[존 맥아더 비판 (4)]
존 맥아더의 『다른 불』과 마이클 브라운의 『진짜 불』
정리·번역 : 구요한 목사
존 맥아더가 『다른 불』(Strange Fire)로 위험한 불장난을 하자 마이클 브라운이 『진짜 불』(Authentic Fire)로 맞불을 놓았다.
「파이어 사역자 스쿨」(Fire School of Ministry)의 설립자
이자 학장인 마이클 브라운은 1995년 6월 일어난 미국 플로리다 주 펜사콜라 시 소재 브론스빌교회 부흥의 3대 주역 중의 한 사람이다. 존 길패트릭 목사가 담임하는 교회에서 설교한 전도자 스티븐 힐이 부흥의 불을 지폈고 뉴욕대학에서 근동언어와 문학 전공으로 박사 학위(Ph.D)를 취득한 마이클 브라운이 부흥신학교 학장으로 조인하여 환상적인 트리오 명콤비를 이루었다. 이후 마이클 브라운은 여러 신학교 교수, The Line of Fire 라디오 프로그램 및 수많은 저서 활동을 통해 바쁜 일정을 보내고 있다.
마이클 브라운은 이미 2013년 6월부터 존 맥아더가 “다른 불 컨퍼런스”(2013년 10월 개최)를 개최하기 위해 준비한 전단지 내용을 보고 지나치다 싶어서 이 컨퍼런스에 대응하는 반론을 맥아더에게 보내면서 맥아더가 비판의 강도를 좀 낮추기를 기대했지만 허사였다.
이후 맥아더가 컨퍼런스 내용을 정리한 서적을 출판한다는 소문이 들렸을 때 브라운은 반론 서적을 출판할 생각을 꿈에도 하지 않았는데, 맥아더에게 마이클이 반론을 제시했다는 소문이 들리자 맥아더가 컨퍼런스를 시작한 첫날부터 수많은 사람들이 이메일과 SNS을 통해 브라운에게 반론 서적 출판 여부에 대해 빗발치게 문의했고, 출판사에서도 짧은 e-book형태의 반론 서적 출판을 타진했다. 하나님 또한 브라운에게 부담을 주시는 것 같아서 그는 전광석화처럼 한달 내에 반론 서적인『진짜 불』을 집필하여 출판하게 되었다.
다음은 『진짜 불』에 대한 서평(들)이다.
『진짜 불』이 계속 타오르게 하라
- 스티븐S. 올트-
존 맥아더는『다른 불』에서 은사운동에 대해 다각도로 공격한다. 마이클 브라운은『진짜 불』에서 공손하고 부드러운 톤으로 분열과 배제 보다는 연합과 상호 호의를 촉구하면서 맥아더의 비판에 답변하고 있다. 브라운은 은사운동이 존 맥아더와 기적중지론자들이 교회에 기여한 것들을 필요로 하며 마찬가지로 기적중지론자들도 은사운동이 교회에 기여한 것들을 필요로 한다는 사실을 반복하여 강조한다.
맥아더가 부정확하게 ‘성급한 과대 일반화의 논리적 오류’를 저지른 사실을 지적한 후, 브라운은 지난 세기에 오순절운동과 은사운동이 기여한 수많은 공헌을 증거로 제시한다. 이것이 필요한 이유는 맥아더가 은사운동이 교회에 공헌한 것이 아무 것도 없다고 반복적으로 잘못 주장하고 있기 때문이다.
이어서 브라운은 은사주의자들에 대한 맥아더의 견해에 큰 사각지대가 있다고 비판한다. 독자들은 이 지적에 동의하지 않기가 어려울 것이다.
브라운은 또한 전통주의자들이 선호하지 않는 은사주의적 예배 스타일이 찬송가도 부르지 않는 피상적인 것이라는 맥아더의 비판도 지적한다. 예배 스타일은 기호의 문제이므로 상호 존중해야 하는데 맥아더가 이렇게 하지 못하는 이유는 은사주의자들과 교제가 전혀 없기 때문이라고 할 수 있다.
브라운은 다른 장에서, 조나선 에드워즈가 제시한 영적 분별 방법을 제시하면서, 은사운동은 에드워즈의 영적 분별법에 모두 합격했음을 보여준다.
