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그 훈련이 바로 "요목조목" 따져보는 것입니다. (바둑, 체스의 수읽기처럼)
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결코 '영리함'을 길러주지 못합니다.
수요 시사영어 시간에
복잡한 문장 구조와 창의적인 표현을 가지고
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그렇게 길러진 '영리함'은
인생의 다른 분야에도 큰 도움이 될 것입니다.
Tornadoes Kill Dozens Across 5 States – Though Signs of Hope Emerge at Kentucky Factory
(MAYFIELD, Ky.) — Night-shift workers were in the middle of the holiday rush, cranking out candles at Mayfield Consumer Products, when a tornado closed in on the factory and the word went out to seek shelter.
For Autumn Kirks, that meant tossing aside wax and fragrance buckets to make an improvised safe place. She glanced away from her boyfriend, Lannis Ward, and when she looked back, he was gone. Later in the day, she got the terrible news — that Ward had been killed in the storm.
At least eight people at the factory were killed, among dozens of fatalities across several Kentucky counties. The state was the worst-hit by far in an unusual mid-December swarm of twisters across the Midwest and the South that leveled entire communities and left at least 14 people dead in Illinois, Tennessee, Arkansas and Missouri.
But the factory toll, at least, will be lower than initially feared.
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