- 점박이붉바리 Hind, Red
. 학명; Epinephelus guttatus
. 서식지; 따뜻한 물의 깊이 30미터내외의 산호나 바위바닥 선호
. 통명; 점박이붉바리
. 특징; 위는 녹회색에거 연갈색이고 아래는 흰색으로 주황색에서 갈색의 반점
. 먹이와 요리법; 일반적인 조리로 섭취
1 학명과 서식지
- 학명; Epinephelus guttatus
- 서식지
. 온도와 깊이; 따뜻한 물의 깊이 30미터내외의 산호나 바위바닥 선호
. 지역; 서대서양의 노스캐롤라이나에서 브라질에 이르는 열대와 온대해안
. 바닥에서 1-5마리의 암컷이 동거하며 그중 가장 큰 것이 수컷으로 성전환
In the western Atlantic, red hind occur from North Carolina and Bermuda south to the Bahamas, the southern Gulf of Mexico, and to Brazil. They are common in the Caribbean, occasional in the Bahamas and Florida, and rare north of Florida.
Habitat. Red hind are one of the most common grouper in the West Indies, inhabiting shallow inshore reefs and rocky bottoms at depths of 10 to 160 feet. In Florida and the Bahamas they are usually found in quieter, deeper waters. Red hind are solitary and territorial fish, often found drifting or lying motionless along the bottom, camouflaged by their surroundings.
2 통명
- 영어; strawberry grouper, speckled hind;
French: mérou couronné; Spanish: mero colorado, tofia.
- 한글; 점박이붉바리
3 개요
- 길이; 76센티 이내, 평균 40센티
- 무게; 10파운드이내, 평균 4파운드
The red hind can grow to 2 feet, although it is usually less than 15 inches long; most 12-inch and larger fish are males. Although it can reach 10 pounds, the red hind is rarely larger than 4 pounds in weight; the all-tackle world record is for a 6-pound, 1-ounce fish taken off Florida. The red hind can live for 17 years or longer.
4 특징
- 등지느러미가 시작되는 부분에서 가장 깊은 견고하고 압축된 몸
- 길이는 깊이의 3배로 짦은편이고 꼬리는 약간 볼록
- 위는 녹회색에거 연갈색이고 아래는 흰색으로 주황색에서 갈색의 반점
- 아가미덮개 가장자리에 3개의 편평한 가시
- 등지느러미에 11개의 가시와 15개의 연조
- 뒷지느러미에 3개의 가시와 8개의 연조
A grouper of the Serranidae family, the red hind is an important fish in the Caribbean, where large numbers are caught every year. It has excellent white, flaky meat that is usually marketed fresh.
Identification. As with all grouper, the red hind has a stout body and a large mouth. It is very similar to the rock hind in appearance, although the red hind is slightly more reddish brown in color, with dark red-brown spots above and pure red spots below over a whitish background. It differs from the rock hind in having no spots on the tail or the dorsal fin and no dark splotches on the back or the tail. The outer edges of the soft dorsal, the caudal, and the anal fins are blackish and are sometimes also edged in white. It can pale or darken to blend with surroundings.
5 먹이와 요리법
- 먹이; 새우를 주로 먹고 게, 갑각류, 물고기, 문어도 섭취
- 3월부터 7월사이에 40미터 깊이의 20도의 물에 산란
- 카리브해에서 가장 중요한 식용생선이자 미국에도 수출
- 창, 갈고리, 줄, 덫 등으로 포획하거나 낚시
- 일반적인 조리로 섭취
Spawning takes place from March through July in 68° to 82°F waters at depths of 100 to 130 feet. At this time, mature fish of age 3 and older form large clusters over rugged bottoms. The female lays pelagic eggs in numbers between 90,000 and more than 3 million. Some fish undergo sexual inversion.
Food and feeding habits. Red hind feed on various bottom animals, such as crabs, crustaceans, fish, and octopus; they hide in holes and crevices and capture prey by ambush or after a short chase.