이번 주에는 사회주의가 오히려 사회에 해롭다는 내용의 글을 가지고
사회주의는 사회 구성원의 평등을 외치며 소득 분배를 강조하지만,
그 과정에서 부자들의 의욕 상실로 부의 창출이 어려워져
분배될 소득 자체의 감소와 그로 인한 빈곤이 발생하고,
소득 분배를 집행할 막강 권력 집단이 생겨서 전체주의가 발생하고
개인의 개성과 선택의 자유는 사라진다는 것이
글쓴이의 논리입니다.
보수 논객 김성곤 교수의 논리를 감상하시죠.
한국인이 아무리 영작을 잘해도
된장 냄새나는 영작이나 실수가 중간중간 나오는 것이 일반적입니다.
저와 함께 그러한 영작과 실수를 하나씩 찾아보시죠.
Antisocial socialism vs. inhumane capitalism
We all know that both socialism and capitalism have their own upsides and downsides. The capitalist system creates polarization between the poor and the rich in an inhumane environment. Socialism creates a society of equal poverty, totalitarianism and dehumanization. The dilemma we face is that we have to choose one or the either.
For some inscrutable reason, many Koreans seem to be in favor of socialism and thus ardently support radical politicians who proclaim they advocate for a socialist state. However, considering that a hostile socialist country lurks in the North, it is far from common sense that socialism would survive in the South. You do not need to be a capitalist to be critical of socialism, especially in South Korea.
We should be aware that since the collapse of communism in the early 1990s, the term “socialism” has oftentimes been used in place of communism. Therefore, we cannot be enticed by the attractive term “socialism” because we do not desire to live in a socialist country, which is similar to a communist country. In fact, we should be extra cautious about socialism unless we want to see a unified socialist country in the Korean Peninsula. Besides, South Korea has become an affluent society today thanks to capitalism and trade. It is therefore not normal if some South Koreans are attracted to socialism.
※ 시사영어 공부의 효과
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