True Parents
by Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Chapter 6 - True Parents and Us
1. The Core of the Teaching of the Unification Church
1) Philosophy of Parents
Today is True Parents' Day. You must know what kind of persons your parents are in order to become filial children. Do you know what kind of persons your parents are? Have you ever thought whether you know this just because you were taught or if you really know?
You came to the Unification Church, and are going the way of filial sons and daughters. However you were little babies who could not take care of your own excrement. You were breast-fed babies. Thus, you have been grown with such a parental love.
If there is the highest philosophy, it must be the philosophy of parents. The philosophy of parents is the best one. You are not babies any more, and you have to learn everything. It is the desire of parents.
Though you were born from your mothers' wombs, you are adopted sons and daughters. Therefore, you should be loyal to your parents. Then, when you become parents, the four-position foundation will be formed. However, you cannot have children of God by yourselves only. In order to have children of God, it is evident that heavenly parents must appear first.
By the way, in order for such heavenly parents to emerge, the eldest son must come out first. This is because the eldest son must reach the position of standing in God's stead, going the reverse course of Cain, who betrayed God, in order to indemnify the mistake of the eldest son, Cain, who deviated from the heavenly way.
So, the four-position foundation has to be formed. Until then, you are all babies. Babies! Therefore, even though you may be superior to others in this secular world, you must have a heart like a baby's. Then, you must come out through a mother's womb and father's stomach. [16-191]
In spite of differences among religions, people are supposed to follow a good way, and to be rolling along the good way. The religions that insist on their own doctrines are destined to retreat. Within three years, such an era will come. Through the seven-year course, the True Parents have indemnified, at the worldwide level, from the completion level of the formation stage through the growth stage and up to the completion level of the completion stage, all that was not linked to the realm of heart in the realm of indirect dominion. Therefore, today, we are standing on the border of the realm of indirect dominion and have come to the stage where the True Parents can draw up into the realm of direct dominion all that had fallen in the realm of indirect dominion. This cannot be accomplished without the True Parents. Do you understand?
The thought, which is needed for you today, is nothing other than the one of the True Parents. Any kind of false thought is absolutely not needed. We cannot accept Kim It Sung's thought. We cannot accept any other person's thought. What you need is only True Parents' thought. It is the only one! The only one! [136-52]
What is the True Parents' thought? Since all thoughts throughout history completely collapsed, the thousands of generations from Adam and Eve became lost. Therefore, the True Parents are the one center, the Word, which replaced the thousand of generations.
2) True Family -- Determining the Center of the Cosmos
When the True Parents emerge, the true family can be formed, and the purpose of true person can also be accomplished. What you have to know today is that "True Parents" is the name, which will be admired throughout the past, the present and the future. The fact that the True Parents have appeared on this earth and that the True Parents are on this earth right now is the most joyful gospel of all gospels. Isn't it so?
That the connection with the True Parents was established today, in this world, which was the realm of death and had no direction because of the dominion of the evil force, is not the fruit of the seventeen-year Unification Church history centering on Korea, but is the fruit of God's suffering and the distinguished accomplishments of the six thousand years of providential history. Furthermore, the name of "True Parents" is the one that appeared as the one central model which can discover and tell people where to go and the direction in which to go in an age when many people do not know where to go and cannot chose the right direction.
God's ideal of creation, the eternal future kingdom of God which was supposed to start from the Garden of Eden, will start from the emergence of the name "True Parents." That fact is historical, beyond ages, and future-directed. When you view the whole history including the past, the present and the future, you must realize that the name "True Parents" is the central point for determining the center of the cosmos Do you understand?
History will bear fruits from here, it will be consummated from here, and it will start from here. In order for the history to bear fruits, the past will be resurrected here, the world will be consummated as one world, and the one world will become the origin; then the new Kingdom of God will be built. You must clearly know this.
In all of human history, where has the hope of humanity been? The hope has been in the future. Think about it! Human beings have thought of their hope only as something, which belongs to the future. Do you understand? When the question was asked where human beings were heading for, the answer was that they were heading for the one world, which would be built in the future. Human beings have groped for the one world in the future.
However, if there is a way that we can receive True Parents in the midst of the false humankind, humankind must be so happy. Therefore, what is the hope for the humankind? It is to receive True Parents.
Because True Parents is the highest hope for human beings, when True Parents appear, the historical tradition will be realized not in the future, but in this present reality where True Parents have come to exist. Do you understand? Once True Parents have come to exist, the point when True Parents appeared is the starting point for the actual accomplishment of human history. It is not the starting point of longing for the accomplishment. In other words, it is not the place where desire starts, but is the place where the fulfillment of desire starts. [44-132]
What kind of family is the family of True Parents? The family of True Parents is the historical fruit, the historical center, and the origin for the future. Therefore, when the hoped-for Kingdom of God is established in front of this world where we human beings are living, the original place of the tradition there will be the life of the True Parents itself. You understand? It is the matrix of national ideology. It is the origin from which the world can be built. Do you understand?
You must form the realm of three generations with the True Parents, centering on your connection with the True Parents as children. God, Parents, and you are three generations. If we look at this horizontally, the True Parents, the True Children, and you are three generations. You should understand that the unification of heaven and earth cannot be accomplished without the achievement of this realm of three generations. [44-169]
The base has to be established in the family. In the family, the direction has to be determined. Every family must put up the True Parents' picture centered on the name of True Parents and God, and the four-position foundation must bow before it. Three generations must bow before it. The four-position foundation consists of three generations. Grandfather and grandmother, father and mother, and children-these three generations must bow before it.
The place where people forming the four-position foundation bow with the name of True Parents does not belong to the realm of the fall. The realm of liberation emerges there, because God dominates there directly. Based on that, all the spirit persons in the spirit world come to the earth and protect the family, just as the archangels protect Adam's family. We are entering such an era.
Before now, the realm of Cain was the spirit world, and the realm of Abel was the physical world. Abel was being manipulated, because it was the age when Abel had to become a sacrifice in order to save Cain. However, today, the elder-sonship has been restored, and the spirit world, the world of angels, and the families centered on the Unification Church are in the position of the realm of Adam. The spirit world is not supposed to manipulate the realm of Adam; instead, it is supposed to support it.
Through this, the base upon which Satan can remain and act will disappear. Women with whom Satan can act will no longer exist. Satan will be expelled. You must move forward with the aggressive, positive attitude that you will strongly and boldly keep the standard of being the first. If you do so, the force of Satan is pushed over a cliff. Put fire on every family.
3) God's Love and True Parents' Love
God's love is a vertical parental love and True Parents' love is a horizontal parental love. In a person who has inherited these loves, the mind is a traditional fruit which received the vertical God's love and parental love, and the body is a traditional fruit which received the horizontal True Parents' love.
These fruits become a horizontal foundation for the family, and when they form a spherical movement centered on the vertical center, they result in the husband and wife relationship and sons and daughters. Therefore, if you do not give birth to sons and daughters, it is sin. You should not become parents who do not have children. Is there any meat without bone? In that case, the position cannot be determined. [184-309]
Eve, centering on woman's nature, and Adam, centering on man's nature, are divided. Then, why do they become one again? Through becoming one after being separate, you realize how strong is the love, which God himself is holding within. Otherwise, you do not understand. You have love within you, but you do not understand it. You understand it only through meeting your partner. You experience the love within you through other people.
God is a vertical parent, and Adam and Eve are parents centered on a horizontal true love. [185-187]
God is the bone of love. You must know this. Concerning love, God's love is the bone of love, and human love is the flesh of love. Do you understand? Through becoming one, the bone and the meat can form a certain shape. This is the Principle.
What love is God's love? (It is the bone of love.) Just as you have bones in yourself, God's love is the bone of love. What love is the True Parents' love? (It is the flesh of love.) Flesh of love! [181-187]
4) Parents and Members
Today, in the Unification Church, we call "believers" Shik ku (family members). Nobody in a human history realized the meaning of the noun Shik ku. The word Shik ku cannot exist apart from a family. In order for Shik ku to come into existence, a family is absolutely necessary. In order for that family to exist, there must be brothers and sisters, and in order for brothers and sisters to exist, parents must exist first. Right?
