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워낙에 영어가 짧아서,오역으로 잘못된 정보를 올리는 것보다는 차라이 원문을 그대로 올리는 것이 좋을 듯하여 그냥 올립니다. 양해 바랍니다, ㅎㅎ
그리고,,, 아래 기상도 해석을 하실 수 있는 분은 댓글 달아 주심 좋겠습니다.
A southeasterly trade wind regime prevails throughout most of the year in Vanuatu. The
trade winds are easterly in southern and central Vanuatu, and southerly in the far north
where there is a clear equatorial climatic influence. Hence, in northern Vanuatu, there is
a high percentage of periods (mainly in summer) of calm weather and mild breezes.
At Vanua Lava, there is a six-month calm period from November to April, while at
Aneityum Island it is generally only calm during February. There is also a latitudinal
zonation to Vanuatu's climate: the southern part of Vanuatu is quite windswept and the
ocean is often very rough, particularly for small fishing boats; the northern islands are
less exposed to winds and are therefore more suitable for fishing activities.
Another type of zonation relates to the extent of exposure to trade winds. The windward
coasts, which are hit by oceanic waves, are less practical for fishing than the leeward
sides of islands. The sheltered zones correspond to the boundary limit for fishing and
navigating conditions for small fishing boats. These zones extend up to 50 km away from
the coasts; over this distance, 15 and 12 knot winds can form 0.6 m and 0.9 m high
waves (respectively), if blowing for 5 h.
The navigational limit under good weather conditions is around 10 km from the coasts
(distance required for 10 knot winds blowing for 2 h to form 30–35 cm high waves).
Hence, the "leeward sea" between Santo and Malekula islands to the west, and Maewo,
Pentecost, Ambrym and Epi islands to the east, is an ideal fishing area that is sheltered
from southeasterly swells. The straits between the islands are characterized by high
hydrodynamics, with refracted swells and tidal currents.
Tropical cyclonic phenomena are meteorologically classified as follows: tropical
cyclones, characterized by wind speeds of 63 knots (kt) or more; severe tropical storms,
with winds of 48–63 kt; and tropical storms, with maximum wind speeds of 34–47 kt.
From 1940 to 1985, 58 severe tropical storms and cyclones affected Vanuatu, 65% of
which occurred in January and February.
Climatically, northern Vanuatu is most suitable for fisheries development (milder trade
winds, long calm periods, few devastating cyclones). Conversely, southern Vanuatu is
better for setting up infrastructures associated with fish preservation techniques, which
require ventilation, and good relative humidity for fish salting and drying.
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