- 해덕대구 Haddock
. 학명; Melanogrammus aeglefinus
. 서식지; 4-10도의 바다물의 대구보다 깊은 80-200미터인 바닥 선호
. 통명; 해덕대구
. 특징; 3개의 등지느러미와 2개의 딋지느러미
. 먹이와 요리법; 말리거나 훈제, 구이, 튀김, 통조림 등 다양하게 섭취
1 학명과 서식지
- 학명; Melanogrammus aeglefinus
- 서식지
. 온도와 깊이; 4-10도의 바다물의 대구보다 깊은 80-200미터인 바닥 선호
. 지역; 서대서양보다 동대서양에 더 풍부하고 영국해협 북쪽에 가장 많음
암초나 모래, 조개껍질 바닥 인근 서식
In North America the haddock is found from Newfoundland and Nova Scotia southward to southern New Jersey. It occasionally inhabits the deep water to Cape Hatteras. The highest concentrations off the U.S. coast occur on the northern and the eastern sections of Georges Bank and in the southwestern Gulf of Maine. Two stocks occur in U.S. waters: the Gulf of Maine stock and the Georges Bank stock.
Habitat. Preferring deeper water than do cod, haddock inhabit depths of 25 to 75 fathoms. Although generally a coldwater species, preferring temperatures of 36° to 50° F, they are commonly found in warm water over bottoms of sand, pebbles, or broken shells.
2 통명
- 영어; haddie, scrod;
French: eglefin; Italian: asinello; Norwegian: kolje; Portuguese: arinca, bacalhau; Spanish: eglefino.
- 한글; 해덕대구
3 개요
- 길이; 94센티이내, 평균 45센티
- 무게; 24파운드이내, 평균 3파운드
The average haddock is 1 to 2 feet long and weighs 1 to 5 pounds. The all-tackle record is 11 pounds, 3 ounces, but they have been reported to attain 161⁄2 pounds. Haddock can live for 14 years.
4 특징
- 대구과의 전형적인 길쭉하고 가늘어지는 몸과 턱수염
- 입은 대구보다 작아 눈 아래까지 닿지않는다
- 머리의 아래쪽은 직선이고 위는 둥글어 주둥이가 특징적인 쐐기 모양
- 위는 짙은 회갈색에서 검은색이고 아래는 탁한 은백색
- 3개의 등지느러미와 2개의 딋지느러미
- 속명은 그리스어로 검은 문자를 의미하며 유일한 종으로서 측면선 인근의 타원형 검은 얼룩
Closely related to the genus Gadus, the haddock is often considered a member of the Gadidae, or codfish, family. Haddock have long been important commercially and are an even more highly valued food fish than Atlantic cod, although stocks of haddock have declined rapidly since the 1960s due to overfishing.
Identification. The haddock has three dorsal fins and two anal fins; the first dorsal fin is high and pointed. The small chin barbel is sometimes hidden. Its coloring is purplish gray on the back and sides, fading to pinkish reflections and a white belly. There is a black lateral line along the side and a black shoulder blotch. The dark lateral line and the shoulder blotch can distinguish it from its close relatives in the cod family. Three dorsal fins distinguish the haddock from its relative the silver hake (see: Hake, Silver).
5 먹이와 요리법
- 먹이; 치어는 요각류와 크릴 등을, 성어는 조개류와 성게, 게 등
- 큰 떼로 이주를 하며 먹이를 먹고 산란
- 25센티의 암컷은 5만개의 알을 낳지만, 90센티가 되면 2백만개를 산란
- 예인망, 트롤, 긴낚시, 자망 등 어획과 낚시로 남획되어 쿼터제 시행
- 말리거나 훈제, 구이, 튀김, 통조림 등 다양하게 섭취
절임에는 적당하지 않고, 회는 기생충이 있어 비추
- 초승달이 뜰 때 짝짓기를 위해 대량으로 모여 산란
- 인간을 피하지 않아 다이버가 쉽게 접근가능
- 산란기를 피한 기간 동안 3파운드 이상만 포획제한
The spawning season is between January and June, and activity peaks during late March and early April, when large congregations form in depths of 20 to 100 fathoms. Major spawning concentrations occur on eastern Georges Bank, although some spawning also occurs to the east of Nantucket Shoals and along the Maine coast. Haddock swim in large schools, and there is some seasonal migration to the north in the spring and south again in the fall. Adult haddock on Georges Bank appear to be relatively sedentary, but seasonal coastal movements occur in the western Gulf of Maine. There are extensive migrations in the Barents Sea and off Iceland.
Food and feeding habits. Primarily consuming crabs, snails, worms, clams, and sea urchins, the haddock seldom feeds actively on fish.