Hello Starrlite,
새 출발결정 축하드립니다. 미국 어디를 가시나 또 누구에게도 새출발이란 쉬운일이 아닌데도 미래를 위해 이렇게 새로운 삶을 선택하신 Starlite 부부가 자랑스럽고 또 존경 스럽네요.
미국 지역을 선택하실때, you should consider serveral factors, such as:
-Regional Economic condition(s) and outlook
-Employment opportunities
-Price of housing
-living standards
to mention just a few and "Yes" having a friend or two definetely helps when you move into new and unfamiliar territory. They can be a great emotional support.
Even though current economic situation in US is making everyone nervous and cautions, I believe that US still provide plenty of opportunities for people who are dedicated and have the willingness to work hard for their future.
I have lived mainly in the MIdwest region (Chicago Area) for over 30 years and few years in the East Coast Area (Carolinas), therefore, my knowledge is mostly limted to Chicago Area.
I guess what I am suggesting is that you look into Chicago area because this area is conservative and it has less "Ups" and "Downs" of economic rollercoaster. Also with your bilingual skills, employment wouldn't be as difficult.
제가 한글로 표현을 하는게 좀 어렵고 또 미국인 이라 하셔서 영어로 response 를 보내드립니다, 이점을 이해 해 주시구요.
첫댓글 thank you so much for your reply- but what im worried about is the cost of living in the chicago area...i was considering the cities that i listed above because they were big cities(somewhat) and the cost of living is relatively low.... so how expensive is chicago??
it's not as bad as you may think. living expense may be little higher than the rest of midwest region but your salary will be higher as well. also, chicago metropolitan area usually provide more job opportunites than the low-income low cost of living areas. With Chicago's large Korean population and with your work experience, it probably won't be that difficult for you to find a good job either. As for living expenses, 2 bedroom apartments range anywhere from $800~$1,000 (varies depending on suburbs), gas price is around $3.00/gallon, tax is at 10% (6%~8% rest of midwest).
Here is a site that I frequent http://quickfacts.census.gov/qfd/ you can find demographic information for anywhere in the states. good luck! 이 싸이트에 좋은정보 많이 있어요.
for housing and rental situations in US take a look at www.hud.gov it has valuable informations you should know. For renting to find fair market rent, go to this site for infomation. http://www.huduser.org/datasets/fmr/fmrs/fy2009_code/select_Geography.odb
hmmm..what you guys are saying seems pretty nice..I mean, what im really afraid of is ending up like will smith in the movie pursuit of happiness..not a fan of living in a cardboard box...hehe but thank you so much for your info and if there is anything else you might want to tell me please do!! I nedd all the information I can get. :)