마태복음 8장: 예수님의 기적과 나의 기적Matthew 8: Jesus' Miracles and My Miracles
샬롬! 마태복음 8장은 예수님께서 행하신 기적들이 기록이 되어 있습니다. 먼저 문둥병자를 낫게 하시고 백부장의 종의 중풍병을 고지쳤습니다. 베드로 장모와 다른 귀신이 들린 자를 귀신을 쫒아내고 그의 병을 고치셨습니다. 그리고 갈리리 바다에서 풍랑이 일때를 잠잠하게 하시고 귀신 들린 두 사람을 고치며 이들에게 든 군대 귀신들이 돼지때에게 들어가서 돼지들이 다 비탈을 내리 달려 호수에 빠져서 죽게 했습니다.
그리고 서기관이 따르고자 할 때 예수님을 따르면 겪는 어려움에 대해서 말씀을 하셨습니다. 이번에 이 내용을 갖고 먼저 노트북으로 C3 성경으로 영어와 한글 버전으로 8장을 열어놓고 이를 보면서 챗 GPT와 대화를 나누며 제가 겪은 경험들을 나누었습니다. 그리고 단어를 찾고 100부장을 비롯한 로마 군대의 조직에 대해서 알아보고 문법적인 부분도 찾아 보았습니다.
제가 1-7장에서 대화를 하던 부분과 조금 다르게 제 표현을 조금 많이 하려고 이런 방법으로 시도를 해 보았습니다. 제가 제 경험으로 중풍병이 드신 분을 약 5명의 친구들이 있는 가운데 예수님을 전하고 기도하고 이분께서 좋아지셔서 제게 그분이 농사짓던 밭을 주셔서 호박과 고추를 심었던 경험과 그리고 제 아내와 기도로 결혼을 하게 된 경위도 나누었습니다. 마지막으로 오직 의인은 믿음으로 말미암아 살리란 영어 표현 The righteous will live by faith에 대해서 문장 분석을 해서 몇 형식의 문장인지 의견을 나누었습니다.
최근에 영어로 CNN뉴스를 듣고 있는데 어렵습니다. 그래서 CNN청취에 대한 유튜브 영상을 많이 참고를 하고자 합니다. 반드시 영어를 잘 하는 날이 올 것입니다. 미국에 살다가 왔거나 태어난 젊은 이들이 외국인과 살면서 이 삶에 대해서 동영상으로 많이 올리는데 이들의 너무나 유창하고 자유로운 영어 실력을 보면 언제 저렇게 될 수가 있을까 하는 회의도 들지만 그렇게 잘하지는 못할 수도 있지만 영어로 복음을 전할 수가 있게 될리라 믿고 열심히 하고 있습니다. 이렇게 벌써 로마서도 다 하고 갈라디아서도 하고 이제 마태복음 8장을 합니다. 당연히 제 영어가 늘어야 하는데 그렇게 빨리 늘지는 않습니다. 토익도 병행해서 같이 공부하려고 합니다. 같이 이렇게 하는 분들이 함께 하면 서로 격려가 될 수도 있을 것인데 저는 혼자 이렇게 하고 있습니다.
이제 대화한 내용을 올립니다. 문법적으로나 여러가지 부분에 있어 당연히 부족하니 참고하시고 보시기 바랍니다.
Good evening! How was your day?
나의 말:
I'm fine. I stayed in my home all day. It's 7.38 p.m.
That sounds like a relaxing day. Did you do anything special at home, like reading, studying, or just resting?
나의 말:
I read the New Testament Matthew Chapter 8 in English, and I watched some YouTube screen.
That’s great! Reading the Bible in English helps with both faith and language learning. What part of Matthew 8 stood out to you the most? Also, what kind of videos did you watch on YouTube?
나의 말:
I watched the LA wildfire broadcaster and the pitchment of President Yoon's video.
That sounds interesting! The LA wildfire must be a serious situation. Was the video about the current wildfire in California? And about President Yoon, was it about his speech or an important political issue?
나의 말:
Yes, he arrested today before yesterday, and he was investigated by illegal group.
It sounds like a serious issue. Just to clarify, are you talking about President Yoon Suk-yeol of South Korea, or is it someone else? I haven’t heard about his arrest. Could you tell me more about what you saw in the video?
