It's not the same to have a cup of coffee as to have a cup of coffee with a
Biscoff. We stand up for that every single day in our social networks.
Having our biscuit with a cup of coffee is just the beginning of great
and we wanted to demonstrate it. We created the first social
experiment in which you did not know who you would have a cup of coffee with.
Through Lotus' fan page, users could sign up to join a blind coffee,
scheduling the date and the time. Right after the experiment began, each
participant decided if they wanted to continue chatting. If they both agree
with that, they rang a bell to give notice of it. Almost every guest rang
the bell and decided to continue chatting and getting to know the stranger
the table from them. Even the ones who had said they were in a rush.
To role out our social experiment we brought together 13 famous bloggers
only know each other through social networks but have never seen each other face
to face. That way we gave them the opportunity to devirtualize themselves
and to improvise conversations. The results were amazing even in social
networks. The brand's growth trend in Facebook has risen 54%. More than
1000 people logged on the app to join the blind coffee. More than 160,000
people have been reached during the two days the action took place. And the
interactions with Lotus increased 92% regarding their previous activity.
Doubtlessly, Lotus is the biscuit that gives you a lot to talk about.
< Description >
Lotus Bakery사는 한국에서는 '커피과자'로 불리는 유명한 비스켓입니다. 이번 광고는 로투스
과자가 사람들에게 이야기를
더욱 풍성하게 만들어준다는 것을 증명하는 실험영상입니다.
첫번째실험은 페이스북의
'블라인드커피'앱을 통해 원하는 날자와 시간을 입력하여
랜덤으로 모르는 사람과 미팅을 잡아주는 실험이였으며, 두번째실험은 SNS로만 소통하며,
실제로 만난 적 없는 13명의 유명 블러거들을 한자리에 모이게 하는 실험이었습니다. 이 두 영상을 페이북에 공개한 이틀 동안 로투스 페이스북 팬은
54%, 페이지뷰는 143%나
첫댓글 첨보는 사람끼리 앉아서 대화라...전 좀 어려울듯해요~~ㅠㅠ