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카페 프로필 이미지
뷔 FAN CAFE '놀자'
카페 게시글
 Q & A question
사샤 추천 1 조회 143 16.05.31 04:03 댓글 20
게시글 본문내용
  • 16.05.31 16:50

    첫댓글 yes

  • 작성자 16.05.31 17:13

    can you teach me how to use this ?? please ?

  • 16.05.31 17:31

    sure, how can i help you?

  • 작성자 16.05.31 17:49

    how can i know when bts update ?

  • 작성자 16.05.31 17:49

    like fancafe ? i dont how to use fancafe

  • 16.05.31 18:08

    you will have to go to their acc. in order to know their updates or either click the star button on their daum acc.

  • 작성자 16.05.31 18:32

    how about this ?
    what this mean ?

  • 16.05.31 18:09

    the star beside. You should click that in order to be updated 😁

  • 16.05.31 18:36

    it means it's locked. maybe they locked it. When you will comment, as you can see on your comment box there's a key button that means (lock comment) so for those who only locked the comment will see that locked post. i guess but let me tranlate to you that hangul word later ^^

  • 작성자 16.05.31 18:38

    okey thank you so much 😊😊
    thank you for helping me

  • 16.05.31 18:39

    glad to help you^^

  • 작성자 16.05.31 18:40

    its their acc right ??

  • 16.05.31 18:42

    that's just like facebook. you can post on their timeline, that's ARMYs posts what you're seeing right now. :))

  • 작성자 16.05.31 18:45

    then this app just for send our post to them ?? or ?

  • 16.05.31 18:51

    you can't view the whole profile of bts or any other groups in this app, this app is for everyone like a blog. When you're going to use a site wherein you're going to use a laptop to visit the fanface of bts there you can see their posts and whatsoever updates^^ i think in my point of view, this app is for fans to communicate or like a Light version of the fancafe site. ^^ which means this isn't the full version. you'll have to use your PC than the app itself.

  • 16.05.31 18:52

    yes, you can post. But you will not see the updates here. you have to use a site wherein you're going to use your laptop and go to BTS official fancafe account in order to be updated than here ^^

  • 작성자 16.05.31 19:30

    ohh i thought i can see their update from here too ..
    i download this app bc of i cant use in bts fancafe from PC ..its hard i didnt know how to see their update tho

  • 16.06.01 22:09

    if you want an app to be updated of Bts download Tistory and log in with your DAUM ID. you can see their recent post over there. but mostly you will get updated in twitter, bts is really active in there. ^^

  • 16.08.09 06:11

    You're gonna need to level up. By this way , you can see their post.

  • 19.01.01 08:45

