이번 주에는 하버드大 교수의 2023 경제 전망에 관한 글을 가지고
많은 경제학자들이 2022년 초부터 세계 경제의 침체에 관한 말들을 쏟아내 왔지만,
글쓴이는 2022년에도 그랬고, 2023년에도 세계 경제는 침체되지 않을 것이라 전망합니다.
물론, 그렇게 되기 위한 전제는 있습니다.
어떤 전제일지 저와 함께 알아보시고
2023년에 투자 계획에 있으신 분들은 좋은 정보를 얻으시죠.
그리고 이 글은
하버드大 교수가 쓴 글답게 깔끔하고 고급스럽게 쓰였습니다.
저와 함께 깔끔하고 고급스런 영작의 맛도 느껴보시죠.
Is a global recession really imminent?
The world’s leading economists spent most of 2022 convincing themselves that, if the global economy was not already in a recession, it was about to fall into one. But with the year’s end, the global slump has been postponed to 2023.
Clearly, the reports that the United States was in recession during the first half of the year were premature, especially given how tight the US labor market is. And, despite the confidence with which many again proclaim the inevitability of a downturn, the chances of one in the coming year are well below 100 percent. But, owing to the rapid interest rate hikes by the US Federal Reserve and other major central banks, there is something like a 50 percent chance of a recession in 2023 and a 75 percent chance of it happening at some point during the next two years.
Europe, hit hard by soaring energy prices, is more likely to head into a recession, which conventional wisdom defines as two consecutive quarters of gross domestic product decline. China, however, seems to be in even worse shape. It has the same problems as Europe, plus a collapsing property sector and a surge in COVID-19 cases, owing to the Chinese government’s recent decision to reopen the economy without a sufficient vaccination push.
By Jeffrey Frankel
Jeffrey Frankel, a professor of capital formation and growth at Harvard University, previously served as a member of President Bill Clinton’s Council of Economic Advisers.
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