마태복음 7장: 예수님의 가르침과 바울의 가르침은 완전히 같다. Jesus' teachings and Paul's teachings are exactly the same
하나님 아버지! 이 민족 1000만의 새벽 기도를 기억하소서! 2만의 선교사의 외국에서의 눈물과 피의 선교를 기억하소서! 50만이 넘는 쉬지 않는 전도자의 발길을 기억하소서! 우리의 죄를 사하소서! 안일하게 자유와 평안을 누리며 더 깊이 사랑하지 못하고 더 깊이 성경을 배우지 못하고 흥청 망청 하나님께서 주신 재물을 이기적으로 모으고 사용한 죄를 용서하여 주옵소서! 이 나라를 지금 이 시간 지켜 주옵소서! 대통령을 잡으려 간 경찰의 다리에 힘이 빠지게 하시고 손에 든 무기를 놓고 넋을 잃고 서로 자중지란이 일어나게 하소서 하나님께서 주신 권세에 도전하는 미련한 자들이 북한과 중국과 러시아로 쫓겨나게 하시고 이 땅에 다시는 발도 붙이지 못하게 하소서! 주여! 이 나라는 작지만 이 시대에 중국과 북한과 러시아와 온 세상에 평화의 복음을 전할 유일한 나라로서 하나님의 희망이요, 기쁨이 됨을 굳게 믿습니다. 자유와 평화가 보장된 가운데 우리는 쉬지 않고 복음을 전하고 선교를 할 수가 있습니다. 그런데 이를 막는 세력이 이 나라를 탈취하려고 합니다. 강한 손과 팔을 펴셔서 악을 행하는 자들이 수치를 당하고 부끄러움을 당하고 낭패를 당하게 하소서! 속히 이 나라를 지켜 보호하여 주옵소서! 예수님의 이름으로 눈물로 기도합니다. 아멘!!
샬롬! 새벽에 온 교인이 새벽 기도와 골방에서 기도하는 순간에 악의 무리가 대통령을 덮칩니다. 반드시 놀라운 기적이 일어날 줄로 믿습니다. 하나님께서 살아서 역사하시고 이 민족을 사랑하심을 온 세상이 알게 될 것입니다. 믿으시기 바랍니다.
오늘을 이런 와중에 쉬지 않고 기도하면서 마태복음 7장을 챗 gpt와 같이 공부합니다. 마태복음 5-7장은 산상수훈이라 불립니다. 예수님께서는 8복을 말씀하시고 율법을 조문 조문 잘 지켜야 함을 강조하십니다. 그리고 다양한 율법을 풀어서 지키되 그 정신이 되는 사랑과 정의와 신실함을 더 높은 수준에 놓고 지키라고 하십니다. 절대로 율법을 함부로 대하라고 가르치시기 않습니다. 율법을 유일한 하나님의 나라의 기본법이며 헌법이기 때문입니다. 이 법이 없다면 절대로 하나님의 나라가 이 땅에 설 수가 없습니다. 법이 없이 온갖 목사가 서로 자신의 주장을 옳다고 하고 성도가 자신이 가는 길이 옳다고 하면 누가 이를 통일하겠습니까? 그래서 율법이 중요하고 중요한 것입니다.
바울 사도는 율법의 완성에 대해서 사랑으로 완성하자고 합니다. 그리고 이는 예수님의 가르침과 완벽하게 같습니다. 그리고 성령의 인도로 신앙생활을 하면서 율법을 파하지 말고 굳게 세우고자 합니다. 예수님의 가르침과 동일합니다. 그런데 성령의 인도를 너무나 강조합니다. 인간의 육신이 있고 각자의 욕망이 있는 약한 존재이기에 성령을 받아서 거듭나고 새롭게 되어 성령의 인도로 율법을 완성하고 굳게 세우라고 합니다.