In Christianity, they use nouns such as believers or followers, but they have not been able to use the noun Shik ku. Today, people in this world are proposing a global family in the external sense. However, in order to form a global family, parents as the father and the mother of the global family are necessary. The person who comes as parent is the Messiah. Do you understand?
By the way, among the Shik ku of the Unification Church, there are true Shik ku, and there are the opposite type of Shik ku. Or, some are standing in the middle. Then, what kind of Shik ku is the true Shik ku who has the noun Shik ku centered on the heavenly family established by God? This is the question.
In order to be a Shik ku, you must have your parents first. In order to be brothers and sisters, you also need your parents. You may have several brothers and sisters, but your parents are only one. Therefore, there may be a lot of Shik ku, but there is only one master. Right?
For who do these parents, and the master, exist? They are not the master's centered on himself, not the parents centered on himself. They are the parents centered on brothers and sisters, the master centered on Shik ku. Are the parents to relate with evil in this evil world? Is the master to relate with evil? They should be the parents, the master, who has nothing to do with evil.
They are the parents or master who are truly good. Then, are they the parents of the family or the parents of the nation of Korea? No! They are the parents of the 3 billion people on the earth, and should be the center of the global family.
Who should stand in the position of the master, parents, and center? The answer is God, who created the whole cosmos. Who next? The answer is the Messiah, in God's stead, who can save this evil world. Only when you could receive on earth as parent the Savior, who is one with God, can you form a true family, and only people who attend the Savior can be true children, and true brothers and sisters. [15-295]
You should go only the way of God's Will. You should become brothers even though you are not brothers, and should become parents even though you are not parents. You can attend parents who are not your parents; brothers who are not brothers physically can love beyond the love of physical brotherhood. In the Unification Church, such a movement will emerge.
Here in the Unification Church, we go beyond race, go beyond the world, and the creation of the new culture will occur. Centered on what? Centered on God's wisdom? Centered on knowledge? No. It is possible only centered on God's love. [83-177]
2. The Value of Attending True Parents While They Are Alive
Can two sets of True Parents exist in this world? Today, in North Korea, people call Kim Il Sung "father," and in the Unification Church, you call Rev. Moon "father." However, the "father" in the Unification Church and the "father" in North Korea are different in quality. Those two oppose each other. Because something valuable has emerged from South Korea, South Korea is valuable. The two each insist that they are the parents, and God claims one parent as his, and Satan also claims one parent is his; thus, they oppose each other.
Who should judge this in public? Human beings must do it. People should decide about their parents, saying, "Our parents should be like this." People should stand up and decide, saying, "Fallen parents are thus evil parents. God is the father of good parents, because God is the one who has been seeking good parents." Should people not do so? Therefore, where is the point of consummation? It is the place you meet the True Parents.
Then, can two sets of parents co-exist? Can parents who died once suddenly appear again 2000 years later? The desire of human history, of nations, of thoughts, and of the providence is for only one appearance of the parents of humankind. Therefore, the time when the parents appear is a time we have never experienced and will never again experience, is only one moment in the history, and is the acme of history. It is very narrow spot. How narrow? Compared with the eternal world, the life of one person is like one breath. Right?
I do not know if it is because you have luck or fortune that you came to live in this particular age, met with the Unification Church in this particular moment, and joined. How did you join the Unification Church? In order to bring you to here, many of your ancestors have offered their sincerity. So many people perished, dying at the place of good deed. Going through those thousands of thousands of peoples' connection, the connection was eventually linked with heaven, and it stood in a position like that of a high mountain from which the sun rose. Those who saw the sunlight and gathered here based on that foundation are you.
This is the first time when the bond of love emerges in the human history. Therefore, the moments when the value of life is given start with this time. This is also the only time when the value of the sovereignty of nations and world can be increased. This time is the origin of history, the focal point of hope, the starting point of abundant fortune, and the source of eternal life.
Though the fallen world has been seeking their hope in the future, in this time is set the standard for the eternal hopes. Centered on this time, you should consider this development and gain the heart of it, then give life to the world. This is such a time. Think about it! The True Parents, who came as the substance of this acme of history, must live according to the ethical law appropriate to the position of the True Parents' heart. You may not be able to understand that.
How should that parent be? Because he is the True Father, he must meet with a false father. How should he be with evil children? He must treat them with higher virtue than has any other parent in human history.
When you stand in the position of parents facing a child who has a very miserable fate, you should run after him with tears instead of holding back. Even though both of you made mistakes, you should be the parents, who cry out, because you do not want to be separated. The True Parents must stand in such a position. It is different! What is the heartistic attitude you should have as parents?
What is the heart and ethical standard, which you should possess as children who can receive such parents? These are absolutely necessary. You should be as a representative of all filial children in the world. Just as the champions of each nation, who participated in the Marathon race, you should become a champion elected from your own tribe. What should a champion do? He should be a champion for filial piety, and a champion for loyalty. You should form a group of such champions. Have you ever thought about it?
Considering the questions of how children should be and how parents should be, you must know that the True Parents have a different root. If you miss this moment, you will have regret for billions of years. Can you buy it with money? Can you get it by offering your knowledge? Can you meet the requirement with something you possess? Absolutely no! Can you inherit it by saying that you will carry all the burdens in the world, the tribe, and the family in which you are? It is also impossible.
Even if there is such resentment that it can destroy the Communist world and destroy the Democratic world, it cannot destroy this. God will think that even if all three billion people would have to be sacrificed, this should not be infringed.
Can you, who stand in such a focal point, say everything you want to say? Is there any way in accordance with the Principle that can make you filial children even though you are saying whatsoever you want to say? Is there any such way that can make you loyal even though you may say anything you want to say and do anything you want to do? There is not such a way. [51-355]
What kind of position is the position of today? This is the time you live centered on the True Parents in the same age. This is only one time in your entire life. If we use an example of the meat of fish, this period is like the best meat of the central part of a fish. In the stream of human history, this period is such a precious time. [46-168]
From the viewpoint of God's Will, God wants to see people representing God offer their prayer in the chapel of the biggest church in Korea. However, God has seen His people kneeling down on the snow, crying instead of having formal liturgy, and praying for God's help to save this miserable church and temple. Do you understand what I am talking about? You must understand there was a providential content of painful history in the process of building the Unification Church.
However, from now, every nation will welcome us. The Unification Movement has caused a great reaction in the assembly of America. In Japan it is the same. In Europe it is also the same. The whole world, for the first time, has come to recognize that the blessed family of the Unification Church is the only way able to prevent the destruction of the family and the corruption of youth. The blessed family of the Unification Church has become the hope of humankind and a lighthouse. You should know how great True Father's suffering and pain has been in order for such a foundation to have been established.
Nobody can separate a blessed couple from one another. God has longed for such a blessed family. You should certainly know that. In order for a couple to receive the blessing, God had them meet True Father at the one providential time through the aid of many of their clans. The blessing is not just an accidental event. It is the historical event.
It is a tremendously surprising fact that you are living at the same time as the True Parents and breathe the same air in the same space of the earth. It is also a greatly surprising fact that you receive the blessing before the True Parents. Even a millionaire cannot be compared to you. People, who work at a company such as Dae Woo or Hyundai, cannot be compared to you. If True Father had been like you, could the Unification Church, which has made today's worldwide foundation, have emerged? Everywhere True Father may go, True Father goes in the direction of prison. He goes into the font door of prison and comes out through the back door. You should know that.
True Father has already established the worldwide foundation as an internal foundation. Because of that, True Father now came to have the family with which he can live, the church with which he can stay, and the tribe with which he can stay. Moreover, as an external foundation, True Father founded many organizations, such as the Professors World Peace Academy, the World Media Association and The Summit Club. These can have influence on the world. True Father also founded the Inter-Religious Federation for World Peace representing the mind, and the International Federation for World Peace, representing the body.
