- 대서양 가자미 Halibut, Atlantic
. 학명; Hippoglossus hippoglossus
. 서식지; 차거운 물의 50-2000미터 깊이의 해양바닥
. 통명; 대서양 가자미
. 특징; 습관적으로 바닥에 누워 성장하면서 오른쪽으로 눈이 몰리는 납작한 저서 생선
. 먹이와 요리법; 얼린후 회로 먹거나 일반적인 조리로 식용
1 학명과 서식지
- 학명; Hippoglossus hippoglossus
- 서식지
. 온도와 깊이; 차거운 물의 50-2000미터 깊이의 해양바닥
. 지역; 북대서양 해역의 래브라도에서 아이슬란드까지
. 모래바닥, 자갈, 점토바닥에 서식
The Atlantic halibut occurs in North Atlantic waters; in North America it ranges from Labrador to Virginia. This species does not occur in near-freezing polar waters, as many people believe; there, it is replaced by the Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides).
Habitat. A deep-water species, the Atlantic halibut seldom enters water shallower than about 200 feet and is commonly found to 3,000 feet. It inhabits cold (40° to 50°F) water over sand, gravel, or clay bottoms.
2 통명
- 영어; common halibut, giant halibut, right-eyed flounder, chicken halibut (under 20 pounds);
Dutch: heilbot; Finnish: ruijanpallas; French: flétan de l’Atlantique; Icelandic: heilagfiski; Japanese: ohyô; Norwegian: kveite; Portuguese: alabote; Spanish: fletán del Atlántico, hipogloso; Swedish: hälleflundra, helgeflundra.
- 한글; 대서양 가자미
3 개요
- 길이; 470센티이내,
- 무게; 710파운드이내, 평균 300파운드
Atlantic halibut weighing between 300 and 700 pounds have been reported, and the all-tackle rod-and-reel record is 355 pounds.
4 특징
- 가장 큰 경골어류중의 하나로 회복기간도 오래 걸림
- 습관적으로 바닥에 누워 성장하면서 오른쪽으로 눈이 몰리는 납작한 저서 생선
- 2센티로 자라면 왼쪽이 하얗게 변하면서 눈도 오른쪽으로 이동
- 오른쪽은 올리브색이나 흑색으로 환경에 따라 다양
The Atlantic halibut is among the largest bony fish in the world and a member of the Pleuronectidae family of righteyed flounder. The flounder has a unique type of maturation from larvae to adult stage, in which one eye migrates to the opposite side of the head. The Atlantic halibut is a highly prized table fish, with white, tender flesh, but it is such a deep-dwelling fish that it is seldom deliberately pursued by anglers. It may be caught incidentally by anglers fishing for other deep-ocean dwellers. It has historically been an extremely important market species, but it has been greatly overfished by commercial interests, who primarily catch it by bottom longlining.
Identification. The body is wide and somewhat flattened, rimmed by long dorsal and anal fins. The lateral line, which has a scale count of about 160, arches strongly above the pectoral fin. The dorsal fin has 98 to 106 rays and the anal fin has 73 to 80 rays. The teeth are equally well equipped in both sides of the jaw. Its coloring is usually pearly white and featureless on the blind side. Some specimens, nicknamed “cherry-bellies,” have a reddish tint on the blind side.
5 먹이와 요리법
- 먹이; 대구, 청어, 장어, 열빙어를 주로 먹고 두족류와 갑각류 도 섭취
- 12월에서 4월사이에 6도내외의 바닥에 수백만개 산란
- 부드러운 살로 남획되어 캐나다 등에서 양식
- 청어 등을 미끼로 원형고리에 캐논볼을 넣어 바닥에 두어 어획
- 얼린후 회로 먹거나 일반적인 조리로 식용
Spawning occurs from late winter through early spring in deep water. The eastern Atlantic fish spawn from March through May. A female can release up to 2 million eggs, and the fish move shallower after spawning.
Food and feeding habits. The Atlantic halibut is a voracious feeder, pursuing its prey in the open water. It forages primarily on fish, including cod and their relatives—ocean perch, herring, skates, mackerel, and other flounder. It also eats crabs, mussels, lobsters, and clams.