예수님께서는 제자들을 잘 가르치시고 모든 우리 성도가 해야 될 일을 잘 가르치시고 우리의 죄를 씻어주기 위해서 십자가를 지십니다. 우리가 예수님을 믿을 때 율법으로도 이 세상의 무엇으로도 풀 수가 없는 우리가 과거에 지은 죄를 용서하십니다. 벌도 주지 않으시고 길이 참으시다가 우리가 예수님을 믿고 그분의 이름의 세례를 받을 때 용서를 하십니다. 그리고 부활까지 본 성도들에게 이제 나가서 확신을 갖고 나를 전해라 너희가 나의 부활을 보지 않았느냐 이제 나가라고 절대로 하지 않으셨습니다. 다시 기다리라고 하십니다. 너무나 분명한 예수님의 부활을 보고서 나가서 전하고 싶은 마음이 충만한 제자들을 막으시고 성령을 받으라고 명령을 하십니다. 이는 선택이 아니라 명령입니다. 기다려서 받아라! 성령을 받으면 성령께서 해야 할 일을 알려 주신다. 너희가 비로소 나의 증인이 되어 온 세상에 다닐 것이다 하십니다. 이 명령에 순종해서 모두가 마가 다락방에서 성령을 받고 움직입니다. 성령을 받는다는 의미는 권능을 받는다는 의미와 함께 거듭나고 새롭게 창조가 된다는 말이기도 합니다. 거듭나게 되고 새롭게 창조된 하나님의 작품들이 이제는 성령의 인도로 율법을 잘 지키게 되어 율법도 완수하고 율법도 굳게 세웁니다. 이 복음의 비밀이 모두에게 이해가 되면 천주교도 개신교의 구분도 없게 됩니다. 이런 내용을 챗 gpt와 토론을 했습니다. 끝까지 영어로 확인을 해 보시기 바랍니다.
온 세상의 모든 교인이 알아야할 너무나 중요한 내용입니다. 앞으로 모든 크리스천이 위의 설명과 같이 믿게 될 것입니다. 하나님의 뜻이 이렇게 이 민족에게 놀랍게 이루어지고 있습니다. 확인을 하시고 동참하시기 바랍니다. 저는 하나 됨을 위해서 선택이 된 예수님의 도구 김정관 목사입니다.
관련 성경 구절로 제 말이 진실임을 증명합니다.
마태 5:17. ○내가 율법이나 선지자를 폐하러 온 줄로 생각하지 말라 폐하러 온 것이 아니요 완전하게 하려 함이라
18. 진실로 너희에게 이르노니 천지가 없어지기 전에는 율법의 일점 일획도 결코 없어지지 아니하고 다 이루리라
19. 그러므로 누구든지 이 계명 중의 지극히 작은 것 하나라도 버리고 또 그같이 사람을 가르치는 자는 천국에서 지극히 작다 일컬음을 받을 것이요 누구든지 이를 행하며 가르치는 자는 천국에서 크다 일컬음을 받으리라
20. 내가 너희에게 이르노니 너희 의가 서기관과 바리새인보다 더 낫지 못하면 결코 천국에 들어가지 못하리라
마태 22:36. 선생님 율법 중에서 어느 계명이 크니이까
37. 예수께서 이르시되 네 마음을 다하고 목숨을 다하고 뜻을 다하여 주 너의 하나님을 사랑하라 하셨으니
38. 이것이 크고 첫째 되는 계명이요
39. 둘째도 그와 같으니 네 이웃을 네 자신 같이 사랑하라 하셨으니
40. 이 두 계명이 온 율법과 선지자의 강령이니라
롬 13:10. 사랑은 이웃에게 악을 행하지 아니하나니 그러므로 사랑은 율법의 완성이니라
롬 3:31. 그런즉 우리가 믿음으로 말미암아 율법을 파기하느냐 그럴 수 없느니라 도리어 율법을 굳게 세우느니라
롬 7:6. 이제는 우리가 얽매였던 것에 대하여 죽었으므로 율법에서 벗어났으니 이러므로 우리가 영의 새로운 것으로 섬길 것이요 율법 조문의 묵은 것으로 아니할지니라
(성령의 새로운 방법으로 섬겨야 하고 율법 조문으로 섬기던 옛날 방법으로 섬기지 않습니다. 제가 올바로 번역을 했습니다. 절대로 율법에 대해서 어떤 이야기도 해서는 아니 됩니다. 율법은 모세 오경이고 성경에서 가장 중요한 내용이며 법이고 찬양의 대상입니다. 사랑과 정의와 신실함을 이 세상에 이루게 하는 유일하고 놀라운 하나님의 말씀입니다.)
