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저와 함께 감상해 보시죠.
What chicken feet tell us about daily life in Egypt
"Oh God, don't let us get to the point of having to eat chicken feet," says a man begging alongside the poultry sellers in Giza market.
Egypt is facing a deepening economic crisis, a situation so acute its people are struggling to feed their families. The latest nutritional advice from the state suggested cooking up some chicken feet -- a protein-rich part of the bird usually reserved as scraps for dogs and cats. This recommendation has sparked anger and intensified criticism of the government.
Many countries are battling soaring inflation but running at just over 30% in March, Egypt is one of those suffering the most. For many people, items that were previously basic staples such as cooking oil and cheese have become unaffordable luxuries. Some products have doubled or tripled in price within months.
※ 시사영어 공부의 효과
1. 영어 훈련
2. 말과 글의 논리력 향상
3. 시사 상식 확대