Cinco de Mayo Picnic
It was windy Saturday and the early set up turned up to be chaotic to say the least, as some of our tents began to blow away. We decided then to have a tent-free day and set up the stage outside next to our sanctuary doorway with people watching from under the trees. But by 3:15 pm there were only few people present (the picnic was to begin at 3 pm). The members of the band were wondering if people will show up, but as we sang some of the Mexican popular songs people started showing up. By 4 pm there were a good size crowd watching and some of them could not resist the urge to dance at the rhythm of "La Bamba", and the smoke of the barbecue got everyone in a mood for a picnic. After a nice meal we invited everyone to the loan to play some games. Musical chairs and the three legged race entertained the young adults and a pi ñata the smaller kids. The adult winners in each game received gift certificates and children received toys just for been there. At the end of the picnic, with around hundred people (including children) in attendance, Martha Herrera and Abraham Brambila, danced a beautiful Mexican dance. Everyone left with a joyful feeling, having a taste of what is like to spend time as a community embraced by the love of God and True Parents.