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카페 프로필 이미지
고백부부 감독판 Blu-ray/DVD 추진카페
카페 게시글
[For overseas] Notice Decision on the production of Special Making DVD of Go Back Couple
사막여우 추천 0 조회 226 17.12.30 01:10 댓글 9
게시글 본문내용
  • 18.01.04 13:21

    첫댓글 WHAT A GOOD NEWS OMG!!! thank you sooo soo much for your hard work dear GBC team. Love you!
    Also, I have a Q, I've preordered the DVD on December but haven't verify my purchase on "우수회원 등업신청". Should I verify now or is it ok to not verify? Is there any English instruction to verify? thank you so much.

  • 작성자 18.01.04 13:25

    The primary purpose of verifying your purchase is to be promoted to 우수회원 and be able to participate in making suggestions and voting, etc. in the contents of the DVD & the package.. so if you are interested in participating in it, yes.. you do need to verify it but it does not affect receiving your order. Let me know if you'd like to verify the purchase.

  • 18.01.04 14:16

    @사막여우 thank you for your fast response. Ah I see.. so yes I'd like to verify my purchase :)

  • 작성자 18.01.04 14:37

    @Sarah Pratami According to the staff taking care of membership change, you are already "우수회원"! Click on the bulletin boards for 우수회원 and see if you can access them. If not.. let me know and I'll take care of it. 😊

  • 18.01.04 18:04

    @사막여우 Oh my thank you so much for your help. I've already checked and I can access the 우수회원 bulletin boards. Once again thank you so much! :)

  • 18.01.13 14:50

    Hello it's me again. My Qs is probably unrelated to the DVD Q so pardon me for that.
    I just want to ask about the clay & photobook project. I saw the project from DC but with my limited skill of Korean language I can't understand the whole things. My Qs are:
    1. Can overseas fans participate on that as well? Like donate or something?
    2. If we could join, how to?
    Thanks in advance.

  • 작성자 18.01.13 15:25

    Hi Sarah! Thank you for your interest in wanting to help with the project however, it looks like they reached their goal amount which automatically ends the donation period. At this point, the only other way to be involved in the project is to leave messages for the actress and actor who played Jinju and Bando.. by going to 개념글 in 고백부부 dcgallery and find the postings (see the attached image) and leave your messages. Again, thank you so much for giving continuous support!!

  • 18.01.13 19:35

    @사막여우 Oh my I'm so sorry for my late response about donation but it's good to hear that their reach the goal. And thank you for always responding my Qs you're so kind.
    So the message will be for Hojoon and Nara right? Can I join and write the message in English? I'm actually kinda shy because fans wrote in Korean beside I didn't donate for the project. Am I still allow to join and left a message for them?

  • 작성자 18.01.14 00:38

    @Sarah Pratami You are very welcome and Yes! they are for actress 장나라 and actor 손호준 and they'll be thrilled to see English messages! :-) The message book event is not just for people who donated but for any fans of Go Back Couple so no worries. I'm not sure when the end date for it is so please leave messages ASAP! 😊
