DIANE SAWYER (ABC NEWS): (OC) 클라리사 워드가 이 자리에 있는데, 클라리사는 이 지역 담당 취재 기자입니다.
Clarissa Ward is here, she covers the region for us.
그런데 우리 나라의 조그만 주 하나가 그렇게 대단하다고요?
And you heard about a little state in America, the little engine that could?
CLARISSA WARD (ABC NEWS): (OC) 네, 대단합니다. Yeah, it's unbelievable.
슈와츠제네거 (캘리포니아) 주지사부터 블룸버그 (뉴욕) 시장에 이르기까지 거물들이 줄줄이, 중국 시장의 일부라도 차지하기 위해 경합을 벌이는 것을 우리가 봐왔는데요.
We've really seen a parade of heavy hitters coming through here, from Governor Schwarzenegger to Mayor Bloomberg, all jockeying for a part of the China market.
그래서, 대체 어떻게 이런 대단한 성과를 거두었죠?
So, how is it that a little welterweight has made such a big hit?
CLARISSA WARD (ABC NEWS): (VO)네, 워싱턴 주인데요. 지난 10년 만에, 워싱턴 주의 對 중국 수출이 300% 넘게 성장했습니다.
Washington State. In the last decade, its exports to China have grown over 300%.
작년에는 거의 60억 달러였죠.
Nearly $6 billion last year.
보잉기 수출이 크게 기여를 했고, (주요 인사들의) 잦은 방문 그리고 특정 고객을 겨냥한 마케팅으로 밀어붙였죠.
Flying high on Boeing aircraft exports, pushing hard with frequent visits and targeted marketing.
DIANE SAWYER (ABC NEWS): (OC) Clarissa Ward is here, she covers the region for us. And you heard about a little state in America, the little engine that could?
CLARISSA WARD (ABC NEWS): (OC) Yeah, it's unbelievable. We've really seen a parade of heavy hitters coming through here, from Governor Schwarzenegger to Mayor Bloomberg, all jockeying for a part of the China market. So, how is it that a little welterweight has made such a big hit?
CLARISSA WARD (ABC NEWS): (VO) Washington State. In the last decade, its exports to China have grown over 300%. Nearly $6 billion last year. Flying high on Boeing aircraft exports, pushing hard with frequent visits and targeted marketing. China is eating Washington up, from its apples to its salmon and its candy. Well, one candy in particular. Almond Roca. An affordable treat in the US, but marketed here as a luxury item, showcased in upscale department stores. Repackaged with Chinese characters, the one for Roca actually means "happy family" here. It's a popular gift for the holidays.
AVEN YEUNG (CHINA FOR SIMS TRADING): It's a well known brand and the packaging, very premium, very classy.
CLARISSA WARD (ABC NEWS): (VO) It's also 100% made in America. And China sales have allowed the factory of 300 workers to create another 25 jobs.
PIERSON CLAIR (PRESIDENT AND CEO OF BROWN & HALEY): China is the star of our export business.
CLARISSA WARD (ABC NEWS): (VO) And there's a new opportunity for Washington. Wine. As more of China's elite make the move from traditional Baijiu to Bojole .
CLARISSA WARD (ABC NEWS): (OC) And just one word of warning when you're ordering your Washington wine here in Beijing, the Chinese actually like to drink their red wine with Coca-Cola. They say it tastes sweeter.