Humankind cannot find the way of hope if the history of struggle, which is derived from the struggle between mind and body, is not ended in this Last Days. Because man by himself cannot go forward to the world of peace, True Father alone, in spite of opposition, cannot but help working desperately to establish the world of peace. [211-337]
Chapter 6 - True Parents and Us (Part 2)
3. True Parents' Suffering and Us
1) True Parents Are Absolutely Necessary For Us
True Parents are necessary for us to set up the indemnity condition and to be instructed in oneness with love. [137-116]
In this society, people seek revenge. I won't. I have to love my enemy. Do you understand what I mean! It must be so. For indemnification, True Parents must exist, and for uniting centering on true love we need True Parents, and for rebirth and new lineage we need True Parents. There are these three reasons. [137-114]
2) We Are the Branches Engrafted to True Parents
Originally, human beings are to be horizontal parents and God a vertical parent. That is the original point where people should live with joy, centering on vertical and horizontal parents' love. Satan invaded that point. That is why we have to recover it and become sons and daughters of True Parents. To do that, because we became wild olives, we have to receive the true olive branch and be engrafted to it. That is why religion is the work of engrafting. This is Christian thought. There it is said that the banquet of the marriage of the bride and bridegroom will occur on the earth. [58-219]
The hope of human beings is to meet True Parents. Isn't that so? The fruit of history is to meet True Parents, the center of the era is to meet True Parents, and the base of starting for the future is to meet True Parents. You, who are engrafted to the True Parents, become the branches. Isn't that so? Until now, hopes have all been for the future. However, to be able to connect with True Parents in one's lifetime today is possible only once in eternity. It is precious and only once. Do you understand? Your ancestors couldn't have been able and your descendants won't either. [46-168]
Owing to the fall, Satan took all human beings. He took them all to hell. Then, God must separate them one by one from Satan's realm. In this world are the wild olive trees of the satanic world, yet heavenly olive trees were produced. Centering on part of the world, Christianity in the Democratic world, I produced olive trees on the heavenly side and let them lead the world. If the satanic world becomes weakened, the realm of Christian culture becomes strong. The Lord at the Second Coming can cut all the wild olive trees at once and engraft them to the heavenly olive tree to be in oneness with it and let them be in the heavenly side. Today, both right wing and left wing have perished. Right and left wing both came to perish. Who brought that about? God and True Parents did. Do you understand? Then, we can proclaim such a liberation. At the same time, the family who can unite with the True Parents should be strong and bold anywhere in the world because they inherit the way the True Parents passed through. If so, as God and the cosmos protect me, they protect that family. Then it's not a great problem to restore one nation. I will proclaim this. (Applause) Everyone, if you are asked which church you belong to, you should identify yourself proudly, saying, "I am a believer of Unification Church." (Applause) Unification Church members means those who belong to the True Parents, or children of the True Parents. Please don't quarrel. To quarrel means to accept Satan. Do you understand? (Yes) You should go around proclaiming, "I am the number one Unificationist, number one child of God!" If you do so, Satan can never accuse you. You should go around with such a firm idea. Do you understand? (Yes!) [201-129]
The place where God's Will is established is our family. Without families, there is no place that God can settle. Blessed families prosper centering on the True Parents. Without such families, nothing can be established. If there is a branch growing centering on a trunk and if we cut off the branch and plant the trunk, that tree will grow.
Those who have to accomplish a mission as a branch are tribal Messiahs. Do you understand? The greater the number of branches that grow from the trunk, to the north, south, east and west, the more the central root grows. The central root grows in proportion to the growth of the branches, doesn't it? Thus, if a tree grows horizontally, it grows vertically as well. When the root sacrifices so that branches stretch outward, the root also will grow.
If you work earnestly centering on God's Will, expanded horizontal power is compressed, and living for others you can connect to the whole cosmos. Then, even if you live as husband and wife, holding the vertical standard centering on God you have to lead a life of service. Then the unified realm of the cosmos is automatically reached. In a union circular movement occurs. Even though they revolve, they never fall. Because they have a horizontal standard, they don't fall. They rotate centering on an axis. They surely have to rotate. It is the same as things moving in a circle, uniting centrifugal force and centripetal force. If you come to the zero point, you will automatically rotate. If you start to rotate, and go up, a natural reaction brings you down.
If a perfected person forms a family in the heavenly world, it becomes the foundation for heavenly families. Also, if such a family forms, they never leave the True Parents. Wherever the True Parents go, they can attend the True Parents eternally. That is why such a family becomes a heartistic resonator with the True Parents, and a foundation of Heart in the eternal world as an embodiment of the life standard of the True Parents. Unificationists say that they will live with the True Parents and God, don't they? They will be born together with the True Parents' love. Since love makes an eternal connection, we cannot cut the love connection. We cannot forget love, even in death. Isn't that so? Parents will die with the heart of love and will love sons and daughters even when these die. It is the same with husband and wife. There is no one that forgets love. Love can transcend death and can connect with eternity. Since I myself, a man or woman, inherit the realm of life through love, I cannot forget my parents who are the root of love. If parents are the root and I myself the trunk, my sons and daughters are buds. If this develops, the family expands to the realm of tribe, people and nation. Isn't that so?
3) Suffering of True Parents for Us
Is it easy or tough for True Parents to bear true children? How difficult it is to find what we once lost. In the situation that individual, family, tribe, people, nation, world, heaven and earth and spiritual world have all opposed me, I have led. Do you think I did so because of a business mind? (No) For what did I do so? It's because I looked for love, centering on love. You should know this. Now you should know that you cannot stand before me in the present situation. Even you visit me hundreds of times, I can turn you away from the gate; even you visit me thousands of times, I can turn you away. Nevertheless, I take care of you. You have to realize this. I undertake difficult problems single-handedly. You put the blame on me when you make mistakes. I have nothing to do with the ill I was spoken of since I came to America or with that for which I was opposed. However, you made mistakes, and I was spoken ill of. If we were living in a society on our side, I could leave you and go forward; however, I cannot leave you. I am not compelled to appear in the US court and could ignore it. However, for you I can't ignore it. Without me, how much you will suffer. So, I am beaten, and I protect and defend you.
4) True Parents' Expectation of Us
Truly, many Western people and Oriental people have gathered together here. So, for what did you gather? To do what did you visit here? All I can do is to speak ill of you. (Laughter) Even if all I can give is to hit with my fist, you came here saying that is OK. (Laughter) What is this? This is a gypsy group gathering looking for love. You are coming to look for true love. You have known that taste. It is as when a drone knows the taste of honey and will fly over thousands of miles to smell the scent of flowers, not considering it far.
It is not easy to become True Parents. If there is somebody who intends to inherit the authority of True Parents, please come out. I never thought I would become a True Parent, but when I recognized it, I already had to take responsibility for the Unification Church. Going this way, I became a True Parent. If I had known from the beginning that I would be a True Parent, maybe everybody would have noticed it. Without knowing that, I tried to dig into the problem of life, and came as far as here. There were so many complicated problems in order to arrive at this point. However, when I solved all those problems, it dissolved all the resentment of True Parents, and I realized that God also needed liberation. Then I liberated God, and I would say that God has to love me. (Amen!)
What have you done since you met the True Parents? What is your achievement? Look! Even though I have been beaten in the satanic world, I have protected families, tribes and peoples and have organized individuals, families and tribes. The blessed families have to organize tribes of the worldwide level. Satan cannot retain those families in the satanic world and cannot do as he wishes with them. Why? To live in the Unification Church is newly wonderful. Oriental and Western couples have lived happily for 10 years or for 20 years, although they would quarrel and divorce if they were in the fallen society, because they are to meet only from time to time. [211-325]
5) The Standard We Have to Reach
Does this happen in your family? Grandparents have to serve their grandchildren as if they were the grandparents. You know that there is the word "the beginning of the heaven and earth," don't you. Fathers have to respond to their sons as if they were their fathers. Why? This world is the fallen world and our world is the restored world. We went over the peak or the watershed. Until the time we got to the peak, this world took the lead; but now this world has to follow. Then the kings of the nations become in such a miserable condition. You should know this all. In your family true brothers, true husband and wife and true parents have to appear. If you become true brothers, true husband and wife will appear. If true husband and wife appear, true parents will appear. Isn't this so? If you stand in the position of true parents, you become true husband and wife naturally and you become true children. Centering on the parents' consciousness and thought of subjectivity, you take the objective position and make unity with them. You make oneness with love. Do you understand? Only love can harmonize everything. Every element and particle follows the way of love. They look for the cells that can make oneness with God and contact with love directly. That is the human being. That is why we have to sacrifice for the sake of love. Do you understand? Because there is the tradition of God investing his life and possessions, things of a lower class try to invest all that they have to gain a place in a higher class.