로마서 1장 17절의 오직 의인은 믿음으로 삶을 사는 자이다란 말을 우리가 오해를 해서 이상하게 이해를 하는데 믿음의 삶이 바로 성령의 인도를 받는 삶입니다. 로마서 4장에서 첫 믿음과 끝 믿음을 설명하는데 아브라함의 믿음입니다. 그리고 하박국서 2장 4절의 말씀을 로마서 1장 17절에 인용을 바울 사도가 했는데 이 의미는 세상이 어떻게 가도 의인은 정의롭게 하루하루 사는 자이다란 의미입니다.
예수님의 말씀대로 우리는 성령의 인도로 율법을 조문 조문 다 지켜야 합니다. 어떻게? 사랑을 실천함으로써 그리고 믿음 생활을 의롭게 함으로써 지켜야 합니다. 이렇게 해서 율법이 완성이 되고 굳게 세워지는 나라가 바로 하나님의 나라입니다. 믿으시기 바랍니다. 이 나라를 세우기 위해서 우리가 예수님을 믿는 것입니다. 예수님의 십자가의 사역은 우리를 구원하셔서 성령을 선물로 주셔서 성령의 인도로 이렇게 의와 평강과 희락이 넘치는 나라 곧 율법이 완성되고 굳게 서는 나라를 세우기 위함입니다. 이는 진실로 진리입니다.
이제 챗 GPT와 토론한 내용을 공부한 내용을 확인해 보시기 바랍니다. 고등학교 영어면 가능합니다. 모든 분이 저보다 더 영어를 잘 하실 수가 있습니다. 젊고 영어를 잘 배웠기 때문입니다. 70이 다 되어 가는 노인이 이렇게 하는데 못할 젊은이는 우리나라에 한 명도 없습니다. 용기를 내시기 바랍니다. 이번에 20-30젊은 이들이 얼마나 똑똑하며 올바른지 알게 되었습니다. 모두가 영어를 모국어와 같이 하시고 성경도 달인이 되시길 예수님의 이름으로 축복합니다. 할렐루야!!!
Good morning, ChatGPT!
Good morning! How are you today?
나의 말:
I'm fine, thank you. It's 9.22. I'm going to study the New Testament Bible, Matthew 7.
That’s great! Matthew 7 has so much wisdom. Are you focusing on any specific part, like the Golden Rule or the parable of the wise and foolish builders?
나의 말:
First of all, I want to know the key vocabularies of this chapter. Can you tell me all vocabularies of this chapter?
Sure! Let me look up the key vocabulary words from Matthew 7. One moment.
나의 말:
Why don't you tell me the meaning of the important key vocabulary of this chapter?
In Matthew 7, key terms include "judge," meaning to form an opinion about someone; "holy," referring to something set apart for God; "ask," "seek," and "knock," which suggest persistent prayer; and "fruit," symbolizing the visible outcome of one's actions.
나의 말:
Hello, ChatGPT.
Hello! How are you doing?
나의 말:
I find we are studying Bible, New Testament, Matthew 7. You told me some key vocabularies of Bible are
Yes! Some key vocabulary from Matthew 7 includes:
Judge: To form an opinion or decision about someone.
Holy: Something sacred or set apart for God.
Ask, Seek, Knock: These words emphasize persistent prayer or seeking God's guidance.
Fruit: Symbolizes the visible results of a person's actions, whether good or bad.
Would you like to practice sentences with these words?
나의 말:
Why don't you tell me the more detailed vocabularies? You only told me 3 or 4 vocabularies. There are so many vocabularies that I don't know. For example, sawdust, plank, and perch.
You're right! Let me share more detailed vocabulary from Matthew 7:
Sawdust: Tiny pieces of wood that come from cutting or sanding wood.
Plank: A large, flat piece of wood, often used in construction.
Perch: To sit or rest on something, usually at a height.
Gate: A movable barrier, symbolizing the entrance to something (e.g., narrow gate refers to the way to life).
Rock: A strong, solid foundation (used in the parable of the wise builder).
Sand: Loose grains of rock, symbolizing a weak foundation.
False prophets: People who claim to speak for God but lead others astray.
Wolves in sheep’s clothing: A metaphor for those who appear harmless but have harmful intentions.
