영문정리 5
You know, how good you guys are together.
당신 둘이 같이(있는게) 얼마나 좋은지
I don't know how nervous I am.
Monica's always saying how nice you are.
얼마나(=매우) 좋은 사람인지를 항상 말한다.
God! I hate it when she's right.
그녀(의 말)가 옳았을 때가 정말 싫어
Would you like to go to a movie sometime or something?[우쥴 라잌투 고뤄 무비]
Yeah, that'd be great. I'd love it.[d묵음]
Oh, shoot, I've got go.[shoot=shit]
[아이가라고]v 묵음
I'll talk to you later, okay?[아일탁츄 래이러~]
What a manipulative bitch.조종질선수년이네
I just thought the two of us should hang out for a bit. [아이젓썻 더 투어버슏 행아웃]
I'm not freaked out, Why would I be?형용사
She's totally freaking out.동사
Why would a princess need to work hard?
could~ would~만약 ~할 수 있다면 ~하겠다
And not a word from Muriel now for a month.
went away[웬어웨이]
We stopped by an old boat
[위 스땁바언 올봍]
and look down into the water.
[앤 룩다운 인두더워러 ]
Look down there![룩다운네어]
about ten feet [below] the water I saw~
[빌로우 러 워러]
It move slowly [through] the water.
swam down under the water.
She and Bill had a fight a month ago, then she left him.[렢띰]
She wrote him a letter[쉬 뤄오루 힘어 레러]
Jim Patton looked at me.[짐패론 룩뜨미]
Let,s go and talk to Bill.[렛츠곤~ 딱뚜비을]
We drove up to the lake with the doctor [and the] police boys in the back of the car.
I must take you down to the police station.
[머스테이큐 다운두더 폴리스떼이션]
There's going to be a lot of questions.
[데얼스 고잉두비어]
She smiled at me.[쉬스마일댓미]
"Can I sit with you for a minute?"she asked.
I got out my cigarettes.
Word gets round fast in small villages.
운동성 중점 round
~쯤(장소 중점) around
What do you want to talk about?
[워리유 워너 터커바웃]
Listen to this, then.[리슨두디스 덴]
Ther was a Los Angeles police man-De Soto- up here about six weeks ago. Big man with a square face.
Said he wanted to find a woman with the name Mildred Harviland.
[세드히 워니두 화인더우먼]라는 이름의
She shot him three or four times.서너번
He murdered your daughter a year and a half ago.
[히 머럴드 유어도러 이어너 해퍼고우]
The nurse put Mrs. Almore to bed that night.
But I said it was important.
[바라이 세릿워즈 임폴든!]
He took me into his office and we sat down.
[이 뚜끄미 인두 이즈 오피샌뒤 샛다운]
It's key to the story.[이츠 키루더 스똘위]
It came up in the lake yesterday.[케임어핀]
She left town soon after.[렙타운]
She worked for him up at the lake.
[쉬워드풔임 어뱃더레잌]
I wasn't in this office at the time of the suicide.[인니스오피스]
I sat quietly and looked at him,
[아이샛 과이어들리 앤 룩대림]
She's waiting for you now.[웨이링 휘유 나우]
How does she know the police are looking for her?[아우 러쉬 노우 러]
I walked across to the window and thought for a minute.
How is she going to know me?
[아우 이쉬 고인두 노우미]
And you can wear my scarf.[앤 유큰 웨어~]
He took it off and gave it to me.
[이 툭잇 옵흔 게이빗 투미]
I stood by the window and followed her with my eyes.[앤훨로더 윗마이아이스]
photo of her [훠로 오버]
You met Lavery there.[유매뜨 레이버리 ]
What did you do then?[화리쥬~두덴]
Why do you want to know?{화리유 워너노}
You went to bed with him.
The police think he's a murderer, too.
[더폴릿 띵키저 머러러 투]
He lives across the road from her.
I gave her the envelope and sat down again.[아이 게이버 더 엔벨로픈 샛다운어겐]
My head went round and round.
[마이헷 웬 라운댄라운]
I went down at the back of the building.
I began to run to my car-but a big hand came out of the dark and caught my arm.
[아이 비갠 두뤈 두마이카 ][케임 아울오브러]
And then stopped and talked in my car.
[앤넨 스땁댄 톡딘 마이카]
He was in trouble with his boss, and he didn't want Webber to find me.[두화인미]
There's a dead woman up in the room.
[엘저 덷 우먼 어핀너 뤔]
He looked at me carefully.
[이룩딧미 캐어블이]
I saw it on Kingsley earlier this evening.
He looked at me.[이 룩딛 미]
I want to find this murderer before Webber finds him.[버퍼]
Let's go and talk to Kingsly.
[엣츠 고우은 탁투 킹슬리]
Where does he live?[워 더즈이립]
in the morning[은너 모닌]
I'd like to get my hands on that Bill Chess.
But you and he covered up for Mildred
-Almore, because he was afraid,
and you, because you loved her.
We went in.[위 웨닌]
a wisky bottle on the table next to him
You left your scarf behind in the room.
He turn to me.[이턴두미]
Show him the scarf.[쇼음더 스깦]
You wanted Kingsly to be the murderer.
[유워닛 킹즐리 두비더 머덜러]
I only saw your wife in a photograph.
[아이온리 쏘유어 와이핀너 훠로그랩]
The body wore his wife's clothes and had the same long yellow hair.
Everybody thought it was Muriel.
[에브리바리 쏘 리트워즈 뮤리얼]
After the first murder, the next murder is easy.
She wanted to leave the lake.
[쉬워니 두 리브]
So she took Lavery away with her.
Lavery went home to Bay City.
She stayed near him, because he was dangerous to her.[니얼음]
That was the finish for Lavery.
Mildred went down to his house and shot him in the bathroom.[웬다운두이즈하우스 앤 샤림인너~]
Let's say that it was a very unhappy man.
[렛 세이 렛 잇 워즈 어]
But it wasn't easy for him.
[바 릿 워즌 이지 훠림]
He smiled, but not with his eyes.
How did I find her, then?
[아우릿 아이 화인더 덴]
Almore saw her outside Lavery's house one day. [쏘우어]
No fat old policeman is going stop me.
[노 뺃 올 폴리스맨]
They're pulling him out now.
[데어 풀름 아웃 나우]