hoffentlich geht’s Euch allen gut in der Gnade Gottes. Anbei möchte ich Euch
aus der Bieldungabteilung CIM-Deutschland die Jugendkonferenz in den USA
bekannt geben, die von 06. bis 08.08.2004 in der Stadt Seattle in den USA
stattfinden wird. Es wäre eine gute Gelegenheit, dass unsere Jugendlichen sich
international kennen lernen und gemeinsam für die Weltmission beten können. Hirte
Nam-Sik Woo hat vorgeschlagen, ein Missionsreiseteam aus Deutschland oder
Europa zu bilden und einen Beitrag zur Konferenz zu leisten. Die Jugendlichen
ab 13 Jahre alt (Schüler und Studenten) sind herzlich eingeladen. Die
Konferenzgebühr beträgt 150 $ und die Flugkosten sind schätzungsweise 800 $. Das
Flugticket kann viel billiger bestellt werden, wenn die Teilnehmer früh genug
bekannt sind. Wer Interesse hat, seine Kinder zur Konferenz zu schicken, kann
mir bis Ende März Bescheid geben.
In Jesu Liebe
Ihr Joseph Kim
Anbei weise ich Euch auf die Homepageadresse von CMI-Medison hin, wo nähere
Informationen über die Konferenz bekannt gegeben sind.
2004 Teens for Christ (TFC) International Conference
University of Washington Campus
HUB (Husky Union Building)
Seattle, Washington USA
August 6 ~ August 8, 2004
By God’s grace, we are keeping the life of faith in our respective mission
fields. As time has passed, our new generations have been growing with us.
So it is very necessary to help them to identify themselves in the work and
history of God, who has His purpose and hope for them to be His servants for
the coming generation. Therefore, as the first step, we will prayerfully
prepare a ground for them to get to know each other so that they will be connected
in Jesus’ grace, in the love of God, and through the fellowship of the Holy
Spirit. May God help our teenagers to grow together and render glory to God,
the Creator.
Speakers (tentative)
Rev. Paul Goeller, Dr. Abraham Lee, Dr, Timothy Hong, Dr. Paul Sung, Dr.
Steve Peterson, Pastor Mark Hong, Pastor Jacob Kim, Missionary Mark Goeller
“First Come, First Serve.”
• Teenagers: 50 people (13-17 years old)
• College students: 40 people (18-25 years old)
• General: 30 people (over 26 years old)
“First Come First Serve”
Registration Fee*tt: $150 (per person)
(Meals, lodging, airport pick-up service included; Transportation during
conference is also included.)
Note-1: Special registration for those who are coming from long distance or
abroad will be required. Participants will be allowed to arrive a day
earlier and depart later, in which case a different registration fee will apply.
Specific rates for this special registration are to be determined.
tNote-2: Optional registration will apply for sightseeing and hiking on
August 9th: Mt. Rainier, $65 per person.
Conference Schedule
Friday (8/6) Saturday (8/7) Sunday (8/8)
7:30 a Breakfast 7:30 a Breakfast
8:30 a Small Group Meeting 8:30 a Small Group Meeting
10:00 a Lecture (II) 10:00 a Worship Service (III)
12:00 p Lunch 12:00 p Lunch
1:00 p Free Time 1:00 p Farewell
2:00 p ~ 5:00 p Check-in & Gathering 2:00 p Outdoor Activities
6:00 p Dinner 6:00 p BBQ Dinner
8:00 p Orientation and Lecture (I) 8:00 p World Mission Night
For Out Door Experiences
Please bring your own shoes for soccer, basketball, hiking, or beach
Registration Form
City ZIP/Country
Phone School
Major Year
Invited By Fee
Traveling Schedule
Meal Preference
(Please circle one) vegetarian (yes/no) Room Preference* Single or Double
*Note: The standard rooms are double-occupancy rooms, and you will be
assigned a roommate. If you prefer to have a single-occupancy room, please
indicate in the form.