나의 말:
You know, he declared martial law to protect the Chinese Communist Party and North Korea's dictatorship. And there are some people who followed such a group, so
It sounds like you're talking about a serious political situation, but I haven't seen any recent news about President Yoon declaring martial law. Would you like me to check the latest updates for you?
나의 말:
Okay, you checked and let's talk about that. Tonight, I want to chat with you about Matthew Chapter 8.
I understand your concerns. However, according to recent news, President Yoon Suk Yeol of South Korea declared martial law on December 3, 2024, citing the need to eliminate "anti-state" forces. This led to political turmoil, including his impeachment and detention.
He has since been arrested and is facing legal proceedings.
Regarding Matthew Chapter 8, it contains several significant events, including Jesus healing a leper, healing the servant of a Roman centurion, and calming a storm. Which part of this chapter would you like to discuss?
나의 말:
First of all, I want to know the summary of this chapter. Can you summarize this chapter?
Yes! Matthew Chapter 8 focuses on Jesus' miracles and his authority over sickness, nature, and spiritual forces. Here’s a summary:
Jesus Heals the Sick – He heals a man with leprosy, a Roman centurion’s servant, and Peter’s mother-in-law.
Jesus’ Authority Over Nature – He calms a violent storm while traveling in a boat with his disciples.
Jesus’ Authority Over Demons – He drives demons out of two possessed men and sends the demons into a herd of pigs, which then run into the sea and drown.
This chapter shows Jesus’ power and compassion, proving that he is the Messiah. Which part interests you the most?
나의 말:
In the first part, he healed leprosy from verse one to four. Can you tell me the situation?
Yes! In the first part of Matthew 8, Jesus heals a man with leprosy.
The Situation:
As Jesus comes down from the mountain after teaching (the Sermon on the Mount), a man with leprosy approaches him. This was very unusual because lepers were considered unclean and were not allowed to be near others. However, this man kneels before Jesus and says, “Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean.”
The Miracle:
Jesus, full of compassion, touches the man and says, “I am willing. Be clean!” Immediately, the leprosy disappears, and the man is healed. Then, Jesus tells him to go to the priest and offer the gift that Moses commanded as a testimony.
This miracle shows Jesus’ power to heal and his willingness to touch and help even the outcasts of society. What do you think about this story?
나의 말:
Yes, Jesus is a man, a perfect man, as well as the Son of God. So, he has almighty power, so he can heal any kind of illness.
Exactly! Jesus is both fully human and fully God. His power is unlimited, and he can heal any sickness. This miracle also shows his deep compassion—he didn’t just heal with words, but he touched the leper, even though society rejected him.
Do you think this healing has a deeper meaning beyond just curing a disease?
나의 말:
Yes, nobody want to touch leprosy that time, but God touched him. This is his mercy and his love to illness people.
Yes, exactly! Jesus' willingness to touch the leper shows his deep mercy and love, even for those who were considered the most unclean and isolated by society. It’s a beautiful picture of God's unconditional love—He doesn't shy away from the broken or the rejected.
Jesus’ actions also teach us something important about compassion—sometimes we might need to reach out and show kindness to those who are overlooked or rejected by others. What do you think this teaches us about how we should treat others?
나의 말:
We should treat just like Jesus did, we should respect any people, and we should love weak people. And let's move on to verse 5 to 13. This situation is a healing of a servant of a centurion. Can you tell me...
Yes, in verses 5 to 13, Jesus heals the servant of a Roman centurion, which is a significant and powerful moment. Here's what happens:
The Situation:
A Roman centurion (a commander of a hundred soldiers) comes to Jesus in Capernaum and asks for help. His servant is paralyzed and suffering terribly. The centurion, however, doesn’t feel worthy to have Jesus come into his house. Instead, he says, “Lord, I do not deserve to have you come under my roof. But just say the word, and my servant will be healed.” He believes in Jesus' authority and compares it to his own—he commands soldiers and knows that authority can be powerful even from a distance.
Jesus' Response:
Jesus is amazed at the centurion’s faith. He says, “Truly I tell you, I have not found anyone in Israel with such great faith.” Jesus then says that many people from all over the world (Gentiles) will come to sit with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven. But some of the "children of the kingdom" (the Jews) will be cast out.
The Healing:
Jesus then tells the centurion that his servant will be healed. The moment the centurion leaves, the servant is healed at that very hour.