That is why Darwin's evolution theory is wrong. Everything wants to be absorbed centering on love. When something functions as an element for the production of greater value, the value of that element will be lifted up to so high a value. [204-129]
What kind of religion is the final one? It is the religion of parents. That is why I proclaimed that the religion of parents should appear. I proclaimed: "Even though some religions have long histories, they cannot become the religion of parents. They are a religion of servant or a religion of adopted son." The contents of the official speech is as follows: "You have to know that the responsible person who should take the mission of the religion of parents is Rev. Moon, who will make the keynote speech at this meeting." When I announced this, the world was struck in silence. Therefore, Christianity is making a big noise, saying that there is a rumor that Rev. Moon is a Messiah. In Western society it is the conclusion that if the Lord is coming as a human being, it must be Rev. Moon.
Did you ever think like this? "Is Rev. Moon a Messiah? He is the same as I. He is speaking Korean as I do. Why does he speak so rapidly?" I guess, maybe, you are talking like this. As I had to spend busy years, I came to speak very rapidly. Because I speak very rapidly, I can catch the people who try to escape. I can speak rapidly because I studied the way. I can speak Japanese rapidly and I can do English as well. Nobody can follow me.
Did you meet Father in a right way or a wrong way? (Right way) No, you didn't. If you met Father in a right way, such people ought to do well. Thus, I came to integrate all, centering on religions. [214-175]
6) Grace and Self-consciousness
A) The Word "True Parents" Is One Which Has Emerged For The First Time In Human History
You already knew through studying the providence for restoration that for the fulfillment of God's Will, not fallen parents, but True Parents must exist and come on earth. You should understand that the word "True Parents" was discovered in a situation far beyond your imagining, and that originally you could not have met the word. The emergence of this word for the first time in human history is more than revolutionary. You must realize that this is a miraculous event such as never occurred in human history. It is because the True Parents emerged, having the absolute love, which surpasses the loves of all the innumerable parents in our history, that it is possible for you to be able to team and speak the word "True Parents." For the first time you can receive the love of the True Parents, which is comparable to receiving God's love. You may stand in an ideal position such, as Jesus also could not imagine.
We had paid the indemnity until receiving the True Parents. Since Satan had understood that he would be defeated if the standard of True Parents was established, he, in the position of false parents, had killed many people using all sorts of means in order to prevent us from erecting this standard so as not to let this time come. We must consider that cruel sacrifices had been made for this day to come. There existed the satanic history, which forced the sacrifices, on the levels of the individual, family, people, nation, and world, of believers going God's way. We must understand how cruel and bloody was the indemnity our ancestors and brothers had paid, who sought for the way of True Parents and sacrificed themselves.
B) The Word "True Parents" Is the Gospel of Gospels.
Where should you go in order to find the ideal world? You must realize that you cannot go there unless you pass through the realm of the love of the original family. Since I, through the love of God and True Parents, connected the realm of indirect dominion with the realm of direct dominion, the way exists today for the spiritual and physical world to go back and forth to each other through the bridge of love. You study the Divine Principle, don't you? Just as God originally created them, the realms of direct and indirect dominion are divided. How can you unite them into one? It is possible only through true love. Just as originally planned, the two can be united into one only when Adam and Eve mature. Do you understand? (Yes!) When they mature, horizontal true love automatically emerges.
When they embrace each other, saying, "You are my spouse," true love emerges within the center of the couples. Do you understand? (Yes!) If the love of plus is perfected and emerges, the love of minus soon comes. When the plus love descends to the minus one and they interact with each other, they establish the model of true love. Then true love is consummated.
From where does true love start? It starts from True Parents. This is the Gospel of Gospels. No matter how many good words exist in this world, and no matter how wonderful the word "husband and wife" is, nothing is better than the word "True Parents." After all, if True Parents do not emerge in the fallen world, true husband and wife cannot come out. Do you understand? You must understand this clearly.
The True Family was found as the result of the greatest sorrow, the greatest difficulty, and the greatest indemnity. Historical sorrow and the indemnity of death are liberated when this True Family is found. This is why throughout history such miserable conditions for indemnity had to be established. Accordingly, the emergence of this True Family made possible by so much blood is the most valuable and happiest thing.
There must exist true parents in order to establish a true family. For that a true couple must be accomplished. After the true couple is established, true children must be born.
The True Parents cannot leave any condition of accusation in front of Satan. True Couples are not allowed to moan, trapped by any condition of accusation in front of Satan. True children in a true family cannot be the sons and daughters of this family if they leave any condition of accusation in the satanic world. Today, you already speak the word "True Parents," and know the word "True."
Throughout history, no one was able to call out the word "True Parents" or even to think it. However, now we are standing in the glorious position, in which we can call, know, and attend True Parents. Accordingly, we should understand that we are standing in the happiest and noblest position of all human history. When we realize that throughout history so many sacrifices had to be made in order to prepare for the victorious foundation for True Parents, we should know that the most precious gospel for all humankind is the noun "True Parents."
When you think about the word "True Parents:" that human history is dominated by the True Parents, that the starting point from which we can enter a new world has been established by the True Parents, that the internal condition through which we can subjugate Satan has been established by the True Parents, that with the True Parents we can subjugate Satan, who has dominated the external world, and finally, that the center has been founded upon which we can for the first time ever liberate God, you should appreciate this surprising grace that we can live with the True Parents and should live following their directions.
You should know that if you follow the way of the True Parents, even if feeling some bitterness that you have to sacrifice your own lives, this is the happiest thing for humankind. We should understand well that if there is a soldier who goes forward into the enemy's territory, following the True Parents' order, he is the very divine soldier upon whom the heaven and earth gaze and to whom history pays attention.
You should realize that if you stand in the position that you can fight on behalf of the True Parents and your nation, and if you think that through your heart, your nation and your people can open the gate of happiness and can participate in a historical and glorious place, it is you, holding the banner of the True Parents' heart, who can revive human history, and it is you who are the bearer who can realize the hoped-for world.
7) Your Future Is Guaranteed By the True Parents
The word "True Parents" of the Unification Church is the greatest word. The Unification Church has deep truth. The True Parents guarantee entry into a great future. If in this secular world there exists the original point for the promises of value, it comes from the word "True Parents."
So, what should we do? We must unite into one. Centering upon whom should we unite? You must not unite centering upon yourselves. You also must not unite centering upon your families' leading the True Parents. You should be led by True Parents. You should guide not only yourselves, but also your parents, your husbands and your wives. Furthermore, you should also guide your children. You must also offer your families' possessions. By doing so, you must unite.
8) The Value is Infinite
The purpose of God's providence must have a focus. It is that focus through which God's ideal can be established. It is the very point at which we can meet True Parents, who were forfeited. Therefore, that foundation is the center of everything. That standpoint is what we call "True Parents." Although there have been many standpoints, this stand, point is the most valuable.
Try to think how important it is. All the saints fought to gain this foundation. God thinks it is significant; all the spirit persons in the spiritual world think so. Therefore, all humankind on this earth must recognize that it is important. You cannot understand the true worth of this foundation. I could not replace it even though I gave some thousands of countries. I cannot substitute it with diamonds worth a nation. Do you think there could be any substitute? We can never replace it. Even though we dedicate the whole of America, we could not gain it.
Have you ever thought about that? If you could see the standpoint directly, you would be so happy. On the contrary, if you could not see it, you would be so unhappy. You must consider it once again. Not only God's eyes, but also the eyes of all the spirits and of all people must focus on this point. If you try to examine history from such a viewpoint, you will find there is no history. History has no relation to it. As this standpoint is for the first human ancestors before the fall, there is no history or no fallen history after it.
