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회원 알림


회원 알림

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    1. S, J ,Patric..
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카페 게시글
어휘/ 문법 even though vs. even if
Bboy 추천 0 조회 603 04.05.14 21:02 댓글 9
게시글 본문내용
  • 04.04.17 18:12

    첫댓글 Thank you very much for your excellent explanation. Can I move this to the 영작 Tips board for everyone to see? Just one thing: 2. "Even though it’s raining, I have to go there." Did you mean to say "Even if" here?

  • 04.04.17 18:13

    Also, it would be better if you can put some color on the parts where you define the meaning of "even though" and "even if". Thanks.

  • 작성자 04.04.17 21:48

    My bad. I've just made a correction, and added some color as well. It'd be my great pleasure if you'd moved this to the 영작 Tips board. I think it's me who should be thankful. ^^;

  • 04.04.18 12:56

    Thank you. Also, for the sake of those who do not know the context, could you put Karen's question at the beginning?

  • 04.04.20 14:29

    bboy. Your piece is now in the new place. The title needs to be changed--"Re" should be taken off. Also, I think I didn't make myself clear when I asked for the question. I am concerned about the people who read this without the previous conversation. When they get to the last paragraph, where

  • 04.04.20 14:30

    you say "back to your sentence...", they would not know what you are talking about and where the sentence "Even if not scoring..." comes from. So you will have to mention this sentence together with the question at the beginning.

  • 작성자 04.04.20 18:18

    I think you've forgotten that once my article’s been moved here I’m no more entitled to change its contents and that only you, the master of this café, can do so. So I'd like you to move this piece back to the Free Talk board for me to put some more touches as you want,

  • 작성자 04.04.20 18:16

    or you may do so yourself right here, that'll save you the trouble of moving it back here and there.

  • 04.04.21 12:32

    Oh, so much to do! I forgot that. Actually, I can't change somebody's contents or title. So I will have to put it back and then bring it back.
