- 캘리포니아 가자미 Halibut, California
. 학명; Paralichthys californicus
. 서식지; 동태평양의 워싱턴에서 캘리포니아까지 강과 연안해역
. 통명; 캘리포니아 가자미
. 특징; 작은 머리와 큰입, 직사각형의 압축된 몸
. 먹이와 요리법; 튀기거나 스튜로 섭취
1 학명과 서식지
- 학명; Paralichthys californicus
- 서식지
. 온도와 깊이; 따뜻한 수온의 수심 40미터 이내의 모래바닥에 서식
. 지역; 동태평양의 워싱턴에서 캘리포니아까지 강과 연안해역
This species occurs from Magdalena Bay, Baja California, Mexico, to the Quillayute River, British Columbia. A separate population exists in the Gulf of California in Mexico.
Habitat. Found mostly over sandy bottoms, California halibut appear beyond the surf line and in bays and estuaries. They range from near shore to 600 feet deep but are most commonly caught in 60 to 120 feet of water. They are not known to make extensive migrations.
2 통명
- 영어; flatty, flattie, fly swatter (small), barn door (large), alabato, Monterey halibut, chicken halibut, southern halibut, California flounder, bastard halibut, portsider;
Spanish: lenguado de California.
- 한글; 캘리포니아 가자미
3 개요
- 길이; 150센티이내,
- 무게; 72파운드 이내, 평균 14파운드
The largest California halibut recorded was 5 feet long and weighed 72 pounds. The all-tackle rod-and-reel record weighed 59 pounds, 9 ounces. Females grow larger, live longer, and are more numerous than males. In California, these fish average between 8 and 20 pounds; 20- pounders are considered large, and fish exceeding 30 pounds are trophies.
4 특징
- 태평양 가자미보다는 작은 왼쪽 눈 가자미
- 40%는 오른쪽에 눈이 쏠려있는 넙치와는 다른 일반적인 가자미 특성
- 태평양에서는 가장 풍부한 가자미
- 작은 머리와 큰입, 직사각형의 압축된 몸
- 짙은 갈색에서 검은색면과 반대쪽의 흰색
The California halibut is a large flatfish and a member of the Bothidae family, or left-eyed flounder. It is the largest and most abundant flatfish within its range, although it is greatly smaller than the more northerly Pacific halibut. It is an important commercial quarry and sportfish, one that is often deliberately sought by anglers and valued for its excellent firm, white flesh.
Identification. The body of the California halibut is oblong and compressed. The head is small and the mouth large. Although a member of the left-eyed flounder family, about 40 percent of California halibut have their eyes on the right side. The color is dark brown to black on the eyed side and white on the blind side. The gill rakers are slender and numerous, totaling about 29 on the first arch. Its numerous teeth, its very large mouth, and a high arch in the middle of the “top” side above the pectoral fin make it easily distinguishable from other flatfish.
5 먹이와 요리법
- 먹이; 멸치 등을 주로 먹고 오징어, 갑각류, 연체동물 등 도 섭취
- 단단한 하얀살로 인기있는 어획과 낚시대상
- 낮은 수심에서 5월경산란
- 일반적인 방법으로 조리하여 식용
Males mature when 2 or 3 years old, but females do not mature until age 4 or 5. A 5-year-old fish may be anywhere from 11 to 17 inches long. Spawning takes place in relatively shallow water from April through July, and spawning fish feed actively.
Food and feeding habits. These halibut feed primarily on anchovies and similar small fish, often well off the bottom and during the day, although they also consume squid, crustaceans, and mollusks.