(This is my personal opinion about the latest issues on eyes)
President Roh goes too far in APEC summit?
Some say that on the sideline of APEC Summit which is hosted by Australia, (not Austria like Bush said--it’s totally outrageous), Roh repeated remark of requesting President W. Bush to show specific position on how to deal with the North was regarded as unusual challenge, a viewpoint that does not have enough to consider why President Roh do such a unfavorable mention for his presidential reputations.
We need to think behind-meanings of Roh’s contentious remark which come out leaving little tenure of president against the scheduled backgrBound of two Koreas summit, a second meeting since June 15th, 2000. Suppose that President Roh would simply show firm and amicable relationship with his counterparts in public news-conference. It is not difficult to imagine that Roh would not enjoy the photo-op like other attended leaders do. It is may be case that in any way Roh want to press Bush to specific stances on the reclusive North Korea, which suffered a massive flood, causing to put tens of thousands of people in catasrophe short of food and essentials, even coming to call for the outsides aides including World Food Programme under U.N.
Probably, Roh would know in advance that his provoking remark about an official end of the 1950-1953 Korea War, which may be lead to an establishment of peace system in korea peninsula, does not follow any tangible outcome. Is he want to simply twist arms with Bush based on nationalism tilting to the left-wing. It may be a gesture sending to Kim Jeong Ill, the North’s oppressive leader that Seoul’s willingness to bring considerable progress toward “One-Korea” to a reality in spited of a rising grim prospect for any fruitful outcome in the summit of the North and South later this year. Possibly it reinforces Roh’s political clout on the two leaders’ meeting because of taking any risks of standing-alone out of the important alliance line mainly championed by a (neo-)realist theorists and conservatives. (On the other hand there is nothing for Roh to lose in that Roh has “bottomed-hit” popularity rates)
One thing is clear that this remark does not surely come ouf of his prospensity like critics said.
I want to say I'm out of patience that some push President Roh to an unprudent politician image of having not governing capability, (but not meaning I am a advocate for incumbent administration
(To be honest while recognizing the importance of South Korea-U.S alliance in East Asia, as a important balancer in the preventalbe tinder box in the future, I felt some freshness in a sence that Roh dare to show his opinion without hesitation to a unilateral power, which have recently stumbled upon a divisive issue of Iraq on how to pull out its troops in Iraq with unimpaired hornor.)
첫댓글If I may comment on your written piece, you certainly do have a good "sense" or "feel" of English-writing. There are some errors here and there, some transitions are not smooth, while other parts are hard to understand. Overall, however, I admire the sophisticated level of vocabs you demonstrated here. Your diction is quite impressive, to tell you the truth. Most importantly, though, I would congratulate you on making conscious efforts to improve your English writing skill - simply by writing more. Keep it up!
첫댓글 If I may comment on your written piece, you certainly do have a good "sense" or "feel" of English-writing. There are some errors here and there, some transitions are not smooth, while other parts are hard to understand. Overall, however, I admire the sophisticated level of vocabs you demonstrated here. Your diction is quite impressive, to tell you the truth. Most importantly, though, I would congratulate you on making conscious efforts to improve your English writing skill - simply by writing more. Keep it up!