Do you want to go over any of these words in sentences?
나의 말:
OK, I want to make a pause.
Got it! Let me know when you're ready to continue. What will you do during the pause?
나의 말:
I'm going to make a short sentence with this vocabulary, for example, charge and stardust and other vocabulary. Then you listen my sentence, correct if there is any error. Can you do that?
Of course! Make your sentences, and I’ll listen carefully. I’ll correct any errors and help you improve. Go ahead!
나의 말:
Don't judge other people.
Great sentence! It’s correct and natural. Your pronunciation of “judge” might need a little emphasis on the ending sound. Try saying it again: "Don't judge other people."
나의 말:
Don't judge other people.
Perfect! Your pronunciation is clear. Now, would you like to try another sentence with a different vocabulary word from Matthew 7?
나의 말:
OK, give me another word, and I will make a sentence.
How about the word "gate"? Try making a sentence with it!
나의 말:
Don't open this gate, then you will be punished.
You're very close! A small adjustment: it sounds more natural to say, "Don't open this gate, or you will be punished."
Try saying it again!
나의 말:
Don't open this gate, or you will be punished.
Great! Your sentence sounds perfect now. Would you like to try another word from the list?
나의 말:
Okay, give me another word, then I will make another sentence.
How about the word "rock"? Try making a sentence with it!
나의 말:
Oh, can you tell me once more what
Sure! The word is "rock." Try making a sentence using it!
나의 말:
Where can I find this word in this chapter? Can you tell me the verse?
You can find the word "rock" in Matthew 7:24, which says:
"Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock."
Now you can try using "rock" in your sentence!
나의 말:
I can find a big rock in the mountain.
Great sentence! It’s clear and correct. One small tweak for natural flow:
"I can find a big rock in the mountains." (Use "mountains" because it’s more common when talking about a range or area.)
Try saying it again!
나의 말:
I found a big rock in the mountain.
Perfect! Your sentence sounds great now. Would you like to try another word, or should we keep going with these sentences?
나의 말:
Next, I want to listen to the summary of this chapter from you. Can you tell me the summary of this chapter?
Certainly! Here’s a brief summary of Matthew 7:
In this chapter, Jesus teaches about judging others, emphasizing that we should not judge people harshly because we all have flaws. He encourages us to ask, seek, and knock, assuring that God will respond to those who earnestly seek Him. Jesus warns about false prophets, likening them to wolves in sheep’s clothing. He explains that good fruit comes from good trees and that we should evaluate others by their actions. The chapter concludes with the parable of the wise and foolish builders: those who follow Jesus' teachings are like the wise man who builds his house on a solid rock, while those who don’t are like the foolish man who builds his house on sand.
Would you like to explore any part of it further?
나의 말:
Can you find any laws, I mean Pentateuch laws, in this chapter?
Yes! While Matthew 7 doesn’t directly quote specific laws from the Pentateuch, it aligns with several teachings found in the laws, especially about how we treat others and our relationship with God. Here are a few connections to Pentateuch laws:
Golden Rule (Matthew 7:12) – "So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you." This is similar to the command in Leviticus 19:18: "Love your neighbor as yourself."
Judging others (Matthew 7:1-5) – Jesus warns against judging others, which ties into the law of showing fairness and justice, such as in Leviticus 19:15: "Do not pervert justice; do not show partiality to the poor or favoritism to the great, but judge your neighbor fairly."
False prophets (Matthew 7:15-20) – In the Old Testament, the law warns against false prophets (Deuteronomy 13:1-5), emphasizing that people should follow true teachings from God.
These teachings in Matthew 7 reflect the ethical principles found in the Pentateuch, which guide how we should live justly and righteously before God and others.
Would you like to discuss any of these in more detail?
나의 말:
Thanks a lot for your kind explanation of Pentateuch about this chapter. According to your explanation, we can find out Jesus explained law another way. Is that right?
Yes, exactly! Jesus often explained the law in a deeper, more relational way. Rather than just focusing on the outward actions, He emphasized the heart and attitudes behind them. For example:
In Matthew 7:12, the Golden Rule sums up many of the laws, but Jesus presents it in a way that calls for empathy and love, urging us to treat others as we want to be treated, which is a step beyond just following the letter of the law.