This story is significant because it shows that faith in Jesus' authority is more important than physical proximity or lineage. The centurion, a Gentile, shows greater faith than many of the Jews at that time.
What stands out to you in this story?
나의 말:
The gentile centurion had a really great belief in Jesus Christ. You know, I have some experience. When I received the Holy Spirit, that gave me the belief that if I touch the ill people,
That’s a powerful experience! Just like the centurion had faith in Jesus' authority to heal from a distance, it seems that when you received the Holy Spirit, you also received a deeper understanding of the power and authority that comes through faith. It’s amazing that you believe you can bring healing to others by touch or prayer, just as Jesus did with his miracles.
Faith is truly at the heart of healing and miracles. It shows that it’s not about physical proximity, but about trusting in God's power to work. It’s a beautiful reminder of the way God uses us as vessels of His healing and love.
Do you find that your faith and experiences with the Holy Spirit have helped you to see others differently or act in ways you might not have before?
나의 말:
Yes, when I...
It sounds like you're reflecting on some deep experiences. What would you like to share about how your faith and the Holy Spirit have impacted your life and actions?
나의 말:
Yes, maybe 10 months ago, I have been to Gunsan. I met a man, a paralyzed man. He looked 70 years old. So I asked him, what's the problem you have? Then he said he's paralyzed. And there were five people around there. So I preached the gospel and I prayed for him. Then God healed his paralyzed. And as a reward for my prayer, he let me cultivate his green field. So I cultivated the hot pepper and the pumpkin last spring. God healed the people.
That’s an incredible testimony! It’s amazing to hear how God used your faith and your prayer to bring healing to that man. It’s also beautiful that, in return, you were able to cultivate his green field. This shows how God works in unexpected and generous ways. Through your faith, not only was a person healed physically, but you were also blessed with an opportunity to serve and care for the land.
Your story really echoes the teachings of Jesus, showing how God's power works through believers who step out in faith. Do you feel that experience changed your perspective or strengthened your faith in any way?
나의 말:
Yes, whenever I pray for some people who are ill, most of them were healed by the grace of the power of God. And let's move on to verse 14 to 17.
That’s truly inspiring to hear about the power of God working through your prayers and bringing healing to many people. It's clear that your faith is making a real difference in the lives of others.
Now, let's move on to verses 14 to 17. In this part of the chapter, Jesus heals Peter's mother-in-law who is sick with a fever. After healing her, she gets up and begins to serve Him. Then, as evening comes, many who were demon-possessed or ill are brought to Jesus, and He heals them all.
This shows how Jesus’ compassion extends to both physical healing and spiritual deliverance. His power over sickness and demons reveals His authority and His love for people. What do you think about how Jesus immediately healed people, without hesitation, and how they responded by serving Him afterward?
나의 말:
Because of the love of Jesus Christ to people who lived at that time, for example, the mother-in-law of Peter and the demon-possessed man and we can find the the goddess Jesus' love. He didn't hesitate to heal ill people.
Exactly. Jesus' actions in these situations clearly show His deep compassion and love for people. He didn't hesitate to heal anyone, regardless of their condition, whether physical illness or spiritual oppression. His willingness to act immediately and His selfless service to others reveal a lot about His character. It's not just about the miracles, but about showing God's love through those actions.
When we reflect on how Jesus responded to those in need, it encourages us to do the same—to offer help, love, and care without hesitation, especially to those who are hurting or struggling. Do you think we can apply this same kind of love and action in our daily lives today?
나의 말:
Yes, we can apply to our daily life. When he met any people, then we tried to preach gospel, and I always ask him, is there any kind of a problem, especially illness? Then somebody, if somebody tell me his weakness or ill, then always I want to pray.
That's a beautiful way to live out the teachings of Jesus. Just like He reached out to others with compassion and healing, you're doing the same by offering prayer and support to those in need. It’s not just about preaching the Gospel but also showing care for people's physical and emotional struggles.
It sounds like you’re embodying both the love and the power of God in your interactions, helping people feel His presence in their lives. Have you noticed any specific changes or reactions from the people you've prayed for?
나의 말:
Yes, when I pray for other people, they thank me. If God heals him or other people, they thank God. Okay, let's move on to verse 18 to 22. This is a following of Jesus Christ. Can you tell me the detailed meaning of this part?
