[고등학교 영작문 및 영어 회화 연습]
What is harder to do consistently, exercise or diet?
Hello, my name is Samuel. I'm from Nigeria. My question is, what is harder to do consistently, exercise or diet?
Well, my opinion, I think exercise is harder to do. Why? Because I feel most people who start exercising they expect to see results almost immediately. And when they don't, they get discouraged and they eventually stop. Meanwhile, they don't know that you need to have consistent exercise for at least three to six months before you start seeing any real change.
So I think it's harder for them to keep up of their expectations. For diet, it's also hard. Yes, of course, sometimes you can have some cravings and you go back to your old ways. But then, I feel for exercise, you need a lot of motivation and a lot of willpower to do that. So yes, I think it's harder to do that consistently.
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