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과연, AI 비서가 있었다면 잘못된 판단을 하지 않을 수 있었을까 상상을 하면서
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AI 비서가 큰 도움이 될 수 있을까요?
글쓴이의 의견을 감상해 보시죠.
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Is AI the answer to moms’ mental overload?
Earlier this year, I made a dumb financial decision. I bought a car that was beyond our budget. We had just been through an eight-week stretch of demanding work schedules, kitchen renovations and checking-account fraud. Our daughter’s day-care center closed three times, for a COVID outbreak, a bout of norovirus and a water leak. Not exactly tragedies, but when our old car died, my fried brain had no bandwidth for comparison shopping. I walked into a dealership and said I’d look at whatever they had on the lot. I left with a car -- and a car loan.
How did I become the kind of person who buys a car on impulse? Cognitive overload. It can have real financial costs. In my case, they were steep -- and came with 6.9 percent interest.
But what if I’d had an AI assistant to keep track of the chaos -- or offloaded the car research to ChatGPT? Maybe my brain would have been clearer and capable of better decisions. Maybe my bank account would look a little healthier now.
Entrepreneur Avni Patel Thompson thinks families like mine could use some automated support. She’s working on a subscription service called Milo that uses a mix of GPT-4 and human intervention to keep track of family schedules, grocery lists and other mundanities. One parent might text a screenshot of a school email to Milo, which would realize that buried in the fifth paragraph is a reminder that Pajama Day is May 18. Milo could then send each parent reminders to make sure the kids go off to school in their sleepwear.