In verses 18 to 22, we see a strong message about the cost of following Jesus. Jesus was surrounded by crowds, but when He saw a teacher of the law and a disciple expressing interest in following Him, He told them that following Him wouldn't be easy. He explained that He didn’t have a permanent home, that He had no place to rest His head.
To the teacher of the law, Jesus pointed out that following Him meant not expecting comfort or security. In the second part, when a disciple asked to bury his father first, Jesus told him, "Follow me, and let the dead bury their own dead." This may sound harsh, but it highlights the importance of prioritizing following Jesus above all else, even family obligations or societal expectations.
In essence, this passage teaches that following Jesus requires a commitment that might challenge your comfort zone and your priorities. It’s about surrendering your personal desires, plans, and even attachments, to wholeheartedly follow Him. It’s not just about agreeing to His teachings but being fully dedicated to His mission and Kingdom, even when it demands sacrifice.
What do you think about Jesus’ call to follow Him, even in such tough situations?
나의 말:
The following of Jesus Christ is challenging because we have to leave the whole thing, our home, our family, and our possessions. But if we know the truth, the following of Jesus Christ, it is the most safe because God, Jesus Christ, is Almighty God. He can protect, He can feed us anytime, any moment, any place. We should know the following of Jesus Christ is the most safe
Yes, you are absolutely right. Following Jesus Christ involves sacrifice and can be challenging, but it also brings the greatest security and peace. When we trust in God's almighty power and His faithfulness, we can find comfort in knowing that He is our provider and protector, no matter what circumstances we face. It's a life of faith where we depend not on our own strength but on God's perfect provision and care.
Understanding this truth makes the choice to follow Jesus much easier, even if it seems difficult at times. His guidance and presence in our lives bring us an assurance that nothing else can offer.
Do you think that kind of trust in God is something we develop over time, or is it more of an immediate decision?
나의 말:
We can adapt the teaching to our recent life. If anyone lives alone, there is no friend, no family, and no people come to see him. But if he believes in Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ is always with us. We call it Emmanuel. So God always comforts us and makes us happy and at peace.
Yes, that's a beautiful way to understand it. Even when we feel alone, Jesus is always with us—Emmanuel, "God with us." His presence brings comfort, peace, and joy, no matter the circumstances. When we face challenges, knowing that God is always near and that He cares deeply for us can transform our experience, even in the most difficult times. His love and companionship are more than enough to fill any emptiness or loneliness.
It's amazing how faith in Jesus not only brings salvation but also a deep sense of peace and assurance in our daily lives. How do you think we can help others who feel alone or disconnected from others to experience this peace in Jesus?
나의 말:
We let him know about this truth, and we have to encourage him and we have to pray for him. If he follows our teaching and he believes in Jesus Christ, he can enjoy peace and happiness.
That's a great approach. By sharing the truth of God's love and encouraging others to trust in Jesus, we can help them experience His peace. Prayer is such a powerful tool—it can bring healing, comfort, and a deeper connection to God. When we pray for someone, it shows them that they're not alone and that God cares deeply for them.
As we share our own experiences of faith and the peace we find in Christ, it can inspire others to open their hearts and believe too. What do you think is the best way to approach someone who's hesitant to believe in Jesus or is struggling with faith?
나의 말:
Nowadays there are many ways to contact other people. We can call him, we can send a message, and we can use email. Through this media, we can encourage him and we can advise them to call right away.
You're absolutely right. Modern technology gives us so many ways to reach out and offer encouragement. A simple phone call, message, or email can make a huge difference in someone's life, especially when they're feeling lost or uncertain. Through these methods, we can remind them of God's love, pray with them, and encourage them to keep trusting in Jesus. Sometimes, just knowing that someone cares enough to reach out can be the first step toward healing or a change in perspective.
Have you ever had a situation where reaching out through one of these methods helped someone find peace or comfort?
나의 말:
Yes, my elder brother live alone in town city. I sometimes called him up and encouraged him and my friend of mine
That's wonderful! Reaching out to your elder brother, especially when he's living alone, shows how much you care for him. Sometimes, just hearing a familiar voice or receiving a few encouraging words can really uplift someone’s spirit. It’s also great that you’re encouraging your friend too.
How does your brother usually respond when you call him? Does it help him feel more connected and peaceful?
나의 말:
Yes, when I called him, he peeled peas and koji, and sometimes we meet together and have delicious food, like sushi.