결과가 다른 이유는 맥아더가 조사를 통해 수집한 데이터를 심하게 잘못 제시하고 있기 때문이다. 맥아더는 TBN TV에 출연한 은사주의 설교자들이 전 세계 은사운동의 신조를 대표한다고 잘못 결론 짓고 있다. 브라운은 조사 결과에 대한 정보를 더 많이 제공하면서, 『다른 불』에서 말하고 있는 결론과 정 반대의 결론이 내려져야 한다고 주장한다.
그러나 『진짜 불』의 가장 큰 장점은 가장 내용이 많은 장에서 성경적 가르침을 다룬 것이다. “오직 성경으로와 그러므로 은사주의”에서 브라운은 성경 어디에도 성령의 은사가 중지되었다는 기록이 없으며 오히려 (성경 전체가) 은사의 지속을 가정하고 있다고 확신한다. 성경만이 그들의 신조의 중심이라고 확신하는 기적중지론 운동은 그 자체가 성경이 가르치지 않는 교리에 기초한 것이며, 그것은 너무나 얄궂은 주장이라는 사실을 독자들이 놓칠 리가 없다.
이 책에서 가장 인상 깊은 부분은 “경험해야 할 하나님”에 관한 장이다. 하나님이 그분의 백성에게 (직접) 말씀하시고 그들을 통해 권능을 드러내시는 하나님 때문에 은사운동이 인기를 끈다고 할 수 있다. 브라운은 모든 신자가 종이에 기록된 말씀 안의 하나님이 아니라 이런 진짜 하나님을 경험할 것을 촉구한다.
이 책의 상당 부분이 부록으로 되어 있다. 부록에서는 다른 곳에서 다루지 않은 구체적인 주제들을 다루고 있다. 부록, 특히 크레이그 키너가 전 세계적으로 하나님의 능력을 통해 일어나는 치유와 기적 이야기를 다루고 있는 첫째 부록을 읽기 전에 이 책을 내려놓아서는 안 될 것이다.
결국, 『다른 불』은 잘못된 정보에 기초하고, 전체 은사운동에서 극히 일부분만을 차지하는 탈법적인 지도자들의 일탈 행위를 통해 은사운동 전체를 부인하는 성급한 일반화를 하면서 (맥아더 자신이 지지하는) 기적중지론을 변호하려고 했지만 납득할 만한 성경적 근거를 제시하지 못하고 있다는 사실을 브라운은 설득력 있게 주장하고 있다.
고린도교회처럼 교회 내에는
‘다른 불’도 있고 ‘진짜 불’도 있다.
-피터 펠러린-
은사주의자들도 크리스천인가?
맥아더 박사는 대부분의 은사주의자들이 ‘그렇지 않다’고 의심한다. 이것은 지극히 분열적인 자세이다. 브라운 박사가 답변을 제시한『진짜 불』은 반드시 읽어야 할 책이다.
성경구절들을 제대로 읽으면 성경은 이러한 주제들에 대해 분명한 입장을 취한다는 사실을 브라운은 증명한다. 기적중지론자들의 견해는 성경을 바로 석의한 것이 아니라 자신들의 (무)경험을 바탕으로 성경을 읽기 때문이다.
첫 장에서, 브라운은 맥아더가 은사주의자들에 대해 “공동 전쟁”(collective war)을 치를 것을 촉구한 사실을 강조한다. 브라운 박사가 묘사하는 은사주의자에 대해 독자들은 제대로 읽어야 한다. 만일 (필자를 포함하여) 은사주의자들이 크리스천이 아니고 다른 사람들을 실족시킨다면 강한 어조로 비판해도 무방하다. 그러나 『진짜 불』은 이것이 사실이 아님을 증거한다. 브라운 박사는 비교적 짧은 시간에 성경적, 역사적 관점에서 맥아더 박사의 오류를 잘 드러내었다.
브라운 박사가 예를 든 어떤 블로거(blogger)는 “끈임 없이 잘난 체하고, 자신의 추종자들로부터 칭송하는 말을 뒤에서 듣고 지절거리는” 어떤 목회자를 부각시켰다. 이런 태도는 기독교 내에서 있어서는 안 될 일이다.
