복귀역사와 만물의 날
한국 전본부교회
이제 불원한 장래에 인류를 통일의 세계, 영원무궁한 안식의 복지에 안착시킬 수 있는 근거지가 있어야 합니다. 그곳은 어디냐? 심정의 세계라는 것입니다. 심정의 세계에서는 아버지는 자식이 없으면 못 살고, 아내는 남편이 없으면 못 사는 세계입니다. 앞으로 올 세계는 이러한 진실의 세계입니다.
세상의 '주의'라는 것은 양심 기준에 있어서 의식 혁명의 단계가 될는지는 모르지만. 앞으로는 숙명적으로 승리할 수 있고 최종적으로 승리할 수 있는 것이 나와야 합니다. 그것이 바로 '심정'입니다.
앞으로는 인류의 심정을 혁명하여 천도의 기준을 세울 수 있는 새로운 역사관이 나와야 합니다. 이 역사관을 기준으로 새로운 인생관과 세계관을 창건할 수 있는 심정적인 주의가 나와야 합니다. 그러면 그 주의는 무슨 주의이냐? 그것은 심정적인 인생관, 심정적인 세계관, 심정적인 우주관을 중심한 것이요. 또한 역사가 기대하는 것입니다. 통일교회는 바로 이런 것을 가르쳐 주는 것입니다.
그러면 이런 기준을 대하는 인간은 어떻게 해야 되느냐? 첫째는 진리심판을 거쳐야 합니다. 단지 믿음만으로 구원을 받는 것이 아니라 먼저 진리의 합격자가 되어야 합니다.
하나님은 말씀으로 모든 것을 창조하셨습니다. 그러므로 말씀, 즉 진리가 완전하지 않고는 그 실체가 완전할 수 없는 것입니다. 즉, 진리가 불완전하면 실체도 불완전할 수밖에 없는 것입니다. 신앙생활도 완전한 자리에 입각하지 않고는 완전한 신앙생활을 할 수 없는 것입니다. 그러기에 하나님과 천지가 바라는 완전한 진리가 나와야만 합니다. 진리 심판의 때가 와야 하는 것입니다.
그러면, 이제까지 역사는 무엇을 찾아 나왔느냐? 한 인격자를 찾아 나왔습니다. 인격자를 찾기 위해서는 그 전에 먼저 무엇을 찾아 나와야 되느냐? 인격자를 낳을 수 있는 한 민족을 중심삼고 진리를 찾아 나와야 되는 것입니다.
이제 인간들은 갈 곳이 없습니다. 그러나 최후의 결판을 지어야 하겠기에 절망 속에 있을 수만은 없는 것입니다. 이제는 참다운 진리를 가지고 새로운 천지에 들어갈 수 있는 진리의 개방운동이 벌어져야 되는 것입니다. 낙망과 절망에 부딪쳐 있는 환경을 정비하고 단 하나밖에 없는 생명의 길로 인도할 수 있는 기준이 나와야 하는 것입니다.
그렇기 때문에 지금까지 무슨 주의, 무슨 주의 하면서 진리를 찾아나온 것입니다. 완전한 진리가 나올 때에 비로소 세계는 완전히 통일되는 것입니다.
진리를 통하고 나서는 인격을 완성해야 하고, 그 다음에는 심정을 완성해야 합니다. 우리는 심정을 통해서 역사적인 하나님을 알아야 됩니다. 창조 당시에 있어서의 하나님은 심정의 하나님이셨습니다. 우리는 창조당시의 하나님의 심정과 인간 타락 이후의 하나님의 심정이 어떠하셨으며, 역사 과정을 거쳐오면서 어떤 심정을 가지고 계시는 가 하는 역사적인 심정의 하나님을 알아야 합니다. 믿기는 믿지만 하나님의 심정을 아십니까? 하나님의 심정을 알아야 합니다.
그 다음에는 시대적인 하나님의 소원이 무엇이고, 시대적인 하나님의 심정이 어떠한가를 알아야 합니다. 그리하여 미래적인 하나님의 심정을 알야야 하는 것입니다.
하나님은 영원하신 존재이므로 과거, 현재, 미래를 통하며 섭리해 나오십니다. 그러기에 하나님의 역사적인 심정의 곡절은 시대를 통하고, 시대적인 곡절은 미래를 통하여 연결되는 것입니다. 따라서 하나님의 역사적인 심정을 위로하고 시대적인 심정을 위로하여 온유겸손하게 미래적인 심정을 깨달을 수 있어야만 하나님이 인정할 수 있는 사람이 됩니다. (16-251~252)
それではその根拠地がどこなのでしょうか? それが、「心情の世界」だというのです。心情の世界において、父は、子供がなければ生きられず、妻は、夫がなければ生きられません。今後来たるべき世界は、真実なる世界です。今後、宿命的に勝利することができ、最終的に勝利することができるのは、どこまでも心情なのです。心情を革命させて、天道の基準を立てることのできる、新しい歴史観を中心とした世界観、人生観を創建することのできる、その主義が出て来なければなりません。それが心情的な人生観、心情的な世界観と宇宙観であるのです。これが歴史の期待するところだというのです。
それで、このような基準が出て来て、終わりの日の審判をするようになるのです。それでは、統一教会では何を言っているのでしょうか? 一番目は、真理審判です。真理から出て来た者は信仰で救いを得るのでなく、真理の合格者にならなければなりません。
歴史は何を捜し求めて来たのでしょうか? 人格者を捜し求めて来ました。人を捜し求めて来る場合には、更に何を捜し求めて来なければならないのでしょうか? 民族を中心として、信仰と子女の過程を通じて来ながら、真理を捜し求めて来る世界は今日まで発展して来ました。今や人間たちは、行く所がなく、絶望に塞がれてしまいました。しかし、最後の是非の判定を決めなければならないので、これではいけないというのです。ここから、真理に満ちた新しい天地に入って行くことのできる、真理の開放運動が展開されなければなりません。
Please grant that we may fulfill the responsibilities of the high priest
June 19, 1966
Father! Today at this time we dare attempt to comprehend Your heart as You were creating all the things of creation. It is the original purpose and hope of creation that the bonds of one family be formed throughout the entire universe on the foundation of Your heart, which is the center of joy, happiness and all things. When we consider this, we realize that today this earth has not achieved harmony with Your wishes, Your circumstances and Your heart, thereby repeating the Fall. Please guide us to become people who can contemplate all this and repent again for all our historical inadequacies.
