Caillou‘s friend Clementine came to Caillou’s house.
They play played together but each of them wanted to play differently.
They start started to fright fight.
But they understood each other and apologized to each other.
Then Clementine‘s brother came and they play played together and they are were very very happy!!
Score: Ao
- "play"는 과거니까 "played"로 써야 해요.
- "start to fright"는 "started to fight"가 맞아요. "fight"는 싸우다라는 뜻이에요.
- "they are very happy"도 과거니까 "they were very happy"로 써야 해요.
- "very very happy"도 좋지만, "so happy" 또는 "had lots of fun" 같이 표현을 바꿔 보면 더 자연스러워요.
- 싸운 이유나 어떤 장난감을 가지고 놀고 싶었는지 한 문장만 더 써 주면 이야기가 더 재미있어져요!