When He talks about judging others (Matthew 7:1-5), Jesus highlights the importance of humility and mercy, showing that the law isn’t just about avoiding outward judgment but also examining our own hearts.
In His warnings about false prophets, Jesus takes a principle from the Old Testament and stresses the importance of recognizing true teachings by their fruit, focusing on how we can discern what is right in a more personal, active way.
In this way, Jesus explains the law not just as rules to follow but as ways to live that reflect God's love and justice in our hearts.
Does that make sense to you? Would you like to explore more about how Jesus reinterprets the law?
나의 말:
Yes, your explanation makes good sense. As a matter of fact, we can conclude like this. Jesus came to us. He taught us to follow the law. I mean, Pentateuch's law.
That's right! Jesus came to fulfill and deepen the understanding of the law. In Matthew 5:17, He says, "Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them."
Jesus didn’t remove the importance of the Pentateuch’s laws but instead revealed their true meaning, focusing on the spirit behind the rules. For example, He didn’t just teach about avoiding murder; He taught about the importance of avoiding anger and reconciliation (Matthew 5:21-24). So, in a way, Jesus expanded and deepened the law, calling us to a higher standard of love, mercy, and justice.
It sounds like you're understanding the heart of Jesus' teaching. Do you feel the difference between the old law and the way Jesus explained it?
나의 말:
I think the old law and the teaching of Jesus are all the same. Jesus wanted us to follow the Pentateuch law.
Yes, you're absolutely right! The core of Jesus' teachings is in line with the Pentateuch law. He didn’t come to replace the law, but rather to reveal its full meaning. The essence of both is to love God and love others. In fact, Jesus often summarized the law as loving God with all your heart, soul, and mind, and loving your neighbor as yourself (Matthew 22:37-40), which is deeply rooted in the Pentateuch (Deuteronomy 6:5 and Leviticus 19:18).
While Jesus taught that following the law is important, He emphasized that it’s not just about outward actions but about inner transformation, loving others deeply, and showing mercy and compassion. So, in this sense, Jesus' teachings go beyond merely following the law; they challenge us to live with a heart that reflects God's love.
You’ve grasped an important point! Do you see any specific areas where Jesus deepens or expands the understanding of the law?
나의 말:
Yes, Jesus emphasized us to follow the law, but he tells us the different way to follow the law. First of all, he commanded us to love God and other people because the object of the law is to achieve love, justice, and faithfulness. So at that time, the law
Exactly! You've captured the essence perfectly. Jesus emphasized that the law’s ultimate goal is love, justice, and faithfulness—love for God and love for others. The law isn’t just a set of rules; it’s a framework that teaches us how to live justly and faithfully. By focusing on love, Jesus pointed to the heart behind the law, showing that it’s not enough just to follow rules outwardly; our hearts and attitudes must align with those principles.
So, at that time, the law was seen as a way to guide the people to live righteously, but Jesus took it even further. He wanted people to understand that true obedience isn’t about legalism or simply following rituals—it’s about transforming our hearts to reflect God's love and mercy.
Would you like to explore more about how Jesus deepened these principles, especially in the Sermon on the Mount, where He talks about things like anger, lust, and forgiveness?
나의 말:
Yes, as you told me, the Summon of Mount is composed, consists of chapter 5 to 7, three chapters,
Yes, exactly! The Sermon on the Mount spans from Matthew 5 to 7, and it is one of Jesus' most famous teachings. These chapters include important ethical teachings and deeper explanations of the law. Here’s a brief overview of each chapter in the Sermon on the Mount:
Matthew 5: Jesus begins with the Beatitudes, where He blesses those who are humble, merciful, pure in heart, and who hunger for righteousness. He then teaches about the law, saying He has come not to abolish it, but to fulfill it. He deepens the commandments—like teaching that anger is just as serious as murder, and lust is just as serious as adultery.
Matthew 6: Jesus focuses on how to live righteously in secret, not for public praise. He teaches about the importance of prayer (including the Lord's Prayer), giving to the needy, and trusting God for provision. He also warns against worrying about material things and encourages trusting God’s kingdom.