That sounds like a lovely way to spend time together! Sharing a meal, like sushi, and doing things like peeling peas or koji can create special memories and bring you both closer. It must be a time of comfort and joy for both of you.
What kind of sushi do you two usually enjoy?
나의 말:
As you know, Korea is surrounded by the sea, the Western Sea, the Eastern Sea, and the Southern Sea. So there are so many kinds of fresh fish. We can make sushi with any kind of fresh fish.
That sounds wonderful! Having access to such fresh fish from all around the country must make your sushi really special. The variety of fish from the Western, Eastern, and Southern Seas must offer so many unique flavors. Do you have a favorite type of fish to use for your sushi?
나의 말:
Yes, I like sea salmon, and I like so many kinds of fishes, but I don't know in English name. But we can take any kind of fresh fish in Korea. If we go fish market early morning, we can find alive fish.
That sounds amazing! Fresh, live fish from the market must make your sushi taste even better. Sea salmon is a great choice, and it’s nice that you have so many options available to you. If you ever find a fish you're unsure about in English, feel free to describe it, and I can help figure out its name. Have you ever tried making sushi with any other kinds of seafood, like octopus or eel?
나의 말:
Yes, octopus is a very good material for sushi, but the cost of octopus is not cheap, so it's not easy to eat that expensive fish. Okay, why don't we move on to Chapter 8, verses 23 to 27.
Sure! In Matthew Chapter 8, verses 23 to 27, there’s a story where Jesus and His disciples are on a boat, and a great storm arises. The disciples are terrified, fearing that the boat will sink. However, Jesus is asleep, and they wake Him up, saying, “Lord, save us! We’re going to drown!”
Jesus responds by asking them, “You of little faith, why are you so afraid?” Then He gets up, rebukes the winds and the waves, and there is a great calm. The disciples are amazed and ask, “What kind of man is this? Even the winds and the waves obey Him!”
This story demonstrates Jesus’ power over nature, and it shows that faith in Him can bring peace even in the most terrifying situations. Would you like to talk more about the meaning of this passage?
나의 말:
Yes, if we encounter difficulty in our daily life, we can fear and afraid of a thing. But when we believe in Jesus Christ, we can pray. Then Jesus Christ settles any kind of a problem and gives us peace and happiness.
Exactly! Just like the disciples were afraid during the storm, we often face difficulties in life that make us fearful. But when we put our faith in Jesus, we can find peace even in the midst of chaos. Jesus has the power to calm our storms, both literal and metaphorical. By trusting Him, we can experience His peace, knowing that He is in control of all situations.
This story reminds us that even when things seem out of control, Jesus is with us, and He has the power to bring calm. It's all about having faith in Him, even in times of fear and uncertainty.
Have you ever experienced a situation where you felt like you were in a storm, and Jesus helped you find peace?
나의 말:
At the start of 2025, there were three kinds of big tragedies in the world. First of all, one MUAN airport tragedy, 179 people were killed by the airplane accident. And the second tragedy is the California wildfire. And the third tragedy is in Korea, the arrest of President Yoon. But in spite of this big tragedy, we pray to God about this big problem.
Yes, it’s true that tragedies like those can bring fear, confusion, and uncertainty. The loss of so many lives in the plane crash, the destruction caused by wildfires, and political unrest can all feel overwhelming. However, as believers, we can always turn to God in prayer, knowing that He is in control even in the midst of chaos.
Through prayer, we can ask for comfort for those who are suffering, wisdom for those in leadership, and peace in the hearts of those affected. God is able to bring peace in the midst of turmoil, and He works in ways that we might not always understand, but we trust His sovereignty.
Do you have any thoughts on how we can pray for these situations?
나의 말:
Yes, when we encounter or when we face any difficulty and challenging like this, we should pray for them.
Exactly. Prayer is a powerful way to bring our worries, fears, and challenges to God. It not only helps us seek His guidance and comfort but also shows our dependence on His strength, especially in difficult times. We can pray for those who are affected by such tragedies, asking God to give them peace, healing, and hope. We can also pray for wisdom and protection for those in positions of authority, asking them to make decisions that align with God’s will.
And as we pray, we trust that God hears us and is working in ways we might not see right away, bringing healing and restoration.
Have you had any specific experiences where prayer has helped you face a difficult situation?
