- 붉은대구 Hake, Red
. 학명; Urophycis chuss
. 서식지; 5 - 12도 물의 10 - 500미터 수심의 모래바닥에 서식
. 통명; 붉은대구
. 특징; 작은 머리와 작은 이빨이 많은 큰 입
. 먹이와 요리법; 절이거나 훈제, 스튜로 섭취
1 학명과 서식지
- 학명; Urophycis chuss
- 서식지
. 온도와 깊이; 5 - 12도 물의 10 - 500미터 수심의 모래바닥에 서식
. 지역; 대서양 연안을 따라 메인에서 노스캐롤라이나
Red hake are found from the Gulf of St. Lawrence to North Carolina but are most abundant between Georges Bank and New Jersey. Research from bottom-trawl surveys indicates that red hake have a broad geographic and depth distribution throughout the year, undergoing extensive seasonal migrations. Two stocks have been assumed, divided north and south in the central Georges Bank region.
Habitat. These fish generally occupy deep water over soft or sandy bottoms. Although juvenile fish may frequent shallow water along the coast, adults typically migrate to deeper water, generally between 300 and 400 feet deep, although reports indicate that they exist at depths greater than 1,650 feet.
2 통명
- 영어;squirrel hake, ling;
French: merluche éureuil; Spanish: locha roja.
- 한글; 붉은대구
3 개요
- 길이; 50센티이내
- 체중; 7파운드이내, 평균 2파운드
The maximum length reached by red hake is approximately 50 centimeters, or about 191⁄2 inches. Their maximum age is reported to be about 12 years, but few fish survive beyond 8 years of age. The all-tackle world record is 7 pounds, 15 ounces, which is their known maximum size; the common size is roughly 2 pounds.
4 특징
- 적갈색에서 올리브 갈색에 옅은 황갈색 반점
- 환경에 따라 색상이 다름
- 턱수염이 있고 삼각 등지느러미
- 작은 머리와 작은 이빨이 많은 큰 입
Red hake are somewhat of an incidental catch for deepwater anglers and have become less significant to commercial trawlers. Although not considered overexploited, red hake are now caught commercially at much lower levels than previously.
Identification. The body of the red hake is elongate with two dorsal fins—the second one long—and one long anal fin. Its coloration is variable, but the sides are usually reddish and often dark or mottled. The fins are not dark-edged, as they are in some other hake, and the pelvic fin rays are shorter than those of other hake.
5 먹이와 요리법
- 먹이; 갑각류을 주로 먹고 성어는 물고기도 섭취
- 봄과 여름에 연해에서 산란하고 겨울에 심해로 이주
- 어획과 낚시대상은 아니고 다른 어획중에 잡힘
- 절이거나 훈제, 스튜로 섭취
Red hake winter in the deep waters of the Gulf of Maine and along the outer continental shelf and slope south and southwest of Georges Bank. Spawning occurs from May through November, and significant spawning areas are located on the southwest part of Georges Bank and in southern New England south of Montauk Point, Long Island.
Food and feeding habits. Red hake feed primarily on crustaceans, but adult red hake also feed extensively on fish.