If so, how will democracy endure? You should question whether democracy can be recognized from such a viewpoint. Try to judge it by yourselves. Even the children in public school will get a hundred points.
It is not a laughable issue, but a serious one. Then, what about the Communist Party? They do not know the human history. They do not have the view of life or any subjectivity.
From here, a new content will start. That is to say, all the centers, all the contents and all the results will start from here. Those who can participate here will be the first victors on earth. From here, we can establish the family centered on love of God, expel the sovereignty of Satan, and start to establish a new Kingdom of Heaven on earth. Furthermore, from here, the fruit of the history will be born. This standpoint is the center point of the whole world.
This position will be the starting point for the future. From here, the past history will be completed, the completion of the present history will be preserved, and that of the future world will begin. If you can catch this point, this position, you can become one who has conquered all as an individual. Are you such a person? (Yes).
Then, how great is its value? How wonderful is it? How much do you love it, admire it, respect it and come to like it? This position should be the highest one and should be put at the highest position through history. No matter how great the great people may be, they bear no comparison with it. If you come to see it, you will undoubtedly be so moved. Have you danced in your dream while sleeping? If you come to yearn for this place, this position, you come to have such a feeling whenever you think of it, and you will be able to dance while sleeping. You should be attracted more by this position than by any other positions, by your lives, or by anything else. You should have such a feeling that you want to see it again, to live with it, and that you cannot live without it. As you have heard this explanation, you may understand how precious the True Parents are. [52-95]
For a man to become a True Parent, heaven and earth must respond to each other. He must go to the heavenly world and come back with victory over God. Do you understand what I mean? Because Adam created falsity through having said "Yes" in spite of God's order of denial, we cannot attain the original standard unless we affirm that the falsity is a fact.
The content which can substantially solve the requirement for becoming True Parents in heaven and earth clarifies heaven and earth, liberates all historical entanglements and pulls out the nail which is knocked into God's heart. The liberation of love, which God desires, is for pleasing, dancing and laughing with embracing, and loving such sons and daughters. Don't you think that all must be filled with joy, and its voice must be full from the level of all things to the level of whole cosmos for a thousand and ten thousands of years?
True Parents cannot appear on earth without having affirmative suggestions against the negative past. How serious is it? Confucius, Buddha and Jesus gathered and give me an exam. I beat the test and had my answers approved by God.
God has an indescribable heart in respect to His ideal of creation. Adam must realize God's will by himself in the completion stage and make Satan surrender. He must be a sovereign of liberation. The person who is the ruler of all nations, the master of salvation for all and has the elder-sonship of all brothers is Adam.
The spiritual world falls into confusion for forty days as the satanic world opposes him. Since God is the judge there, he must receive God's judgment that he is righteous. Then, Rev. Moon receives the judgment of righteousness and comes to the earth. [215-86]
9) We Who Should Appreciate
How can you dedicate your appreciation for God? For True Parents? For our church? For your re-creation? After me, a true family will appear. If I advance another step, a true tribe will appear. If I advance yet another step, a true nation will appear. What if I advance one further step? (True world!) If I advance again one more step? (True cosmos!) If I still advance one more step? (Heavenly Father!) God, indeed, is the final goal.
Then, how do we liberate God? Have the existing churches thought about it? How can they save our lives? Impossible. It is impossible. It is different from the standard at which we aim. We advance higher standards, such as the following: "How can we liberate God by our hand?" Human beings inherited the satanic blood lineage after the fall. This is the problem. You inherited the satanic blood lineage, which is not God's, through some thousands of years. Then, how can you atone for it? How can you clean up the dirty lineage which Adam and Eve bequeathed after the fall?
The persons who appeared centered on the true love, true life and true lineage to indemnify such a content are the True Parents. You were brought to life with the satanic lineage as the fertilizer. However, you have been brought to new life centered on God's love, life and lineage through true love as the fertilizer in the era of new resurrection. Through this, the one hand will disappear and the other hand will prosper. Do you understand? From here, God is with you and you can separate from Satan eternally.
No one thought that God has pain in His heart. Because He appeared in history, appeared through me, now here, and clarified the profound mission. You can understand it. Isn't it true? How surprising the fact is! Jesus did not know it, or though he understood it, could not say what was in his heart. Also, none of the religious leaders understood the secret of cosmos, which was thus suppressed. For the first time in the history, I appeared in front of the world and the secret of cosmos was clarified. Do you understand?
Those who are sitting here will understand. How great a result appeared on earth! No matter how strong the satanic world may be, Rev. Moon digests all. There is no problem. Do you understand? From now on, we must change direction, not to the individual foundation, but the national one. Do you understand? If the leader of a nation also looks back at the past with repentance, God forgives him. It belongs to God's tradition and means new lineage. If it is not so, you cannot separate from Satan. Do you understand? It also means the ceremony of the change of blood lineage, which comes before the blessing ceremony of the Unification Church.
You attended such a ceremony, didn't you? Have confidence. You are the persons who receive God's true love, true life and true lineage, and their center is True Father. True Father is not Korean, but is your father. You are all connected horizontally centered on his true love, true life and true lineage. Do you understand? With the fall, love, life and lineage were connected with the dirty things of the fallen world. However, we are connected horizontally centered on God's true love, true life and true lineage. This means a change of 180 degrees. Don't hope in America and this world, which were connected with satanic side. Do you understand? Humankind throughout the world has followed the most malicious parents of the satanic side from the very beginning. However, the direction is changed 180 degrees now. Do you understand? Although it is the starting point, it is the zero point. Zero point. There is no meaning, no existence, no tradition and no culture there. This is the re-creation.
I said that God in creating human beings united soil, water and air, after first creating all the environmental things, didn't I? Do you understand? It is the zero point. Zero point. You look back at it from the satanic tradition here.
There is the place where an engine changes its direction. Where it changes direction to 180 degrees is the zero point. Carrying passengers and freight, it can neither start nor brake without permission. If you look back, it is the very zero point. You will look back 180 degrees and say, "I am Japanese! I am American! I am a graduate of Harvard University!" Such a thing is no use. It is the zero point. Zero point. At that point are no ideas, tradition or cultural background to have a bad influence. God does not desire such things.
You will be reborn turning 180 degrees. Do you understand? Rebirth? (Yes.) Rebirth means being born once again. First come parents not nations. Next, brothers and sisters. Then, what is the third? A couple, husband and wife. What is the fourth? (Child.) That is the problem.
Although God wanted these three generations, He could not have them. The first generation is God. The second one is Adam and Eve. What is the third one? He could not have them until now. Humankind did not prosper centered on God; they came to belong to Satan alone. Satan is the enemy of love. Do you understand?
How can you cleanse yourself of this lineage? "I" was born not as Japanese, not as a person in any country, but as a person of God. Centered on what? These three roots -- God's love, life and lineage are the standard.
So, when you say "thanks" for what are you being thankful? Don't be thankful for your wealthy life; rather be thankful for being crucified. When a soldier who was lost in a battle is bleeding, smelling, and decomposed, who will inter the body? Who will bury it? Who will train the remaining soldiers to shape them into a regular army again? If there is nothing to call, what will you do with them? Simply kill them? (No.) You only thought of winning; however, you turned out to be carrying a bigger cross. You should know that your time comes only after you solve them all and reconstruct them. You can live happily only after you establish a new family, a new nation and a new world. Do you understand that?
If there was a train track in the eternal world, i.e., the original homeland, that track and the track of the earth you live on must be the same, no matter how difficult it may be. It must be the same as the rail for entering the spiritual world. How about you? Do you think the rail that you live on today is the same as the rail of the spiritual world? Are you confident about that? Can you run directly to God on it? True Parents are necessary to make those rails the same. Do you understand? [215-171]
10) Bond with True Parents is Preordained
We humans stand in a 100% stupid position. However, God, who is more than 100% wise, stands by you as a friend, and countless ancestors in the spiritual world accompany you and wait as backup. When you think about this, you can be grateful. I really understand well the feeling of David when he stood before Goliath, standing on an edge of an adventure. God's protection is what allows one to win a battle. When he lived with a heart saying, "God, when you strike, you yourself will burst, not I," things turned out so.
