~바치다, 전념하다, 헌신하다
dedicated to -
be dedicated to.
dedicate는 (시간, 노력을). 바치다, 전념하다 등의 의미 ...
transitive verb
If you say that someone has dedicated themselves to something, you approve of the fact that they have decided to give a lot of time and effort to it because they think that it is important.
For the next few years, she dedicated herself to her work.
그 이후 몇 년 동안, 그녀는 자기 일에 전념했다.
approve of someone
(also approve of something)
If you approve of someone or something, you have a positive opinion of them or it:
She doesn't approve of my friends.
Many people in the town approved of the judge's decision.
My parents did not approve of the sort of music that I listened to.
A poll showed that less than half of Americans approve of the way that their president is doing his job.
I don't always approve of his methods, but he certainly gets excellent results.
B2 [ I ]
to have a positive opinion of someone or something:
approve of She doesn't approve of my friends.
He doesn't approve of smoking.
I thoroughly approve of what the government is doing.
They think I'm an old fuddy-duddy because I don't approve of tattoos.
The survey showed that 32% of respondents approve, 54% disapprove and the rest are undecided.
We are a moral, ethical people and therefore we do not approve of their activities.
"I don't approve of that kind of language, " she said, pursing her lips.
You may not approve of what he did, but he's still your brother.
devote oneself
오직 한 가지 일에만 마음을 쓰다.
To concentrate one's mind on one thing only.
무엇에[무엇을 하는 데] 전념하다.
apply oneself [one's mind] to something[doing something]
…에 마음을 집중하다,
…에 열중[전념]하다
set one's mind[brain] on[to]
새로운 일에 전념하다.
concentrate on one's new task
자신의 경력을 위해 전념하다
to devote oneself to one's career
betake oneself
집중시키다, 한 곳에 모으다; 강화시키다, 더 응축시키다; 전념하다, 주의를 기울이다
헌신하다, 바치다, 전념하다; 헌납하다, 봉헌하다; ...에게 헌정하다 (책이나 시 등을)
열심히 공부하다, 공부에 전념하다
take to
전념하다, ...에 정들다, ...으로 가다, 끌다
banner headline
전단에 걸친 큰 제목, 전단에 걸친 큰 톱타이틀
cause of war
전단 폭을 꽉 채우는 제목이나 표제
선단부 tip end portion
선단부 front end portion
선단, 전단, 후단이 모두 나올 때는 선단이 tip end
선단과 후단만 대비되어 한 내용에서 나올 때는 선단을 front end
후단 [後段] [뒤의 단]
the latter[second] part
선단측에서 후단측으로 연장된 몸통부
a trunk portion extended from a front end side toward a rear end side
suddenly; abruptly; all at once;
후닥닥거리다[열쌔게 행동하다]
act quickly
keep quick action
be in a flurry