둘째 장에서, 브라운 박사는 (그를 포함한) 은사주의자들이 은사운동 내부의 오남용과 잘못된 가르침을 지속적으로 비판해 왔다고 지적한다. 브라운 박사 자신도 글을 통해 이런 것들을 비판했다.
브라운 박사는 중요한 점을 지적하면서 둘째 장을 마친다. 즉 기적중지론자의 교단들에서 성장한 많은 어린이들이 대학에 가서는 무신론자가 된다는 사실이다. “그들이 대학에 입학했을 때, 그들은 성경에 기록된 기적을 포함하여 모든 기적을 의심하게 된다.”
만일 오늘날의 크리스천들이 경험하는 하나님과 같은 초월적인 경험이 있다면 우리는 그것을 위해 간절히 하나님을 찾을 필요가 있지 않을까! 우리가 아이들로 하여금 하나님을 추구하도록 인도할 필요성이 얼마나 크겠는가? 우리는 하나님이 우리를 위해 준비하신 모든 것이 필요하다. 우리는 아이들에게 하나님이 준비하신 모든 것을 추구하도록 가르칠 필요성을 절실하게 느낀다.
셋째 장에서, 브라운 박사는 ‘다른 불 운동’은 은사주의자들이 전 세계에 걸쳐서 하고 있는 일에 대해 무지하다고 주장한다. 그들은 단지 TBNTV에 등장하는 은사주의자들만 알고 있으며 다른 은사주의자들을 알려고 하지 않는다. 브라운은 맥아더의 악의적 무지를 비난하지 않으려고 주의하지만, 맥아더는 교회 내에서 일어나고 있는 일에 대한 생각과 지식의 넓은 사각지대에 놓여있다.
넷째 장은 대단히 중요하다. 이장에서는 은사주의자들을 공격하는 주요 논리인 *‘발생학적 오류’(genetic fallacy)를 무너뜨린다. ‘다른 불 컨퍼런스’에서 토론된 것의 대부분은 **‘유유상종 회합 죄의 논리적 오류’(guilt by association)이다. 브라운은 이런 논증은 양날을 가진 칼이라는 사실을 밝힌다. (맥아더가 지지하고 따르는) 개혁신학이나 세대주의 신학도 이런 논리로 공격 받을 수 있다. 필자는 세대주의에 대한 브라운의 비판적인 태도에는 동의하지 않는다. 그러나 누구든지 (맥아더식의 논리를 사용하면) 초기의 몇몇 썩은 사과로 인해 하나님의 운동 전체를 부정할 수 있다.
발생학적 오류. 어떤 대상의 기원이 갖는 속성을 그 대상도 가지고 있다고 추리하는 오류이다.
예를 들면, "분석철학은 영미제국주의의 철학이다. 따라서 제국주의적 사상에 물들기를 원하지 않는 한 분석철학을 배워서는 안 된다"라고 하는 것은 ‘발생학적 오류’를 범하고 있는 것이다. 분석철학이 영미제국주의의 철학이라고 해서 제국주의적 사상을 담고 있는 것은 아니다. (자료 : 위키백과).
유유상종의 오류. 외양이 비슷하면 내용도 비슷할 것이다, 같이 어울리면 한 통속일 것이다(이전의 연좌제 같은 것)라고 생각하는 논리적 오류.
-쓰러지고, 웃고, 발작하는 것은 사교 집회에서 일어나는 현상이다.
-은사주의 집회에서 이런 현상들이 일어난다.
-그러므로 은사주의자들은 사교 집단이다?
맥아더 식으로 유유상종의 논리를 사용하면 어떤 정통교회도 이단이 될 수 있다. 종교행사의 ‘외양’-기도, 찬송, 경전읽기, 헌금 등-은 모두 대동소이하기 때문이다. 반성령운동파들이 가장 즐겨 사용하는, 그러나 가장 치명적인 논리적 오류이다.
다섯째 장에서, 브라운은 어떤 운동이 하나님으로부터 온 것인가를 시험하는 방법에 대해 설명하는데, 조나선 에드워즈가 제시한 하나님으로부터 온 것이 아니라는 것을 증명하기 위해 사용해서는 안 되는 방법에 대해 설명한다. 이 장에서는 맥아더가 사용하는 조사 데이터를 중요하게 다룬다.
여섯째 장에서, 브라운 박사는 기적중지론이 성경적이 아니라는 사실을 증명한다.