Since God has raised me this way, I have a responsibility to raise you the same. Therefore you must inherit the inevitable task of becoming wise persons. What kind of task did I say? (Inevitable task.) Yes, inevitable. The True Parents and the children of the True Parents have an eternal and unchanging inevitable work. Nobody can divide this. One must walk that path for thousands and tens of thousands of years. There are not two ways but one. There is no alternative or no secret recipe, but to walk that path. [203-192]
11) We Who Must Take Responsibility
How can you go through the twelve gates of Heaven after going to the spiritual world? The question is how many people can we find and bring back from Satan? For this, there must be tears, blood and sweat. You cannot have your own citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven without going through a process of the interchanges of tears, blood, and sweat, investing more heart for parents on Satan's side, husband, wife and children on Satan's side, than for your own, and centering on the true-love heart of re-creation. You should know that the establishments of conditions for approaching God, to that glorious position of the Kingdom, will be based according to this number of people. Rev. Moon has spent his whole life for not only the nation but for the world. Why?
Even all the people in the spirit world should receive True Parents' grace. I went to Danbury, and in February I held a ceremony to open the gates of heaven and hell. We must make all preparations for opening those gates. That is why I had also to be incarcerated.
In this case, I had to overcome immeasurable and tremendous suffering circumstances. Even though it was a large ocean, I swam the ocean. If it was one of the highest mountains, as in the deep-snowing Himalayas, even if I was barefoot, I passed over the top of the mountain. Therefore, these were marvelous deeds, passing through the direful human history and establishing supreme victorious foundations. It is to be understood that since I had walked such a suffering way, even if Satan himself wanted to approach me, it was impossible.
In our house, our son and daughter are solemnity; they are our second God. In other words, grandfather and grandmother represented God representing the past. Moreover, father and mother represent the present time. Furthermore, son and daughter represent the future. We must understand the ways of duty toward each other as persons, representative of the three eras, past, present, and future. Accordingly, those who seduce son and daughter, wife and husband, and parents must go into hell. Family and nation and cosmos are to be connected centering on the core of true love, which can forget every sacrifice, even the giving of your own life.
The heart relating to such true love is the key for uniting my country, for restoration to heavenly people. When you go to some country, you have to make an effort with sincere heart to have that country become the best one and offer it before God as my country.
The Old Testament era centered on things, the New Testament Age centered on son and daughter, the Completed Testament Age means centers on parents themselves, and the next Age will center on God. After the human fall, Satan was received into the earth instead of God. Because we separated from God, we must welcome God and repair all relationships.
Therefore, your possessions are not yours. In the Old Testament era, people sacrificed their possessions to erect the way for son and daughter to go. The Lord at the Second Coming, the true parents, come here and suffer in order to prepare the way for God on the earth. Nevertheless, because we invited Satan, this world is the Hell. For this reason, we must welcome God with true love.
In the process of re-creation, all things and children and my whole self, combine to be able to attend God, through the original true love which loves and forgets all loving. Then is established the word that all are connected to God. After that, they are distributed and connected to the time of children's possession.
Chapter 6 - True Parents and Us (Part 3)
4. What We Should Do
1) Our Responsibility
In the way of restoration, you should know that the way is not to be walked by yourself alone. Whenever you walk on the path of restoration, you must clearly understand that you are going on behalf of the True Parents. Otherwise, you cannot establish the victorious foundation of True Parents at the levels of clan, tribe, and nation. In order to correctly walk the way, as the representative of the True Parents, you ought to know that if the True Parents go on the hard way in order to establish the standard of spiritual victory worldwide. You must go on the same way to complete the standard of real victory at the national level. Because in the spiritual world, the True Parents have made the victorious foundation, the real victory of True Parents must occur on the earth. Now, you are fulfilling the responsibility to overcome on the national level in the True Parents' stead.
In other words, if you are going to challenge toward the world level, surpassing the tribal level, the True Parents must establish a universal spiritual victorious foundation. The Lord comes as a man who has the destiny of True Father. He has to carry our cross spiritually and gain a victory, and he also has to have responsibility for everything. You should know that this is the difficulty of the restoration of true parents.
When we look at heaven, earth and humankind, can we say that Heaven has served the victorious True Parents at any moment? It has not yet served them. Has the earth served them? The earth also has not yet. Did humans? No, they did not. All are still on the way to serve the True Parents. Then, do we have to serve only True Parents? It does not mean that. After serving the True Parents, we have to establish a true family, clan, people, nation, and world. The Israelites were prepared for that purpose. In order for people to stand as true children in front of the True Parents, they must walk the course of restoration for children at the individual level, and there are also courses of restoration for children at the levels of family, people, and nation. The parents' courses for restoration at the levels of individual, family, tribe, people, and nation have to be accomplished. Also the children's courses for restoration from the individual level to the national level have to be completed. Unless parents and children unite into one and build the standard of victory, we cannot complete the restoration of our tribe, or make a new start to go toward the world stage.
Then, what is the mission of the Unification Church! What kind of situation are you in as members of the Unification Church? You were called by God centering on the True Parents. Also you are in the situation in which you should indemnify on the horizontal level the tragic vertical history of six thousand years, for substantial restoration.
What kind of determination should we make now? What is the goal for which we should reach? We should establish the kingdom of True Parents based on the worldwide foundation. We have to found the land of True Parents at the worldwide level. Because sorrow, pain, and tears still remain, we should take these things away as soon as possible. Today, the Unification Church has the responsibility for this, and you must know that is our mission.
Then, since you stand to go the way, which you should go, you should not look back at the past, as happened when the Israelites went toward Canaan. Your minds should not look back, and your bodies should not. What is the hope, which we must have? We must desire to serve truly the True Parents who come to the earth in the stead of the heavenly father. You should not wish to serve the True Parents in the situation where everyone looks up to them and honors them -- after establishing the foundation of victory. You must desire to serve the True Parents as they pass through the sorrowful history of humankind.
Your ancestors will find it bitter if you cannot serve the True Parents whom went through the grievous history. All humankind is truly yearning to serve the True Parents. Therefore, you have to be true sons and daughters who can serve in the miserable situation, rather than in the glorious one.
To become such true sons and daughters, no matter how difficult, disappointing, or miserable the situations you are in, you have to be one who can pray, "Heavenly Father, my Lord, because the True Parents have to go through the way of the cross more painful than that Jesus went, I, who serve the True Parents, deserve to carry the heavy cross. I am even willing to do that, so please, do not worry about me." You should not let Heavenly Father carry your burdens, such as trouble, pain, and sorrow. You must know how to indemnify by yourself. If you can become such a person, you can be engrafted into the realm of the individual victory of parents, at the individual level.
Today, in the Unification Church, blessed couples are spread through many places in South Korea. Why did I do this? Heavenly Father carries out the providence centering on the Korean people and nation. Therefore, the True Parents come to Korea as Koreans. Then, all villages, whether in valleys or in mountains, want to serve the coming True Parents. This is because to serve the True Parents is the historical desire of people.
Therefore, the substantial representative of True Parents who can erect the indemnity standard at the individual level standing in the position of their children, and erect the indemnity standard on the family level, is willingly served by the village and community without regret. Of course, the True Parents who are to come are positioned at the center and relate to everything spiritual. However, they cannot communicate with everything substantial as they each have only one body. The True Parents have the responsibility of carrying the cross of the worldwide level, going beyond that of the nation. Therefore, the blessed couples in every region, who are in the position of True Parents, have to carry the cross at the national level. If all blessed couples form a tribal foundation or a national foundation, the revelation of God could go over the maintain pass of victory centering on this nation. [13-288]
We have to go beyond our responsibility and the world's standard of perfection by loving the True Parents and by centering on the standard of the original love. [137-117]
2) Our Mission
What we have to do from now on is to build up the foundation in order to serve the True Parents and to rally the brothers and sisters of the world in front of them. Besides, as ancestors who shoulder such responsibility, we must banish the way of the cross and persecution, lest our descendants have to carry it. This is our original mission.
God can appear as the master or parents of the cosmos only after the time when God stands in the integrated parents position in the human world on the foundation of the integrated Abel and Cain world.