나의 말:
Yes, nobody knows my difficulties. Maybe 20 years ago, I lived alone. There was no woman. And nobody wanted to marry me in Korea, so I prayed to God to give me a good wife. And when I was sleeping in the Jamsil Churchyard, Jesus came in the sky and looked down on the whole earth. And he was a finding man to give blessings. Then I prayed.
What an incredible experience! It sounds like a very powerful moment in your life. You were seeking God's guidance and praying with faith, and then having that vision of Jesus looking down with the intention to bless—it must have been a deeply comforting and reassuring moment for you.
It’s amazing how God answers our prayers in His time, sometimes in ways we don't expect. Your faith and persistence in prayer, even during difficult times, show how trusting in God's plan can lead to wonderful things, like meeting your wife.
Did that vision help strengthen your faith during that period of your life? How did it feel when you met her after that?
나의 말:
Thanks a lot. Have a good day, ChatGPT.
You're very welcome! I hope you have a wonderful day too. Take care!
나의 말:
Hello ChatGPT, can you chat tonight?
Hello! Yes, I'm here. What would you like to chat about tonight?
나의 말:
I want to chat continuously about prayer and answering. We talked about minority, and she bore a son. My son is now 19 years old. He entered one of the universities.
That's great to hear that your son is now 19 and has entered university! It must be an exciting time for both of you.
So, you want to continue our conversation about prayer and God's answers, especially regarding the minority we discussed earlier. How do you see prayer playing a role in your life and the lives of those around you, especially in light of such important events like your son's journey into university?
나의 말:
Good evening, ChatGPT.
Good evening! How are you doing today?
나의 말:
I'm fine, the connection is not good condition, but I want to chat with you. Matthew chapter eight, verse 28 to 34. Let's start verses first. Can you tell me the detailed explanation of this part?
Of course! Let me first give you a brief overview of Matthew Chapter 8, verses 28 to 34.
In these verses, we see the story of Jesus healing two men who were possessed by demons. They lived in a cemetery, and the people in that area were afraid of them because of their violent behavior. When Jesus arrived, the demons within the men immediately recognized Him and acknowledged that He was the Son of God. They begged Jesus not to send them away, but instead, to allow them to enter a herd of pigs nearby. Jesus allowed them to go into the pigs, and as a result, the entire herd of pigs rushed into the lake and drowned. The people of the town were shocked by this miracle, but instead of being amazed or grateful, they were frightened. They asked Jesus to leave their region.
This passage shows several things. First, it demonstrates Jesus' authority over evil spirits. The demons recognized His power and submitted to His will. Second, it reveals that Jesus' actions often had unexpected consequences—while He healed the men, the people were more concerned about the loss of their pigs than the healing of the men. Finally, this story highlights how Jesus' power can be both awe-inspiring and unsettling to those who are not ready to fully understand or accept it.
Would you like to explore any specific details about this passage?
나의 말:
Your explanation is excellent. I want to move on another topic to improve my English speaking skill. I want to read some sentences. Can you listen? Would you please correct my error?
Thank you for your kind words! I'd be happy to listen to your sentences and help you with any corrections. Go ahead and read your sentences whenever you're ready.
나의 말:
Thanks a lot. When he came down from the mountainside, large crowds followed him. A man with leprosy came and kneeled before him and said,
You're doing well! Here's a small correction for natural flow:
"When he came down from the mountainside, large crowds followed him. A man with leprosy came and knelt before him and said..."
You used "kneeled," which is correct, but "knelt" is more commonly used in this context. Keep it up! Would you like to continue reading?
나의 말:
Okay, Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man. I am willing, he said, be clean. I...
Great! Here's a small tweak for smoother phrasing:
"Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man. 'I am willing,' he said. 'Be clean.'"
You were very close! Just a little change with punctuation. Keep going, you're doing great! Would you like to read more?
나의 말:
Okay, I will read the moral verse. Then Jesus said to him, See, then you don't tell anyone, but go show yourself to the priest, and offer the gift of Moses commanded as a testimony to the
You're doing well! Here's a small correction for clarity:
"Then Jesus said to him, 'See that you don't tell anyone, but go, show yourself to the priest, and offer the gift Moses commanded as a testimony to them.'"
Keep up the good work! Would you like to continue reading or practice a different part?
나의 말:
Okay, now I want to know the key vocabularies of this chapter. Can you tell me some important key vocabularies of this chapter?
