The title of this story is "Emotional Eating and How to Beat It."
I learned that eating habits occur stress and emotional can be influenced by stress and emotions, not just simple hunger.
Actually, I was impressed by the explanation that we often find food when we feel stressed or lonely, rather than from simple hunger—it begins as an emotional response.
Also, for health, rather than find food along with the emotional seeking food due to emotions, I agree that controlling emotions is important, as well as exercising and finding different activities.
Finally, I related to this book because it reminded me that I wasn't really hungry when I looked for food as a diversion.
Score: B+
- 문법: "occur stress and emotional" 대신 "can be influenced by stress and emotions"이라고 해야 해요. 그리고 "impressed to explanation" 대신 "impressed by the explanation"이라고 해야 해요.
- 내용 추가: "왜 감정적 섭식을 피하는 것이 중요한지 더 설명할 수 있어요. 예를 들어, 건강에 해롭기 때문일 수 있어요!"