※ "꿈"이 있다고 해서 공무원 시험이나 인터뷰에서 합격할 수 있는 건 아닙니다.
더욱 중요한 요인은 '영리함'입니다.
'영리함'은 타고나기도 하지만, 훈련을 통해 길러질 수도 있습니다.
그 훈련이 바로 "요목조목" 따져보는 것입니다. (바둑, 체스의 수읽기처럼)
단어장, 수험서 같은 "교재"의 정답을 달달 암기하는 방식은
결코 '영리함'을 길러주지 못합니다.
수요 시사영어 시간에
복잡한 문장 구조와 창의적인 표현을 가지고
요목조목 따져보는 훈련을 하시면
영어와 시사 분야에서 많이 '영리'해집니다.
그리고, 사고(思考)에 필요한 '정보'의 습득은 덤입니다.
그렇게 길러진 '영리함'은
인생의 다른 분야에도 큰 도움이 될 것입니다.
Royal tombs are more than monuments
On a recent Sunday morning, I went for a leisurely stroll at Seooreung, a Joseon royal tomb in Goyang, Gyeonggi Province, just outside Seoul.
Entering the compound of five royal tombs, my husband mused about his elementary school field trips to Seooreung. Pointing to the huge mound on which the twin tombs of King Sukjong and his second wife sit side by side, he said the kids would run up the mound and then roll down. Korea in the ’70s did not have many grass fields and there were signs on grass telling people to “Keep off.” I could imagine the delighted squeals of school children as they rolled down the plush mound. “Didn’t the guards stop you?” I asked, thinking it awfully disrespectful to the dead kings and queens to make a playground of their final resting place. “Nope, not at all!” my husband said.
The visit was prompted in part by another Joseon royal tomb that was the news. The building of high rise apartments near Jangneung in Gimpo, Gyeonggi Province, was halted by a court order following the Cultural Heritage Administration’s complaint that three construction companies were in violation of a cultural property protection law. A 2017 revision to the law requires permission from the CHA when building structures over 20 meters tall within a 500-meter radius of a designated cultural property.
※ 돈이 되는 정보의 90%는 영어로 먼저 나온다고 합니다.
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