Ты вы́пил три ча́шки ко́фе.
You've drunk three cups of coffee.
1. ча́шка noun, feminine, inanimate
Somewhat often used word (top 3,000)
2. вы́пить verb, perfective
Often used word (top 700)
Она тебя лю́бит, а не меня.
It's you that she loves, not me.
Он все еще рабо́тает в це́хе.
He is still at work in the workroom.
3. цех noun, masculine, inanimate
Somewhat often used word (top 3,000)
section (of a factory)
4. ещё Daily used word (top 100)
Каки́е у вас пла́ны на выходные?
What're your plans for the weekend?
5. выходны́е noun, masculine, inanimate
Very rarely used word (top 60,000)
6. план noun, masculine, inanimate
Often used word (top 600)