일곱째 장과 여덟째 장 및 열째 장에서, 브라운은 진정한 크리스천 간의 연합의 필요성을 강조한다. 크리스천 사이에서 일어나는 필수적이 아닌 주제들을 어떻게 다룰 것인가? 바울이 고린도 교인에게 제시한 방법을 모델로 삼을 필요가 있다.
브라운은 역사적으로 크리스천들이 그리스도의 인성과 신성, 유아 세례 등의 주제에 대해 서로 공격한 사실을 예로 든다. 브라운 박사는 우리는 서로를 필요로 하며 서로 동역해야 할 필요가 있다고 마음으로 소원한다.
브라운은 또한 성경의 하나님은 경험되어야 할 하나님이라고 주장한다(아홉째 장). 이 장에서, 브라운 박사는 하나님이 오늘날 역사하시는 방법을 설명한다. 우리는 이 모든 것들을 우연한 일이나 마귀 짓으로 간주해야 하는가? 또한 브라운은 우리가 예배 중에 하나님께 어떻게 반응해야 하는가도 다룬다. 우리는 성경적인 예배 방식을 버리고 맥아더가 말하는 기적중지론자의 방법으로만 예배를 드려야 하는가? 우리는 마음로만 예배를 드려야 하는가, 아니면 몸 전체를 통해 예배를 드려야 하는가?
부록 또한 필독서이다. 첫째 부록에서, 키너 박사는 전 세계적으로 일어나는 기적, 예언 및 방언에 대해 설명한다. 그는 직접 경험을 통해 아프리카 은사주의 크리스천에 대해 설명한다.
‘다른 불 컨퍼런스’는 그리스도 안의 형제 자매에 대해 심각한 범죄를 저질렀으므로 그들은 회개해야 한다. 그들은 은사주의자들이 하는 짓 모두가 마술이라고 비난한다. 그들은 자신들의 신학이 성경에 근거하지 않고 서구의 반(反)초자연적 편견을 기독교에 대입시킨 오류라는 사실을 깨닫지 못하고 있다.
은사주의자들도 물론 운동 내의 잘못된 가르침에 대해 목소리를 높여야 한다. 기적중지론자들이 가슴 아픈 오류를 제대로 지적해 낸 점도 있다. 그러나, 기적중지론자들 자신들도 심각한 오류를 저지르고 있다. 우리의 하나님은 형제들 사이에 분열을 조장하는 죄를 싫어하신다. 우리 모두 “두렵고 떨림”으로 구원을 이루어 가야 한다.
Keep the authentic fire burning
Brown even points out that MacArthur's criticisms of Charismatic worship may be as much because they are not hymn-like, as his tradition prefers, as they are because of their alleged superficiality. An entire chapter is devoted to the concept that different preferences of style need to be appreciated, and MacArthur's failure to recognize this is a significant part of the reason he has no place for Charismatics at his table of fellowship.
In one chapter Brown works form Jonathan Edwards' list of tests to determine whether a movement is from God, and shows how the Charismatic movement passes all of Edwards' tests of authenticity. This comes on the heels of revealing that MacArthur grossly misrepresented data from surveys, from which he concluded that the actions of a few Charismatic preachers on TBN represent the beliefs of the entire worldwide movement. Brown supplies further information on the results of the survey, demonstrating that almost the opposite conclusions should be drawn than the ones represented in Strange Fire.
But the greatest strength of Authentic Fire is its longest chapter, on the biblical teaching. In "Sola Scriptura and Therefore Charismatic," Brown convincingly shows that the Bible nowhere teaches the cessation of the gifts of the Spirit, but rather assumes their continuation. That the cessationist movement, which is so strongly centered in Scripture alone as the basis for their beliefs, is itself based on a doctrine not taught in Scripture, is so ironic it cannot be missed.by the reader.
One of the most impacting parts of the book is the chapter on "A God to Be Experienced." The attraction of a God who speaks to his people and demonstrates his power through them is a large part of what makes the Charismatic movement popular. Brown makes an appeal to every Christian to experience God as he really is and not reduce him to words on a page.
An unusually large percentage of the book consists of appendices, which address specific subjects not broached elsewhere in the book. This book should not be put down until they are read, especially the first one, where Craig Keener demonstrates the power of God through stories of healing and miracles from all over the world.