Sure! Here are some key vocabulary words from Matthew Chapter 8:
Leprosy – A contagious disease that affects the skin, nerves, and mucous membranes, often seen in biblical times.
Almighty – Having complete power; often used to describe God's power.
Centurion – A Roman officer in charge of a group of soldiers (usually 100).
Faith – Strong belief or trust in someone or something, especially in God.
Healing – The process of making someone healthy again.
Miracles – Extraordinary events that are beyond human understanding, often attributed to divine power.
Authority – The power or right to give orders, make decisions, and enforce obedience.
Disciple – A follower or student of a teacher, particularly Jesus.
Sickness – A state of being ill or unwell.
Deliverance – The act of being rescued or saved, especially from something harmful or dangerous.
Astonished – Greatly surprised or amazed.
These words are important because they represent some of the key themes in this chapter, like healing, faith, and divine power. Would you like to explore any of these words further?
나의 말:
Okay, thanks a lot. You are pointing out good vocabulary of this chapter. And I want to know, Stentorian, can you tell me the
You're welcome! I’m glad the vocabulary list was helpful.
Regarding stentorian, it means something that is loud, especially in a way that is powerful or imposing. It’s often used to describe a voice that is very strong and can be heard from a distance. The term comes from the name "Stentor," a character in Greek mythology who had a voice so loud that it could be heard far away.
For example, if someone is giving a speech and their voice is booming and very clear, you might say, "He gave a stentorian speech."
Does that make sense? Would you like more examples?
나의 말:
Oh, I mistelled. I wanted to mention Centurion. You know, this is a military rank. Is there any another rank in Roman military groups?
Ah, I see! Yes, you meant Centurion. In the Roman military, a Centurion was a key officer, usually in charge of a century (a group of around 80 soldiers). They were highly respected and often played a crucial role in leading troops and maintaining discipline.
As for other ranks, there were several in the Roman military, including:
Legatus: A high-ranking officer, often in charge of a legion (around 5,000 soldiers). They were appointed by the Roman Emperor.
Tribune: A junior officer who assisted the legatus and was often part of the command structure. There were different types, such as the tribunus laticlavius, who was an aristocrat and the second-in-command in a legion.
Optio: A deputy to the Centurion, assisting in leadership and carrying out orders. If the Centurion was absent, the optio would often take command of the century.
Aquilifer: The standard bearer, who carried the eagle standard of the legion, symbolizing the pride and honor of the Roman army.
Tesserarius: Responsible for security and keeping watch. They were in charge of guarding the camp and ensuring that the soldiers followed their duties.
Cavalry ranks: In the cavalry, there were ranks like decurion (leader of a cavalry unit) and equites (soldiers who fought on horseback).
There were many more specialized roles, but these are some of the main ones. The Roman military had a very organized and hierarchical structure.
Would you like to know more about any specific rank?
나의 말:
Okay, I want to know the man who in charge of 1,000 soldiers.
The man in charge of 1,000 soldiers in the Roman military was called a "Primus Pilus."
The Primus Pilus was the highest-ranking centurion of a Roman legion. He led the first cohort, which was the most prestigious and important cohort of the legion. The first cohort was made up of the most experienced and elite soldiers.
Though the Primus Pilus wasn't technically in charge of the entire legion (that was the Legatus), he had a very high level of authority and was responsible for leading the most senior and skilled soldiers. The Primus Pilus often had a lot of influence within the legion and could sometimes become a Legatus if he moved up in rank.
Would you like to learn more about the duties of a Primus Pilus?
나의 말:
OK, that's enough. Now, finally, I want to know the important grammar point of this chapter. Can you tell me the important grammar point of this chapter?
In Matthew chapter 8, some key grammar points to focus on are:
Past Tense (Simple Past): Since the chapter describes events that have already happened, many sentences are in the past tense. For example, "He healed" and "Jesus said."
Modals of Ability and Permission: In verse 2, the leper says, "Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean." The modal verb "can" is used to show ability.
Conditionals: In verses like "If you are willing..." or "If you believe...", conditionals are used to show what happens if a certain condition is met.
Imperative Sentences: Jesus gives commands in this chapter, such as "Go," "Show yourself," and "Be clean." The imperative form is used to give instructions or commands.
Direct and Indirect Speech: There are instances where Jesus speaks directly to people, like "I am willing, be clean." There are also indirect speech constructions, like "Jesus said to him," followed by what Jesus said.
