining
변조존(遍照尊):The Universal Illuminator
변주일체(遍主一切) 주방신: Direction Spirits Dwelling Everywhere
변천하는 괴로움[行苦]:the suffering of transitoriness
변하지 않다:never degenerate
변행(遍行): Sarvagam
변화: miracles
변화당(變化幢) 천왕: a king of the heavens Banner of Miraculous Displays
변화력광명(變化力光明)천왕King of the Heavens of enjoyment of emanation Light of the Power of Transformation and Emanation
변화력광명(變化力光明) 천왕 the celestial king Light of the Power of Transformation and Emanation
변화음(變化音) 범왕: Brahma king Sound of Magical displays
변화음(變化音) 천왕:a King of the great brahma heavens Sound of Magical Displays
변화삼매: emanations
변화하는 것처럼: by the emanationlike
변화하는 구름: clouds of emanations
변화하는 몸:transfigured emanation bodies
변화하는 몸을 냄;production of emanations of all embodiments of
변화하신 명호: miracles and epithets
변화하여 나타난: conjured up
변화하여 됨: projections/emanations
변화하여 만들고 : magically produced
변화함: emanations
변화함과 같은:like emanations
병: ailments
병장기; weapon
병장기: combat
병통; nettles
병환이 없고 열이 없는 몸: free from irritation and inflammation
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