Ultimately, Brown makes a very convincing argument that Strange Fire fails to present a convincing biblical argument for cessationism, using misinformation and sweeping generalizations to write off the entire Charismatic movement because of the questionable practices of a small percentage of wayward leaders. In his defense of the Charismatic and Pentecostal movements, he does not excuse the excesses and abuses, with are many. But he defends orthodox Charismatic Christianity from a strong biblical stance, and from a biblical point of view, calling for unity and fellowship, rather than judgment. I highly recommend both the book and the spirit behind it.
Like in Corinth there is Strange Fire in the Church, but there is also Authentic Fire,
By Peter Pellerin (Washington)
Are charismatics Christians? Dr. MacArthur has his doubts about the vast majority of them. This is an extremely divisive position. Dr. Brown's reply in "Authentic Fire" is a book that needed to be written and I consider it a must read. Dr. Brown demonstrates that the Bible is very clear on these issues when the texts are interpreted in a straightforward way. The cessationist viewpoint is based on reading their experiences into the text, not on the sound exegesis scripture.
In the 1st chapter, Dr. Brown highlights how Dr. MacArthur is calling for a "collective war" against charismatics. The language Dr. MacArthur uses to describe all charismatics needs to be read to be believed. If charismatics are truly not believers (I include myself here) and we are leading others astray, then strong language is needed. However, Authentic Fire demonstrates that this is clearly not the case. Dr. Brown did an amazing job in a short amount of time demonstrating the errors in Dr. MacArthur's statements from both a scriptural and historical perspective.
One blogger Dr. Brown cited highlighted a certain pastor who has engaged in an "endless stream of smug, back-patting tweets-which receive self-congratulatory kudos from his fawning fans." This kind of attitude has no place within Christianity.
In the 2nd chapter, Dr. Brown demonstrates that charismatics (including him) have been speaking out about the abuses and false teachings that have arisen within the charismatic movement.
He has been addressing these things in writing, as have many others. Dr. Brown closes this chapter with an important thought. Many children who grow up in cessationist denominations are becoming atheists when they get to college. "When they grow up and go to college, they just take that next step and doubt ALL miracles, including those in the Bible."
If there is a valid other worldly experience with God that Christians experience today, how badly do we need to seek Him for it! How we need to lead our children in seeking Him? We need all that He has for us! We desparately need to teach our children to seek all that He has for them!
In chapter 3, Dr. Brown demonstrates clearly that the strange fire movement is blind to what charismatics are doing around the world. They only see the TBN charismatics and have not taken the time to get to know charismatics. He is careful not to accuse Dr. MacArthur of willful ignorance, but there is a clear massive blind spot in his thinking and knowledge of what is going on within the church.
Chapter 4 is extremely important. This chapter demolishes some of the main arguments used to attack charismatics and demonstrates how they were based on the genetic fallacy. Much of the discussion at the strange fire conference engage in "guilt by association". In an excellent discussion, Dr. Brown demonstrates how this "cuts both ways". Reformed theology and dispensational theology can be argued against with the same line of reasoning. I do not agree with Dr. Brown's position on dipsensational theology :), but you can't write off an entire move of God because of a few bad apples early in the movement. You must use the same "weights and measures" when you analyze your own beliefs.
In chapter 5, Dr. Brown goes through the ways to test whether or not a move is from God and the arguments that must not be used to say that a move is not from God that were developed by J. Edwards. There is a very important discussion in this chapter on the survey statistics that Dr. MacArthur used. I think you will find how this data was used to be both dissappointing and shocking.
In chapter 6, Dr. Brown spends some time demonstrating the case that cessationism is scriptually untenable. A strong case can be made for the continuation of the gifts, and there is no clear case against it. What is clearly demonstrated is that cessationists are not approaching scripture in a straightforward way, but are interpreting the scripture in light of their experience.
In chapters 7-8 and 10, Dr. Brown's emphasizes a need for unity among true Christians. How should we discuss disagreements on non essential issues? We need to look carefully at the way in which Paul addressed the Corinthians as a model. He goes through some historical examples of Christians attacking one another (such as the debate over the nature of Christ and the Baptism of infants). Dr. Brown's heart is that we need each other and we need to be working together.
