- 태평양 민대구 Hake, Pacific
. 학명; Merluccius productus
. 서식지; 시원한 물의 표면에서 수심 1000미터의 모래바닥까지 서식
. 통명; 태평양 민대구
. 특징; 머리는 길쭉하고 입은 크며 강한 이빨이 있고 몸은 길고 가늘며 적당히 압축
. 먹이와 요리법; 절이거나 말려서, 굽거나 찌게로 섭취
1 학명과 서식지
- 학명; Merluccius productus
- 서식지
. 온도와 깊이; 시원한 물의 표면에서 수심 1000미터의 모래바닥까지 서식
. 지역; 북동태평양의 알래스카에서 캘리포니아까지 해역
This fish occurs in the Gulf of California (isolated population) and from Magdalena Bay, Baja California, to Alaska.
Habitat. The Pacific hake prefers a deep, sandy environment and has been reported in depths exceeding 2,900 feet.
2 통명
- 영어; Pacific whiting, whitefish, haddock, butterfish, California hake, popeye, silver hake, ocean whitefish;
French: merlu du Pacifique nord; Spanish: merluza del Pacífico norte.
- 한글; 태평양 민대구
3 개요
- 길이; 90센티이내
- 체중; 2파운드이내
The Pacific hake can grow to 3 feet in length. The alltackle record is 2 pounds, 2 ounces.
4 특징
- 검은 반점이 있는 은회색
- 머리는 길쭉하고 입은 크며 강한 이빨이 있고 몸은 길고 가늘며 적당히 압축
- 회유성 근해어류로 매일 수직이동
- 어획과 낚시로 남획되어 쿼터제 시행
- 두개의 등지느러미와 잘린 꼬리지느러미
A member of the Merlucciidae family, the Pacific hake is sometimes classified as a member of the Gadidae family and thus included with codfish. It is the only representative of the hake family in the Pacific. Common in commercial and sport catches because of its abundance, the Pacific hake is not generally sought for its food value, but it is made into fish meal. Because it does not remain fresh very long, once caught, it must be immediately chilled or the flesh becomes soft and undesirable. Many Pacific hake are caught incidentally by anglers fishing for salmon or bottom fish and are generally discarded.
Identification. The body of the Pacific hake is elongate, slender, and moderately compressed. The head is elongate and the mouth large, with strong, sharp teeth. The thin scales fall off readily. Its coloring is gray to dusky brown, with brassy overtones and black speckles on the back. The elongated shape, the notched second dorsal and anal fin, and the coloration separate the Pacific hake from other similar fish in its family.
5 먹이와 요리법
- 먹이; 다양한 어류와 무척추동물을 바닥에서 표면까지 이동하며 주로 야간 사냥
- 트롤 등으로 포획하여 어분 원료로 사용
- 신선도가 유지되지 않아 잡으면 즉시 먹거나 냉장해야
- 연어 등을 낚시하다 잡으나 일반적으로 방류
- 절이거나 말려서, 굽거나 찌게로 섭취
Spawning occurs in the winter or from February through April, beginning at 3 to 4 years of age, off Southern California and Baja California, Mexico. After spawning, the adults migrate northward to Oregon, Washington, and Canada and return to their spawning areas in the fall. This species is classified as demersal but is largely pelagic in oceanic and coastal areas. Adults exist in large schools in waters overlying the continental shelf, except during the spawning season, when they are several hundred miles seaward.
Food. The Pacific hake feeds on a variety of small fish, shrimp, and squid.