People who are living on the earth today are as people living without parents. Therefore, they are fighting. Accordingly, God has to emerge as parents for them, educate them, and tell them, "The person who is fighting with you is your elder brother, your younger brother." This only God can know.
True ideal parents could not be realized due to the evil parents. Satan invaded children because they did not have the connection of ideal children with true parents. So, the ideal parents have to be revealed, and the time when Heaven can give to children the education of ideal children has to come, and a religion, which can inherit these missions, has to emerge. We must know that the religion is that of the Unification Church.
Then, of what is the Unification church proud? We are proud of the history of the True Parents. (Applause) After this, the true children have to unite with each other. True Parents have to love not only their own tribe, but also all people, globally, cosmically. Who are true children? If a person says, "I only know American," that person is not a true child.
Then, who are you? You should not be like that. You have to transcend you nationalism here. You must go beyond your nationalism. In whose name? (In God's name!) In God's name. How about the fall? In whose name? (In Satan's name!) In Satan's name. We have to jump over the borderline of the fall in God's name. God was in Adam's head. He is in our heads as well, to give us direct control.
Therefore, centering on True Parents who did not fall and on God, organizing the new world by rallying true flesh and blood worldwide, is the way for the Unification Church to go. In this, a family forms a tribe, a tribe forms a people, a people form a nation, and the nation has dominion in the world.
We must make a new start and go up, because the fallen world fell to the bottom. We must have the opportunity to cross the borderline and reverse the decline of the fallen world and repair the world. There must be a moment when we can turn the standard upside down and turn over the fallen world at the worldwide level. [86-230]
In the present time we have the True Parents. Then, on what kind of position do they stand? We must know that they are called True Parents only in the Unification Church. They could not transcend that to the nation, to the world. Therefore, because Satan still remains in the nation and the world, he still assaults us. Do you understand?
Therefore, the Unification Church invites the True Parents to the church and expands it to the levels of people, world, and spiritual world. We must know that this is our movement. Now, the time is coming. The time is getting closer when we can have the circumstances in which the Unification Church is received as the Unification Church of the country and the True Parents as parents of the country. [124-309]
5. The Things We Must Take Seriously
1) No Self-assessment
When you have gold, but it is in sand or mud, it has to be refined in a melting pot. Then it should be refined again. That is your course. It is the original course, the normal course. Then, do you say "Oh, Good!" even though your body is melting and disappearing in the oven, becoming liquid, or do you say loudly, "Oh! I am going to die."
Are you pure or impure? Which do you have more in your body? (Impurity.) Then, which is the subject in your body? Is purity the subject or impurity the subject? (Purity) If you are all pure, you need not worry about anything.
You must know that in order to become 100% pure, you have to deny yourself at least 98%. Our own things are only 2%. Which do you like? Which do you have to take? Do we have to take this, do we have to take this? (True Father was pointing at the things, which he wrote on the black board.) How miserable is it? The response of men here is faster than women's.
Let us consider how much miserable it is. Is the life of a Moonie unhappy or happy? (It is happy.) (Laughing) Then, is Rev. Moon, who is the center of Moonies happy, or unhappy? We have the hope that while it is unhappy in the beginning it is happy in the end. (Clapping)
If someone persecutes you, think like this, "I am going to go to the oven, because I'm not perfect enough." We should not be afraid of being persecuted. If you can persecute me, please go ahead. We hope that we will have been in the oven until we become pure gold. It is the fastest way to become pure gold.
In America, owing to opposition to Rev. Moon, they threw Rev. Moon into the oven of the world. What's going to happen? They will be surprised saying "Oh! "-- even though they threw 100 people into it, all 100 people came out. (Clapping) Suppose the entire America immediately perishes. All perish. How about that? How will Americans feel? They are going to say, "Uuu." (Laughing) They must lose.
Anyway, how about Rev. Moon? He will win. Although he will win, America will be defeated. In that case, how miserable America will see herself? On the other hand, how he will be honored? There is no room for discussion. No one can oppose him. Why will he win and America lose? When the wife says, "Oh! I felt my husband's love!" it means "although I have been living in the inner room [that means she was legal wife in name only, under the control of his mistress] I can live together with my husband from now on." What do you think about it? How about this concept? That is great!
Therefore, how patient are those who desire to march forward on the path to becoming 100% pure gold instead of resigning themselves to being 98% pure gold? How greatly do they suffer? Nevertheless, they have to be faithful in order to go forward. Even if people may evaluate us as 100%, when God will pick us up and estimate, it is highly uncertain that we will be found to be 100% gold. I am afraid of that. If comparing gold 100% pure according to God's assessment with gold, which I so assessed, I wish the latter to be greater than the former. What do you think? I hope gold as I assessed it would be greater. An impure particle, which correctly assesses itself, cannot exist. Then, God assesses Himself, doesn't He? He originally is inclined to assess Himself.
In order to be purified ourselves, we should not assess ourselves. If we do so, we may think we are 100% pure gold and think ourselves above the condition that God will assess. It is natural that we think in this way. Do you follow me? When there is nothing eternal in our mind we are able to assess regarding ourselves as the center and think we are more than 100% pure gold. Anyway what is pure gold? It is only gold having no impurity. Therefore, the nation in which people who are living being intoxicated by the love of completely unselfish, hundreds and thousand of years love, will be able to be the standard of pure gold in love. What do you think of this concept? Those who have such a love are an honorable Queen and Prince. Sound good? (Fine!) I dare to ask you to be such wives and husbands. If you can be, how wonderful you are!
Although you become pure gold, do you need God any more? God already stayed within that one. It is unnecessary to have God. Therefore all of you should be like that. [128-206]
Are you true pure gold? Or false? Then what am I? I myself? If you are true, what am I? (Laughing) Then if you are true, I am a false, though? Then we will become true! You can say that, but it is trouble only to say, "I am true." I am in the highest position in Unification Church, though? Isn't that right? (Laughing) I ought to be called true first, not you. Your right words are, "We are true, too!" That is O.K. It is impolite of you to say only, "I am true."
When I see you at first, you are not true. After refining you by beating you and combining three or four together you could be true. I can't sell you as you are at the true market shop, which I manage with the label, "This item is true." I cannot sell you as you are. Do you follow me? I always look at you in this way. Therefore, I consider that a long process of discipline, trial and refining must to be done.
When I say, "Are you pure gold?" that means I don't regard you as pure gold. Because you should have many processes of assignment to be finished, I have to put you into a refinery whether you like it or not. You should not call yourselves Unificationists until you are purified, synthesized into one crystal and possess the form without sides after being refined. [138-200]
We need the adjuster who modulates the period, the chance, and the time for doing it. You know standard time? We must adjust ourselves to that time. This also is true of scales. We have a standard scale. It is only one, the only one in the world. If we talking about a meter, the meter standard is not two but one. Are there two of that, or one of that? Definitely one. Only one. Furthermore, originally does man have a standard of adjustment or not? Yes, he or she has! Well, are you those to whom, at the zero point, the absolute standard of man naturally matches with the self-standard of man or those to whom it cannot be matched even forcibly? "Forcibly" is an unusual expression for this situation. You should understand, though, that I tried to express my feeling. If we, as fallen people, insisted that we want to be recognized according to the original scale, or, if we are talking about meter, it might be the meter scale, then anyone who agreed would be crazy, wouldn't they? God would say to them, "Hey! You guys! Why did you recognize them even though they look like that? They should have been denied, beaten and jailed."
Today, we are a group, a family as the Blessed Family, aren't we! There are many seniors who say they are "family," respect the noun, "family," but, on the other hand, ignore the content of a family. [127-203]
2) You Shall Become One
Everyone, how much do you know the heartistic content of the True Parents? How much are you united with the True Parents in terms of the questions of lineage, personality, truth, and life, and their views of nation, world and cosmos? This becomes the matrix, which determines whether you become true sons and daughters of God in a real sense. Do you understand? (Yes.)
It is worrisome to have only yourself, so the question is how to connect you to the True Parents. There must be an original root, meaning; we must have that core. [28-249]
If you ask, "What is True Parents?" they are substitutes for your parents. The original parents are the True Parents. You and your parents must become one. Then who is the grandfather? It is God. Yes, God. Even the True Parents can't overrule God's command. Parents must take their children on the way the grandfather desires. That is the way of parents.