He also includes a chapter demonstrating that the God of the Bible is a God who is to be experienced (chapter 9). In this chapter, Dr. Brown discusses some ways in which God works today. Are we to reject all this as happenstance or even as demonic? There is also another important discusssion concerning how we respond to God in worship. Are we to reject Biblical forms of worship and only worship the way cessationists say we should? Should we worship with mind only or with our whole being?
appendices are also a must read. In the first appendix, Dr. Keener addresses miracle, prophecy, and tongue accounts around the world. He also addresses with firsthand knowledge the broad brushing of African charismatic Christianity.
The Strange Fire conference committed some serious slanderous sins concerning brothers and sisters in Christ and they should repent. They accuse the charismatics of witchcraft in a broad brush way, without recognizing that their theology is not based on scripture, but based on the incorporation of the Western cultural antisupernatural bias into their Christianity.
Charismatics need to continue speaking out against the false teachings within the movement. Cessationists rightly point out many grevious errors. However, cessationists are committing some serious errors of their own. Our God hates the sin of one who sows discord among brethren. We all need to work out our salvation with "fear and trembling". *
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Keep the authentic fire burning, December 13, 2013
This review is from: Authentic Fire: A Response to John MacArthur's Strange Fire (Kindle Edition)
In his book, "Strange Fire," John MacArthur levels a multi-pronged attack on the Charismatic movement. In "Authentic Fire" Michael Brown answers to these criticisms in a respectful and irenic tone, calling for unity and mutual appreciation, rather than division and exclusion. Brown repeatedly emphasizes that the Charismatic movement needs John MacArthur and what the cessationists contribute to the church, while the cessationists also need the things the Charismatic movement contributes.
After showing MacArthur to be guilty of inaccurate sweeping generalizations Brown goes on to demonstrate the many contributions made by Pentecostals and Charismatics in the last century - a necessary inclusion because MacArthur repeatedly makes the untenable claim that Charismatics have contributed nothing to the church. Then Brown accuses MacArthur of having a blind spot regarding his opinion of Charismatics. By this point the reader can hardly disagree. Brown even points out that MacArthur's criticisms of Charismatic worship may be as much because they are not hymn-like, as his tradition prefers, as they are because of their alleged superficiality. An entire chapter is devoted to the concept that different preferences of style need to be appreciated, and MacArthur's failure to recognize this is a significant part of the reason he has no place for Charismatics at his table of fellowship.
In one chapter Brown works form Jonathan Edwards' list of tests to determine whether a movement is from God, and shows how the Charismatic movement passes all of Edwards' tests of authenticity. This comes on the heels of revealing that MacArthur grossly misrepresented data from surveys, from which he concluded that the actions of a few Charismatic preachers on TBN represent the beliefs of the entire worldwide movement. Brown supplies further information on the results of the survey, demonstrating that almost the opposite conclusions should be drawn than the ones represented in Strange Fire.
But the greatest strength of Authentic Fire is its longest chapter, on the biblical teaching. In "Sola Scriptura and Therefore Charismatic," Brown convincingly shows that the Bible nowhere teaches the cessation of the gifts of the Spirit, but rather assumes their continuation. That the cessationist movement, which is so strongly centered in Scripture alone as the basis for their beliefs, is itself based on a doctrine not taught in Scripture, is so ironic it cannot be missed.by the reader.
One of the most impacting parts of the book is the chapter on "A God to Be Experienced." The attraction of a God who speaks to his people and demonstrates his power through them is a large part of what makes the Charismatic movement popular. Brown makes an appeal to every Christian to experience God as he really is and not reduce him to words on a page.
An unusually large percentage of the book consists of appendices, which address specific subjects not broached elsewhere in the book. This book should not be put down until they are read, especially the first one, where Craig Keener demonstrates the power of God through stories of healing and miracles from all over the world.
Ultimately, Brown makes a very convincing argument that Strange Fire fails to present a convincing biblical argument for cessationism, using misinformation and sweeping generalizations to write off the entire Charismatic movement because of the questionable practices of a small percentage of wayward leaders. In his defense of the Charismatic and Pentecostal movements, he does not excuse the excesses and abuses, with are many. But he defends orthodox Charismatic Christianity from a strong biblical stance, and from a biblical point of view, calling for unity and fellowship, rather than judgment. I highly recommend both the book and the spirit behind it.
