1. Star Light, Star Bright
Caillou wants to cook, but the barbecue is hot.
Dad said, "Play with Rosi."
Caillou est barbecue eats barbecue.
Caillou wants to see a moon wants to see the moon.
Caillou see sees a star.
2. All in a Day's Work
Caillou sould wake should wake up his parents.
Caillou feed feeds his cat.
Rosi Rosi wants to look like Mommy.
Caillou wants to play wants to play with his father.
Caillou go goes outside with his father.
Caillou see sees a police ~~~~ officer.
Caillou go goes to kindergarten.
3. The Cat's Meow
Caillou find finds Gilbert.
Gilbert go goes to the hospital.
Caillou meet meets his friend in the hospital.
4. Caillou in Space
Caillou meet meets Rio in the caillou house at Caillou's house.
Rosi wants to play with Caillou, but Caillou wants to play with Rio.
Caillou wants to go space contest wants to join a space contest.
Caillou's mom make makes a space costume.
Caillou and Rio go space contest join the space contest.
Caillou and Rio walk on the moon pretend to walk on the moon.
Score B+
문법과 표현:
- "est barbecue" → "eats barbecue"
- "go" → "goes"처럼 시제를 과거형으로 수정하세요.
- "see a police" → "sees a police officer"로 문장을 명확히 고치세요.
내용 추가하기:
- 각 에피소드의 디테일을 추가하면 이야기가 더 흥미로워질 수 있습니다. 예: Caillou가 경찰관을 봤을 때 어떤 대화를 나눴는지 상상해 보세요.
- "The Cat's Meow"에서 병원에서 무슨 일이 있었는지 더 설명해 보세요.
문장 연결:
- 이야기를 더 매끄럽게 연결하려면 "Then," "After that," "Finally" 같은 연결어를 사용해 보세요.