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미국의 한국 이민 2세들 중 많은 수가
미국에 대한 소속감을 못 느껴서 한국으로 떠나지만,
한국에 와서도 소속감을 못 느낀다는 것입니다.
어디에도 속하지 않는 그들,
매우 외로울 수 있지만,
꼭 그렇게 느낄 필요는 없다는 것이 글쓴이의 주장인데,
그 논리를 감상해 보시죠.
그리고, 한국인이 영작하는 과정에서
필연적으로 나타나게 되는 한국식 사고방식을
저와 함께 알아보시기 바랍니다.
Belonging nowhere and everywhere
Recently, I came across an article in Axios with the headline, “Asian Americans least likely to feel they belong in U.S., study finds.” Quoting from a survey jointly conducted by the Asian American Foundation, the article reported, “Only 22% of Asian Americans said they feel they belong and are accepted in the U.S.”
CNN, too, recently reported that many second-generation Korean immigrants to the US are moving to South Korea because “they always felt like outcasts, always felt outside” in American society. However, CNN also pointed out that many of this group soon move back to the US because they feel that they are not welcome in Korea, either. According to the CNN reporters behind the story, therefore, Korean Americans feel “Neither here, nor there.”
Perhaps, the main reason for the difficulty of Asian Americans’ assimilation into American society is that Asians look rather different from white people. Most Asians cannot blend in, due to their radically different looks. Perhaps white peoplein Korea would feel the same because of their different appearances, no matter how fluent their Korean is.