출저 : http://www.violinist.com/discussion/response.cfm?ID=6294
The String Combos of Artists
Jascha Heifetz : Goldbrokat Medium E, Plain Gut A&D, Wound G (don’t know the brand). That he used until the end of his performing career judging by the album photos from the 1960’s that I saw.
Nathan Milstein : Same as Heifetz in the 1950’s with a Eudoxa G, but he moved to using an Eudoxa G&D, plain gut A and Goldbrokat E in the 1960’s. I have been told by someone who saw him in the 1970’s that by then he was using an Eudoxa A as well.
Zino Francescatti : From an album from the late 50’s or early 60’s that I saw, he was using a Eudoxa G, Kaplan Silver D, Eudoxa A and Goldbrokat Medium E.
David Oistrakh : Eudoxa D and G, Prim Steel A (or Chromecore) and a Prim E.
* On a historical note here, the first person to use and recommend the use of a steel A with two wound gut core lower strings was Carl Flesch.
Arthur Grumiaux : Used an Eudoxa A, D, G. Couldn’t figure out the E. In the 1970’s, I saw a cover where he used the Eudoxa steel A, and gut on the two lower strings.
Henryk Szeryng : Used a Eudoxa D and G, a Kaplan A and either a Gold Label E or Kaplan E (they look so alike!). He did also use Olives for the D and G, and on the last filmed broadcast he did for Radio-Canada, he used Olive D and G, plain gut A and a Gold Label E from what I could tell.
Isaac Stern : Used the Eudoxa A, D, G and a Goldbrokat Medium E. Later in his career he kept the E but switched to Dominants.
Frank Peter Zimmerman : Uses Olives for the A, D, G and a Hill E.
Thomas Zehetmair : Unless he has changed, he use to use a full set of Olives.
Pinchas Zukerman : Used Eudoxas until the Dominants came out which he still uses (including the E, I think...). He was the first soloist to switch to Dominants. (now using Vision Titanium with a Heavy Gauge Westminster - at least judging by the most recent photos in the city here from the last couple of months.)
Itzhak Perlman : Used Eudoxa in his early career than switched to the traditional combo of Dominants with the Gold Label E.
Hilary Hahn : Dominants with a Gold Label E.
Maxim Vengerov : Used to use Dominants but recently switched to a full set of Pirazzi.
Vadim Repin : Don’t know what he used before but he is currently playing on a full set of Pirazzi.
Ilya Gringolts : He uses Evah Pirazzi at the moment.
Gil Shaham : Uses Dominants and a Jargar E (don’t know which gauge).
Midori : Uses Dominants and had a Synoxa E for a while, but it could also be Jargar Forte E which looks similar.
Stefan Jackiw : Uses Dominants and a Jargar Forte E.
현을 바꿔보려고 이것 저것 알아보다 이 글을 보았네요.
20세기를 풍미했던 하이페츠, 밀스타인, 쉐링, 오이스트라흐, 프란체스카티 등등의 연주자들은 합성코어 스트링이 등장하기 이전이라서인지 오이독사에 Goldbroka같은 다른 종류의 E현을 조합해서 많이들 사용 했군요.
그 이후 연주자들은 도미넌트에 골드라벨 E (이게 피라스트로 골드를 말하는 건가요?)나 올리브 E등을 조합했고..
요즘 젊은 연주자들은 에바피라찌나 라센 비젼등의 스트링도 적절히 조합하여 연주하는 듯 하네요.
가장 연주자의 개성을 있는 그대로 소리내준다는 도미넌트의 명성대로인지 도미넌트에 E현을 교체하는 방법에 가장 끌리긴 한데.. 라센이나 비젼등의 현도 한번 시도해보고는 싶네요.
사용 하고 계신 현의 조합의 장점들은 무엇인가요?
그나저나.. 환율의 여파로 현값은 천정부지.. 27000원 하던 도미넌트가 이젠 45000원대네요..
아. 혹시 조금 날카롭고 강렬한 느낌의 현이 있다면 추천 부탁드립니다.
첫댓글 좋은 글 감사해요~~~!!!!^^ 잘읽었어요`♡