5.0 out of 5 stars Truly "GRACE TO YOU" from Dr. Brown to John MacArthur as well as to the body of Christ January 1, 2014
By Scott
Format:Kindle Edition
Genius. The truth spoken in love. "Authentic Fire" thoroughly and yet lovingly dismantles the pillars and premises of "Strange Fire's" conference speeches and the book by the same name. Excruciatingly researched, documented and footnoted (a norm for Michael Brown books) and an enlightening read as we learn (or re-learn) uncomfortable truths about greats such as Luther and his farting away of devils, his utterly diabolical writings and rantings against the Jews; and Calvin's disturbing doctrine of double pre-destination. Conversely, we read of J.I. Packer's approving nod to the Charismatic/Spirit-filled move of God today as well as leading theologians who hold to the cessation doctrine yet acknowledge its weak Biblical underpinnings while at the same time acknowledge the likely Biblical support that the gifts have not ceased.
Pastor MacArthur and his followers' unseemly BLIND SPOT (Dr. Brown is truly extending Christian grace) of TITANIC proportions towards Charismatics present and past is so meticulously ravaged by this book that it, like the once vaunted ship liner of old ("unsinkable!"), ends up taking on water, capsizing and sinking completely, immersed under the weight of Biblical and historical evidence beautifully presented by Dr. Brown in a manner that is truly worthy of the tag line, "GRACE TO YOU."
And yet, thankfully, "My goal in writing this book is not to win a debate or to gang up on cessationists. Instead, it is to advance the cause of the gospel of Jesus in the power of the Spirit on the foundation of the Word of God." "...I hope...my cessationist friends see what charismatics have to offer to the mix, I, for my part, am convinced that my cessationist friends have much to offer to us charismatics." "... Read more ›
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37 of 43 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars A Sincere and Convincing 'Response' to 'Strange Fire' December 18, 2013
By FIRE School of Ministry Chicago
Format:Kindle Edition|Amazon Verified Purchase
Full disclosure: I am a friend of Dr. Brown's, and like him, I identify as a Charismatic and as an Evangelical. I have experienced numerous gifts of the Spirit, and have seen them in operation - both in the United States, and abroad. I also hold a Ph.D. in New Testament and Early Christianity, and am committed to rigorous and careful exegesis of Scripture as the foundation for life and ministry of the Gospel.
Having said all this, I found Dr. Brown's book to be BOTH an expression of his sincere love for and solidarity with Pastor MacArthur in the One, True Gospel, AND a devastating critique of the historical, biblical and theological positions that motivated Pastor MacArthur's recent conference and book.
This book is characterized by such a gracious and irenic tone that it makes me proud to know Dr. Brown as a brother in Christ, and as a role model for those of us who sometimes struggle to be gentle when we find ourselves in controversy or disagreement. Certainly this book does not lack for passion! But, neither does it lack for charity. If believers of all theological convictions could imitate Dr. Brown on this point, Christ's Kingdom would advance in profound and powerful ways in our day!
Lest Dr. Brown's meekness be mistaken for a lack of clarity and insight, let me also say that I found his arguments compelling and satisfying on nearly every level - from the historical assessment of the presence of superantural manifestations throughout the church's story, to the widespread and global presence of Jesus-loving, suffering and empowered, biblically-literate Charismatics, to the systematic logic of the ongoing function of charismatic gifts, to the fair-minded and contextually-sensitive exegetical treatment of the relevant biblical texts. Read more ›
39 of 46 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Like in Corinth there is Strange Fire in the Church, but there is also Authentic Fire, December 14, 2013
Peter Pellerin (Washington) - See all my reviews
Amazon Verified Purchase(What's this?)
This review is from: Authentic Fire: A Response to John MacArthur's Strange Fire (Kindle Edition)
Are charismatics Christians? Dr. MacArthur has his doubts about the vast majority of them. This is an extremely divisive position. Dr. Brown's reply in "Authentic Fire" is a book that needed to be written and I consider it a must read. Dr. Brown demonstrates that the Bible is very clear on these issues when the texts are interpreted in a straightforward way. The cessationist viewpoint is based on reading their experiences into the text, not on the sound exegesis scripture.