Please have compassion, Father, for the many people who must dash into battle for the sake of tomorrow's hope, having been unable to escape from the world of death. We earnestly hope for Your compassion toward the many believers who, transcending the present age, are rushing forward today in the direction of the original homeland, the land of the ideal of creation that You want to accomplish.
Father, as You have endured the responsibility for the past, present and future, You have withstood the greatest of hardships, and we know that Your heart is filled with sorrow. When we consider the sorrowful past in which people pounded nails into Your heart -- when they should have been singing songs praising Your eternal truth and heart while standing in the presence of Your heart and ideal -- we realize that we must bow our heads, kneel before You and raise an altar of atonement, while feeling the deep sorrow You have had to endure.
Father, as You look upon this reality, where no children have been able to raise the altar of victory before You, but are fulfilling the mission of high priest, we know You desire that at least we may become Your devoted envoys who can bear the cross of Heaven in Your stead. Father, though we have raised our hands and pledged to become Your true, filial sons and daughters and loyal subjects to appease Your sorrow and grief -- even if it means giving up our lives after we have fulfilled our responsibility -- we cannot help but lament that we have failed to practice filial piety and loyalty in a position that can bring You joy.
Nevertheless, Heavenly Father, please do not abandon us. We earnestly hope and pray that You work through us so we can become true children who can fulfill our mission and duties until the promised day of final victory.
Father! So many days have passed by during the long course of history, yet was there ever a single day when You could be happy? In spite of such a history, You found and instituted the Day of True Parents as well as the Day of All Things. Father, today is the Day of All Things You established after so much sacrifice. Father! We cannot help being filled with deep emotion as we greet this day, while reflecting once again on the providence You have carried out so laboriously.
Today is a historic day that marks the fourth anniversary of the day You established the Day of All Things. Throughout Your long course, You have walked forward through miserable adversity filled with sorrow and anguish. Yet we come to feel once again that You have prepared these days while promising the one day of absolute victory in accordance with the Will of Your great providence. Father! We earnestly hope and desire that You awaken us to the reality that we must be grateful, thousands and hundreds of thousands of times, when we consider that the greater the adversity in the past, the more it appears as a condition for greater gratitude today.
Your sons and daughters who were scattered in all directions have now gathered here at Cheongpa-dong Church. Therefore please have dominion over them and allow them to remember this day. Furthermore, we earnestly hope and pray, Father, that through this day You allow them to establish the day of blessing You have prepared. Many members of the Unification Church spread out in all parts of South Korea are on their knees offering devotions and bows for this day. Therefore we sincerely hope Your touch of mercy will be with them wherever these children are gathered.
Moreover, there are many children all over the world who are upholding Your name and offering devotion. We earnestly hope and pray that You be with each of them. In addition, many of Your sons and daughters are struggling amidst the sorrow of pioneering a lonely path, unknown to others, with this amazing, cosmic, historic mission on their shoulders. Father, please remember them.
Father, we know only too well how exhausting is the path of adversity trod by a pioneer. Since You have also fought and advanced from such a position, You are fully aware of these circumstances. Therefore, Father, we earnestly hope and pray for Your efforts, that You may raise people who can resonate with Your circumstances and become laborers, lacking in nothing, who can fulfill the global and historical responsibility, realize the pledge to be victorious, and raise aloft the shield of victory in Your stead.
The time has now come for the first, second and third churches to take responsibility for the new mission locations and march in line toward the capital city of Seoul. Therefore please be with them and command them. By doing so, we earnestly hope and pray that You allow them to become Your children who, for the one day of triumph, can more than fulfill the responsibility of the high priest while holding high the shield of eternal victory.
Father, the more that time passes, the more we come to feel that our astounding responsibility and mission are unavoidable. As we go forward while taking responsibility for the destiny of this people, we can see that the time when we must devote ourselves completely to repay You, and make the final decision for this people, is drawing near. We hope You allow us to make a new resolution and a new vow before the Father, with a grateful heart and an inspired mind. Father, we also hope and pray that You work through us so we can become Your children, who can realize this vow and share with everyone the accomplishments we have achieved.
We know that innumerable spirits in the spirit world are hoping for this day and are waiting for the time when they can be indemnified. Father, we are aware that You have chosen us and placed on our shoulders the great responsibility of forging the connection between the spirit world and the physical world, even if it costs our lives. We are truly grateful that You have allowed us this hour to gather here. Please embrace and protect the many children who, even at this hour, are calling You from near and far with hearts of adoration, and please understand all the circumstances of the children who are walking lonely paths. We pray that today, on this day of joy and glory, You fill everyone with abundant grace. I humbly pray all these things in the holy name of True Parents. Aju! (16-214~216)
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