When the True Parents go through the path of restoration, you must go as well. You must complete the most minimal "5%" portion of responsibility. Do you understand what it means? (Yes.) You must know that. You must love God more than you love your wife or your parents. I'm saying that you must love God more than you love your children. The ideal world of the Unification Church is the expansion of that to the worldwide level. You must know this. Did you clearly understand? (Yes.) [128-31]
Rev. Moon already has all the roots of the first Adam and the second Adam. Therefore, all you have to do is to be engrafted into the first, second, and third Adam, and then everything will be completed. Do you understand what it means? The root, the root is one. Then love, and what? What are the three things? Love, life, and then what? Lineage. The vertical and horizontal love of God interacted with life and then lineage emerged.
Therefore, you must love Rev. Moon more than anyone. You must become one with the True Parents more than with anyone else. Since it is the lineage centered on true love, there is the right to inherit, the right to have the same position, and the right to participate together. Do you understand? So Satan cannot come near. [189-223]
3) You Shall Love the True Parents
How much have the True Parents received love? Have you ever thought about it? Anyone who protested against the idea that God is dead would love the True Parents more than God would love them. If you pray to God to meet such a person and by meeting such a person come to love the True Parents, God will be happy. If that person is the wisest and if you think so, you will absolutely never be defeated by any power in the spiritual world. If you can tell the spirits, "I have loved the True Parents this much, but what have you spirits done?" and accuse them, you will become the richest.
If there were a fight between family members to love the True Parents the most, what would God say? (Laughter) And if one died from that fight, how would God make a judgment? Please think about it. Would God take them to hang them? Without a question, God would call the two and raise them up as the model for loving the True Parents and tell others to love at the same standard. This is the very standard. Precisely, God, spirits and every person on earth must pay attention to the True Parents. We must think about this now in our own lives.
If what I say is true, then this question is important. How distant are you from this standard? We must pray for this even from now. No one can follow the True Parents without tears. Therefore, we cannot give joyful expressions. We must live for the sake of others, and we should always have a heart of apology toward Heaven no matter that we offer the best. I think you can imagine how our behavior should be. [52-97]
4) You Shall Attend True Parents
Even though you may go through the wilderness course and cross over the river Jordan, if you fall down in the middle of the battle with the seven tribes of Canaan, it will not become a victorious death. One can become an original person before God only when he has had the seven tribes of Canaan surrender and has established the new nation of Israel. Not doing so is the same as staying in Paradise, unable to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. [13-298]
What are the True Parents of whom we know? They are the ancestors of humanity. Therefore, you must attend the True Parents like your own. [118-147]
Actually, you must attend True Parents for more than three years. In order to have served the True Parents for over three years, the family must attend them, then a nation and the world must attend them. That must be the reality. Only when that happens will the realm of worldwide restoration come.
Considering the number three, I tell you that you must attend more than three years. Therefore, in principle, you must eat together, discuss together, and live together centering on the True Parents for three years. All of your homes must be like this. There must be a period of three years of living peacefully and happily, rejoicing with each other, speaking good words when you talk, living as a family to attend the True Parents. [44-170]
5) You Shall Be Obedient
Originally, children must be absolutely obedient in front of the parents, who came with the name of God. There can be no objection. This is not to be brought about by force. An environment must be created in which this occurs. The wife loves her husband and the husband loves his wife. When they become parents centered on love and lead an environment where the beloved children can naturally follow in absolute obedience, the foundation for the Kingdom of Heaven becomes unbreakable. [101-283]
6) You Shall Inherit the Tradition
Until today, people haven't known how they will turn out. They haven't known history. They haven't known where they were at that moment or what they would become. They haven't known what would happen or their purpose.
Why was it so? It was because they couldn't have True Parents as ancestors. However, through attending True Parents, we say, "Yes, I understand history. I understand the history of the relationship of God and myself." We understand the present and the future. We not only understand, but also can even inherit such a tradition. We now can possess the tradition that can overcome history and the future.
From whom? Why? Because we met True Parents. We follow what True Parents teach us, what they do, desire what they desire, and inherit them, succeed them. [71-21]
Until now, there were no real parents in this universe. All parents were fallen parents who used their children and destroyed. What was destroyed? The possibility of perfect brothers and sisters was destroyed. Then perfect bridegrooms and brides were destroyed, followed by the destruction of perfect parents. It became impossible to have truly good children. It adds up to the forfeiture of a family. That family was the representative of the history of the cosmos. That family represented the world, the Kingdom of Heaven, the nation and all families.
God is trying to seek that central point. The history of humanity is also seeking it. Today's humanity, the present living people, must likewise be connected to this center. In other words, this is the only common purpose of God and humanity, and this is the only possible way to tie together past, present and future.
Then, who should do it. True Parents must do what Adam and Eve had to have done. Therefore, what everyone should now have is something that Satan couldn't have and that does not exist in the evil world: brothers among brothers or brotherhood not as in the world of Satan. You must all be so, and it can only be done in your twenties, before your marriage. All of you must establish such a tradition.
You must establish a tradition in front of your children to show such a model life. You must know that your life of struggles, which you have encountered in your countries, are great. This is the only period when you can establish traditions for your descendants, and in which you can educate your children saying, "We worked under such a difficult circumstance," and leave them your last will.
Therefore, the issue here is tradition. This is unchangeable. It is an eternal tradition. Yes, an eternal tradition. Since we transcend the world, white people and black people must become one as brothers. What that means is that we visit and enter the brotherhood garden of Adam and Eve, of the unfallen humanity. Do you understand? (Yes.)
What is the fundamental thought to establish such a tradition? It is to live for others. It can be established by living for others. So, from here, your children will grow without suffering so miserable an environment and will go directly to the Kingdom of Heaven, having a realm of results that can surpass the world of Satan, becoming the descendants who can directly connect to Heaven. Then such brothers and sisters have spouses. To us marriage is supranational. We are entering the realm where if one is asked to marry with a black, or a white, or a yellow, he or she will do so.
Such a tradition must be established from now on. It has not been done yet. We must create one from now. You must take that material to lead your descendants and the world. However, after the two become one, you must not bear evil children. The husband and wife must perfectly become one to bear good children. Without the unity, the good children will not come out. Therefore, you must perfectly become one centering on the will of God. [71-19]
When you see Rev. Moon only in one dimension, you may see what his face and figure look like generally. But, you wouldn't know what kind of background and path I've gone through until coming to this place. Can the will of God be fulfilled by mere obedience without a sure belief from the start? It is not like that. There must be a clear belief. You must know that I brought such a victorious result because I knew I was on an absolute and correct way and started with a pledge of promised victory. In order to change this will and change this way, numerous individuals, families, tribes, peoples, nations and even the world opposed me. I have stayed on such a severe path.
How can you inherit such a tradition, which you all must do, without knowing about it? If you inherit such a tradition at the place of strength and courage having so strong a determination as "I will run even to the end of the world and heaven," when God sees that He will have amazing appreciation.
Isn't it the heart of Heaven and your teacher to want to see such an attitude in you in order to let you have your inheritance? I'm such a poor wretched person because I bring those who do not know anything about it or what will become of the world, and I teach them. That is a lonely scene. You have to know that it shouldn't be so. [67-228]
7) You Shall Be Proud of the True Parents
What you should be proud of is the love of God and the love of the True Parents. It is the conclusion that you must be proud of this more than of yourselves, the nation, or anything in the world. This love, the love of God and the love of the True Parents is one. What is this? You should know that the Unification Church is realizing on earth the starting point for unifying on the foundation of the family, centering on the idea of love, which is God's direct dominion. That is the way the True Parents go. [131-50]
8) You Shall Give Back What You Owe to the True Parents
Your concept of the True Parents must be clear. Are you in debt to the True Parents or not? You owe debt to them. How much is that debt? There is no way to return that debt. If you calculate your debt, there is no way of return. However, if you have even a small indication of love, you can return all. That is what is needed. [Date unknown.]