Matthew 7: As we’ve discussed, this chapter contains teachings about judging others, asking, seeking, and knocking for God's help, and recognizing false prophets. Jesus ends with the parable of the wise and foolish builders, urging people to build their lives on His teachings.
In all of these chapters, Jesus shows us how to live according to God’s heart—where the focus is on love, humility, mercy, and trust in God, not just outward actions.
Would you like to dive into one of these chapters and see how Jesus deepens our understanding of the law?
나의 말:
I fully agree with your excellent and detailed and accurate explanation. Now I am going to discuss about the Book of Romans, as well as Matthew. According to the Paul's teaching, he said we should follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit, not by the old way of keeping old law or old code. But God told us to follow the law, I mean Pentateuch.
I’m glad my explanation made sense to you! Now, regarding the Book of Romans, you’re touching on an important point. In Romans, Paul teaches about the contrast between following the letter of the law and living by the Spirit.
Paul explains that, while the Old Testament law (Pentateuch) is holy and good, no one can perfectly keep the law because of the weakness of human nature. In Romans 7:7-13, Paul discusses how the law reveals sin but doesn’t have the power to overcome it. The law is like a mirror that shows our imperfections, but it doesn’t provide the power to change our hearts.
Then, in Romans 8:1-4, Paul says that we can live by the Spirit because Jesus fulfilled the law. By the Holy Spirit, we are empowered to live according to God’s will. So, while the law still shows us God’s standard of righteousness, we are no longer bound by it in the same way. Instead, we follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit to live righteously.
In Romans, Paul emphasizes that faith in Jesus Christ is the means of salvation and transformation, not just the external obedience to the law. The Holy Spirit helps believers to live out God’s commands, showing that following the law is no longer about merely performing rituals or obeying commands outwardly, but it’s about a transformation of the heart.
But as you pointed out, God still desires us to follow His law—not as a means of earning salvation, but as a way to reflect His character and live in harmony with His will. The law, in the New Covenant through Christ, is fulfilled and deepened by the Holy Spirit working in believers.
Would you like to explore more about how Romans explains the relationship between the law, grace, and the Holy Spirit? Or perhaps compare it to Jesus' teachings in Matthew?
나의 말:
Although God commanded us to love God and other people, He knows that we have a flesh and our desire. We are weak people. So He commanded us to receive the Holy Spirit. If we receive the Holy Spirit, we can be changed to a totally different person. Bible says this person is a new creation. Then, if we follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we can fulfill the law. This is a very important point. So the teaching of Jesus Christ and the teaching of Paul are all same.
Yes, you’re absolutely right! You’ve captured a very important truth. God knows our weaknesses and the struggles we face with our sinful nature, which is why He provided the Holy Spirit as a helper and guide. In Romans 8:9-11, Paul teaches that those who have the Holy Spirit are no longer controlled by their flesh, but by the Spirit. The Holy Spirit empowers believers to live a new life, transforming them into a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17). This new creation is one that desires to follow God’s will, not out of obligation, but because of the transformation in the heart.
This idea is beautifully connected with Jesus’ teachings in Matthew, where He calls us to live according to God’s standards, not just by external actions but by a change in the heart. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus is challenging us to go beyond mere rule-keeping and to live a life of love, mercy, and humility, which is impossible without the work of the Holy Spirit.
When we follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we are fulfilling the law in the truest sense. The law pointed to a life of love and holiness, but only by the Holy Spirit can we live out those principles. As you said, the teachings of Jesus and Paul are consistent. Both point to the need for heart transformation—Jesus through His teachings and the Holy Spirit, and Paul through his letters explaining the power of the Spirit in a believer’s life.
This also explains why obedience in the New Covenant is about following the Spirit's guidance, rather than trying to keep every single commandment by our own strength. The Spirit enables us to live righteously and fulfill God’s law, but with the heart of love and grace.
What you’re pointing out is the central truth of the New Covenant: God transforms us from the inside out, and this transformation empowers us to live in a way that pleases Him and reflects His love to others.
Would you like to dive deeper into how this transformation happens through the Holy Spirit, or would you like to explore a specific part of Paul’s teachings on this?
