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The new robotics superpower
In Dobong-gu in northeast Seoul, the Seoul Robot & AI Museum (Seoul: RAIM), which was built mostly by robots and drones, is nearing completion. Scheduled to open this fall, the museum represents a daring effort to integrate robotics into the construction of a public building. Experiments in robotics development and implementation are active in South Korea and hold the potential to turn the country into the undisputed leader in robotics.
In 2021, South Korea ranked first in the world in robot density per worker, with about 1,000 robots for every 10,000 employees. Industrial powerhouses, such as China, Germany, Japan, and the US, had much lower robot densities. The country has an active robotics research scene in companies and universities creating experiments in a wide range of applications. Over the past couple of years, corporate giants, such as Samsung Electronics, LG Electronics, and Hyundai Motor Group have made a big push to become global players in robotics.
But why South Korea? What are the conditions that have helped it develop such a strong robotics industry?