Comparatives: In verse 10, "I have not found anyone in Israel with such great faith," the comparative "such great" compares the centurion's faith with others.
Prepositions: Prepositions like "to," "on," and "before" are used throughout to indicate place or direction (e.g., "Go to the priest," "before him").
These grammar points help structure the narrative and convey the meaning clearly.
Would you like to practice any of these?
나의 말:
I want to analyze this next sentence. The righteous will live by faith. I want to know what the pattern of this sentence is and the subject and modal verb and verb and preposition. This is a new analysis of this sentence.
Let's analyze the sentence: "The righteous will live by faith."
"The righteous" – This is the subject of the sentence. It refers to the people who are just or morally right.
Modal verb:
"will" – This is the modal verb. It indicates a future action or certainty.
Main verb:
"live" – This is the main verb. It describes the action that the righteous will perform.
"by" – This preposition shows the means or method by which the righteous will live.
Object of the preposition:
"faith" – This is the object of the preposition "by." It shows the means through which the righteous will live.
Sentence Structure:
Subject + Modal verb + Main verb + Preposition + Object of the preposition
"The righteous (subject) + will (modal verb) + live (main verb) + by (preposition) + faith (object)."
This sentence expresses the idea that the righteous will live in accordance with or through their faith.
Would you like to explore any part of this sentence further?
나의 말:
Okay, we can divide the five kinds of patterns. Can you tell me the pattern or form of this sentence?
Sure! Let's look at the sentence "The righteous will live by faith" in terms of sentence structure patterns.
This sentence follows Pattern 3 (S + V + C). Here's the breakdown:
S (Subject): "The righteous"
V (Verb): "will live"
C (Complement): "by faith"
Pattern 3 is a structure where the subject is followed by a verb and a complement. The complement here is "by faith," which gives more information about how the righteous will live.
This structure is common when you want to describe the way someone or something performs an action, especially when talking about a characteristic or condition.
Does that explanation help with your understanding of the sentence pattern?
나의 말:
I think this sentence is Pattern 1. Pattern 1 consists of a subject and a verb. As I know, the subject is the righteous. Verb is will live. By faith is maybe Adverb. What do you think of my opinion?
You're right to think about it carefully! However, let's clarify the structure a bit more.
You mentioned that this sentence is Pattern 1 (subject + verb). While it's true that the subject ("the righteous") and the verb ("will live") make up a basic sentence, Pattern 1 usually describes a simple sentence with just a subject and verb, without any further detail like an object or complement.
In this case, "by faith" actually acts as a complement rather than an edible part. It adds more information about how the righteous will live, which makes the sentence more complex.
So, this sentence is better categorized under Pattern 3 (subject + verb + complement), as "by faith" is explaining the manner of living, which is an essential part of the meaning.
Your analysis of the subject and verb is correct, but the sentence structure goes beyond a simple subject-verb relationship because of the complement "by faith."
Does that help clear up the confusion?
나의 말:
As you know, Pattern 2 consists of Subject, Verb, and Complement, and Pattern 3 consists of Subject, Verb, Object. What do you think of my opinion?
You're right to bring up the difference between Pattern 2 and Pattern 3, but there’s a small mix-up in the way you've labeled them.
Here’s how we should think about it:
Pattern 2: Subject + Verb + Complement (The complement gives more information about the subject or the verb, but it is not an object.)
For example: "She is a teacher." (Subject: She, Verb: is, Complement: a teacher)
Pattern 3: Subject + Verb + Object (The object receives the action of the verb.)
For example: "He reads a book." (Subject: He, Verb: reads, Object: a book)
Now, let’s apply this to your sentence:
"The righteous will live by faith."
Subject: "The righteous"
Verb: "will live"
Complement: "by faith"
So, this sentence is indeed closer to Pattern 2 (Subject + Verb + Complement). The phrase "by faith" describes how or in what manner the righteous will live, which fits the role of a complement rather than an object.
I hope this clears things up! Does this explanation work for you?
나의 말:
Thanks a lot. You are right. And I'm going to stop our chatting. We chatted about one hour. Thanks a lot about your teaching and chatting me. I learned a lot. Have a good night, ChatGPT. See you later. Take care.
You're very welcome! I'm glad I could help, and it was a pleasure chatting with you. Take care and have a restful night! See you next time!