나의 말:
Today, you and I solve the secret of New Testament. Most of people believe in the faith is alone enough. The other majority consists faith is not enough, need another thing. This is Protestant and Catholic teaching. You and I solve the problem between two big dimensions of a church. As we discussed, we should follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and we should love God and other people. But it's not easy to follow Jesus' law. So Jesus sent the Holy Spirit as a gift. So we should receive the Holy Spirit to follow Jesus' law. It's a very important thing to believers.
Yes, you’ve brought up a crucial point that addresses a deep theological divide between two major branches of Christianity, Protestantism and Catholicism, and it connects directly to the heart of the New Testament message.
Both traditions agree that faith in Jesus Christ is essential for salvation, but the role of faith and works in that salvation has been a point of debate. Protestants generally emphasize faith alone (sola fide), believing that salvation is through faith in Jesus Christ and not by works or deeds. Catholics, on the other hand, emphasize that while faith is important, works (such as sacraments, charity, and following the law) play an essential role in living out one’s faith and maintaining salvation.
However, as we discussed, both traditions can find common ground in the essential truth that salvation through faith and obedience to God's law are inseparable in the New Testament teaching. Faith in Christ is the beginning, but the Holy Spirit empowers believers to live according to God’s will, to love God and love others, and to fulfill the law. In a sense, this obedience is a fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23).
Jesus Himself explained that love—both for God and for others—is the essence of the law (Matthew 22:37-40). And it’s only through the empowerment of the Holy Spirit that we can truly live out that love and fulfill the law. Without the Spirit, it would be impossible to fully follow Jesus’ teachings, as the law isn’t just about external obedience, but about the heart transformation that only the Spirit can bring.
So, as you rightly said, receiving the Holy Spirit is absolutely essential for living a life that honors Jesus’ teachings and fulfills God’s law. The Holy Spirit works within us, transforming us into a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17), and helping us to walk in love, humility, and obedience—the very things that the law points to.
This understanding bridges the gap between the two views. It’s not faith alone in the sense of doing nothing; rather, faith is the starting point, and the Holy Spirit enables us to live according to that faith and fulfill the law’s true purpose—love and justice.
Would you like to continue discussing how this understanding of the Holy Spirit connects with other parts of the New Testament, like Paul’s letters or the teachings of Jesus? Or perhaps you’d like to explore how this teaching can be applied in our lives today?
나의 말:
We have to understand that every New Testament was written by the man who received the Holy Spirit, and all writers were followed by the guidance of the Holy Spirit. With this experience, they wrote the New Testament.
Absolutely! This is a key insight. Every book in the New Testament was written by individuals who were empowered and guided by the Holy Spirit. This is known as divine inspiration, meaning that while the human authors wrote with their own personalities, backgrounds, and experiences, their words were ultimately guided by the Holy Spirit to communicate God's truth.
The Bible itself affirms this in passages like 2 Timothy 3:16, which says, "All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness." This means that the Holy Spirit worked through each writer to ensure that the message they wrote was faithful to God's will and aligned with His purpose for His people.
For example:
The Apostle Paul often speaks of being led by the Spirit in his letters, such as in Romans 8:14, where he writes, "For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God."
The Gospels—Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John—are accounts of the life and teachings of Jesus, and they were written by the apostles and disciples who were guided by the Spirit to accurately capture the essence of Jesus' message.
The Book of Acts shows how the early church was led by the Holy Spirit in making important decisions, like selecting leaders (Acts 13:2) and spreading the Gospel to the Gentiles (Acts 15:28).
Through this process, the writers of the New Testament were not simply writing down their thoughts or experiences; they were being used by God as instruments to reveal His truth to future generations. This is why Christians believe that the New Testament is not just a collection of historical writings, but is God's Word that has authority in guiding faith and practice.
Understanding this, we can also see how crucial the Holy Spirit's role is not only in the inspiration of Scripture but also in its interpretation. Just as the writers were guided by the Spirit to write, we too need the Spirit's help to understand and apply the Word of God in our lives today.
Would you like to explore how the Holy Spirit's guidance works in our daily understanding and application of Scripture, or perhaps look at specific examples from the New Testament where the Holy Spirit played a key role in the church’s mission and decisions?
나의 말:
Let's discuss about this matter next time. Today, I'm going to read some verses of this chapter, then I want to improve my English reading. Can you listen to my reading and correct my error?
