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As for illegal closing of the newspaper Caravan and TV channel KTK belonging to me, all is clear: this action means curtailing of democratic processes in the country, restriction of freedom of speech, freedom of broadcasting of information. This is unconcealed lawlessness and step back to the totalitarian past. As for the case of the attack on the bank, I can tell the following: the situation acquires the forms of utmost absurdity. The Minister of Internal Affairs, police and the Office of Public Prosecutor are openly disorganizing the case eliminating key witnesses of accusation. The main accused gives lasting for many hours interviews from investigatory cell of the Committee of the National Security (KNB) for the state TV channel, while popular independent broadcasting company and newspapers have been closed only due to publication of a chronicle of events. In parallel with the roughest infringements of legality, the case against people close to me and me has been fabricated. There is trustworthy information that the arrested people, according to the lawyers, are exposed to tortures. At daytime, people are abducted in streets and from workplaces while bodies of the Office of Public Prosecutor ignore these scandalous facts, motivating it as "of special importance of the case." At first sight, it can seem strange - I am as a victim of robbery is being tried to accuse of their inability to find the robber. Especially hysterical activity of "law enforcement bodies" gives rise to surprise recalling of their calmness at investigation of recent murders of opposition figures. However, hastily fabricated case indeed has "special importance." And this "importance" consists in excluding me from political process in the country. I should admit that I have had disagreements with the President Nazarbayev since long time ago. I consider the first President of the Republic Kazakhstan an outstanding politician. His role in creation of independent Kazakhstan is difficult to overestimate. I am saying this absolutely sincerely. However, as well as any citizen of our country, I have the right to have my own vision of the future of the country and my own destiny. Working in the international organizations, communicating with leading politicians of the European and other countries, I have formed my own idea of the political situation in our country. As you know, I have devoted last years to the achievement of our country the right to preside in the most influential international organization - OSCE. My purpose was obvious: to achieve that the standards of the developed countries of the world would be accepted in Kazakhstan. Among others, it meant restriction of authority and powers of security bodies, transparency of enforcement authorities, including the supreme power. It would not be hard to imagine how many opponents I have had. I would tell the President about disagreements in the policy in private. The status of the civil servant and the ambassador did not allow me to bring those disagreements out to public. However, I have made the decision. I consider that actual usurpation of the presidential post by one person, transformation of elective process into performance for foreign observers, consecutive step back from democratic achievements, to put it mildly, are not advantageous to our country. Dark events with murders of political opposition figures, constant corruption scandals have extremely negatively reflected on the reputation of Kazakhstan in the world. I spoke about all this to the President. It strongly contradicted the picture of the world, which was depicted to him by his environment from law enforcement bodies. Several months ago, I told Nursultan Abishevich that I made the decision to run for the post of the president the following elections in 2012. This is natural development of my political career - and at the same time this would be an attempt to reanimate political life in the country, elective process. Soon after the conversation there was the incident with the attack on Nurbank. It would have been impossible without covering of swindlers by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. I think it was the last warning, but I did not heed it. As a result, in the urgent order, criminal case has been fabricated. I am even tired of commenting how absurd it was. Capture of the runaway swindler is necessary first of all to the shareholders of our bank. You know what usually happens with people who have anyhow designated their political ambitions. Fabrication of a criminal case is quite a humane way of moving away opponents from political space. And I am grateful to the President that concerning me he once again showed his well-known humanity. I would like to state that I will always be in politics. I will be doing everything depending on me not to admit steps back of the country to the totalitarian Soviet past. I know that I have many supporters in the country. I am convinced that the future will be for us but not for you, lifelong Mr. President. I have only one request - stop tortures of people. Mr. President, it is in your power. |
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깔끔하게(?) 마무리가 되어야 할텐데..요즘 낭보가 별로 없어서리...글죠?
그러게요...요즘 나자르바예프 대통령의 카리스마가 돋보이는 장면이 연일 연출되고 있네요...ㅋㅋ