In the 1st chapter, Dr. Brown highlights how Dr. MacArthur is calling for a "collective war" against charismatics. The language Dr. MacArthur uses to describe all charismatics needs to be read to be believed. If charismatics are truly not believers (I include myself here) and we are leading others astray, then strong language is needed. However, Authentic Fire demonstrates that this is clearly not the case. Dr. Brown did an amazing job in a short amount of time demonstrating the errors in Dr. MacArthur's statements from both a scriptural and historical perspective.
One blogger Dr. Brown cited highlighted a certain pastor who has engaged in an "endless stream of smug, back-patting tweets-which receive self-congratulatory kudos from his fawning fans." This kind of attitude has no place within Christianity.
In the 2nd chapter, Dr. Brown demonstrates that charismatics (including him) have been speaking out about the abuses and false teachings that have arisen within the charismatic movement. He has been addressing these things in writing, as have many others. Dr. Brown closes this chapter with an important thought. Many children who grow up in cessationist denominations are becoming atheists when they get to college. "When they grow up and go to college, they just take that next step and doubt ALL miracles, including those in the Bible." If there is a valid other worldly experience with God that Christians experience today, how badly do we need to seek Him for it! How we need to lead our children in seeking Him? We need all that He has for us! We desparately need to teach our children to seek all that He has for them!
In chapter 3, Dr. Brown demonstrates clearly that the strange fire movement is blind to what charismatics are doing around the world. They only see the TBN charismatics and have not taken the time to get to know charismatics. He is careful not to accuse Dr. MacArthur of willful ignorance, but there is a clear massive blind spot in his thinking and knowledge of what is going on within the church.
Chapter 4 is extremely important. This chapter demolishes some of the main arguments used to attack charismatics and demonstrates how they were based on the genetic fallacy. Much of the discussion at the strange fire conference engage in "guilt by association". In an excellent discussion, Dr. Brown demonstrates how this "cuts both ways". Reformed theology and dispensational theology can be argued against with the same line of reasoning. I do not agree with Dr. Brown's position on dipsensational theology :), but you can't write off an entire move of God because of a few bad apples early in the movement. You must use the same "weights and measures" when you analyze your own beliefs.
In chapter 5, Dr. Brown goes through the ways to test whether or not a move is from God and the arguments that must not be used to say that a move is not from God that were developed by J. Edwards. There is a very important discussion in this chapter on the survey statistics that Dr. MacArthur used. I think you will find how this data was used to be both dissappointing and shocking.
In chapter 6, Dr. Brown spends some time demonstrating the case that cessationism is scriptually untenable. A strong case can be made for the continuation of the gifts, and there is no clear case against it. What is clearly demonstrated is that cessationists are not approaching scripture in a straightforward way, but are interpreting the scripture in light of their experience.
In chapters 7-8 and 10, Dr. Brown's emphasizes a need for unity among true Christians. How should we discuss disagreements on non essential issues? We need to look carefully at the way in which Paul addressed the Corinthians as a model. He goes through some historical examples of Christians attacking one another (such as the debate over the nature of Christ and the Baptism of infants). Dr. Brown's heart is that we need each other and we need to be working together.
He also includes a chapter demonstrating that the God of the Bible is a God who is to be experienced (chapter 9). In this chapter, Dr. Brown discusses some ways in which God works today. Are we to reject all this as happenstance or even as demonic? There is also another important discusssion concerning how we respond to God in worship. Are we to reject Biblical forms of worship and only worship the way cessationists say we should? Should we worship with mind only or with our whole being?
The appendices are also a must read. In the first appendix, Dr. Keener addresses miracle, prophecy, and tongue accounts around the world. He also addresses with firsthand knowledge the broad brushing of African charismatic Christianity. The Strange Fire conference committed some serious slanderous sins concerning brothers and sisters in Christ and they should repent. They accuse the charismatics of witchcraft in a broad brush way, without recognizing that their theology is not based on scripture, but based on the incorporation of the Western cultural antisupernatural bias into their Christianity.
Charismatics need to continue speaking out against the false teachings within the movement. Cessationists rightly point out many grevious errors. However, cessationists are committing some serious errors of their own. Our God hates the sin of one who sows discord among brethren. We all need to work out our salvation with "fear and trembling".
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