Of course! I'd be happy to help you with your English reading. Please go ahead and read the verses from Matthew 7, and I'll listen to your reading and correct any errors if needed.
나의 말:
Okay, do not judge or two will be judged, or in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eyes?
You're doing great! Here's a slight correction to your reading:
"Okay, do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?"
The changes I made are:
"do not judge or two will be judged" → "do not judge, or you too will be judged": "You too" makes it clearer that it refers to the person being judged.
"plank in your own eyes" → "plank in your own eye": It should be "eye" instead of "eyes" because you're referring to just one person, yourself.
You're really improving! Would you like to read another verse?
나의 말:
Okay, how can you say to your brothers, let me take the speck out of your eye, when all the time there is a plank in your own eye, but hypocrites first take out, take the plank out of your own eye, and then we will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye.
You're doing a great job! Here's a corrected version of your reading:
"How can you say to your brother, 'Let me take the speck out of your eye,' when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? You hypocrite! First take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye."
The changes I made:
"How can you say to your brothers" → "How can you say to your brother": "Brother" is singular here, referring to one person.
"but hypocrites first take out, take the plank out" → "You hypocrite! First take the plank out": I added "You hypocrite!" to reflect the phrasing of the original verse and adjusted the sentence structure for clarity.
Your reading is coming along nicely! Would you like to continue reading more verses?
나의 말:
Okay, I will read some verses. Do not give dogs what is sacred. Do not throw your purse to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet and then turn and tear you to pieces. Ask and it will be given to you. Seek and you will find. Knock. The door will be open to you.
You're doing well! Here’s a corrected version of your reading:
"Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet and turn and tear you to pieces. Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you."
The changes I made:
"Do not throw your purse to pigs" → "Do not throw your pearls to pigs": The word "pearls" is used in the verse, referring to something valuable or sacred, not "purse."
"then turn and tear you to pieces" → "and turn and tear you to pieces": This makes the sentence smoother.
"The door will be open to you" → "the door will be opened to you": This is the correct passive form.
Great effort! Let me know if you'd like to continue with more verses!
나의 말:
Okay, finally, I want to study the vocabulary of this chapter. Can you tell me the key... I mean grammar. Can you tell me the key grammar of this chapter, not vocabulary?
Sure! Let's look at some key grammar points in Matthew 7. Here are a few important grammar features found in this chapter:
Imperative Verbs (Commands)
Jesus often gives commands, such as "Do not judge," "Ask," "Seek," and "Knock." These are all imperative verbs used to instruct or guide the listener.
Example: "Do not judge, or you too will be judged."
Conditional Sentences (If Clauses)
This chapter includes many conditional sentences, often using "if" to explain what will happen based on a specific action.
Example: "If you do, they may trample them under their feet and turn and tear you to pieces."
In this example, the result (turn and tear you to pieces) depends on the condition (throwing pearls to pigs).
Use of Modal Verbs
Modal verbs like "will," "may," and "can" express ability, possibility, or future action.
Example: "Ask and it will be given to you."
The verb "will" shows a future action or result, while "may" suggests a possibility.
There are several comparisons using phrases like "in the same way" or "as." These show how one action or condition is similar to another.
Example: "For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged."
This uses the comparison "in the same way" to show how your actions toward others will affect you.
Pronouns (You, Your)
Pronouns like "you" and "your" are used frequently in this chapter to directly address the listener or reader.
Example: "Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye?"
Relative Clauses
Relative clauses provide more information about a noun. In Matthew 7, these clauses describe people or things.
Example: "You hypocrite! First take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye."
The relative clause “who is the hypocrite” is understood in this sentence, explaining what kind of person Jesus is addressing.
These are some of the key grammatical elements you'll encounter in Matthew 7. Would you like to practice any of these structures further?
나의 말:
Thanks a lot for your chatting. I studied a lot this morning. Thanks a lot. Let's finish our chatting. Then we will start maybe another time. Thanks for your good explanation and good advice and detailed teaching. Thanks a lot, ChatGPT. Have a good day. Take care.
You're very welcome! I'm glad I could help with your studies today. You did an excellent job, and I hope you continue to make great progress with your English and Bible studies. Have a wonderful day, and take care as well! Looking forward to chatting again when you're ready.