- 낫잿방어 Jack, Almaco
. 학명; Seriola rivoliana
. 서식지; 따뜻한 물의 수심 50미터내외의 해수면
. 통명; 낫잿방어
. 특징; 양턱에 날카로운 이빨과 잿방어보다 뾰쪽한 머리
. 먹이와 요리법; 회, 굽거나 절이거나 훈제, 스튜로 섭취
1 학명과 서식지
- 학명; Seriola rivoliana
- 서식지
. 온도와 깊이; 따뜻한 물의 수심 50미터내외의 해수면
. 지역; 동태평양과 서대서양에 광범위하게 서식
Found around the world, almaco jacks occur in the eastern Pacific from Southern California to Peru, including the Gulf of California and the Galápagos Islands. In the western Atlantic, almaco jacks range from Cape Cod to northern Argentina.
Habitat. A warmwater species, almaco jacks prefer deep, open water and inhabit the outer slopes of reefs, but they rarely swim over reefs or near shore. Young fish are often associated with floating objects and sargassum. Almaco jacks often travel alone and occasionally in schools at depths of 50 to 180 feet.
2 통명
- 영어;amberjack, greater amberjack, longfin yellowtail;
Afrikaans: langvin-geelstert; Arabic: gazala; French: seriole limon; Hawaiian: kahala; Japanese: songoro, hirenaga-kanpachi; Malay/Indonesian: chermin, aji-aji; Portuguese: arabaiana, xaréu limao; Samoan: tavai, tafala, palukata; Spanish: pez limon, palometa, medregal, uayaipe, fortuno, cavallas.
- 한글; 납작방어
3 개요
- 길이; 150센티이내, 평균 45센티
- 체중; 130파운드이내, 평균 20파운드
A large species, the almaco jack is known to grow to 3 feet in the Atlantic, although it is commonly between 1 and 2 feet long and weighs less than 20 pounds. In the Pacific, it grows to almost 5 feet and 130 pounds but usually weighs 50 to 60 pounds. In the Atlantic, the alltackle world record is a 78-pound fish taken off Bermuda in 1990, whereas the Pacific all-tackle world record is a 132- pound fish taken off Baja California in 1964.
4 특징
- 잿방어와 비슷하게 몸이 길쭉하고 방추형이나 꼬리지느러미가 낫처럼 훨씬 더 좁고 뾰쪽함
- 양턱에 날카로운 이빨과 잿방어보다 뾰쪽한 머리
- 등지느러미에 7개의 가시
- 측선에 옆줄과 세로띠가 노란색이고 등쪽은 적자색, 배쪽은 회색
A deep-bodied amberjack and a member of the Carangidae family, the almaco jack is an excellent and widely distributed sportfish. It is a fine food fish, although it sometimes has tapeworms in the caudal peduncle area, which can be cut away, and it has been associated with ciguatera poisoning in the Caribbean.
Identification. The body and the fins can be a uniform dark brown, a dark bluish-green, or a metallic bronze or gray, with the lower sides and the belly a lighter shade, sometimes with a lavender or brassy cast. A diagonal black band usually extends from the lip through each eye to the upper back at the beginning of the dorsal fin; young fish sometimes display five or six bars. The front lobes of the dorsal and the anal fins are high and elongated and have deeply sickle-shaped outer edges. There are seven spines in the first dorsal fin. The almaco jack is similar in appearance o the greater amberjack but has a deeper, more flattened body than the greater amberjack and a more pointed head; the greater amberjack has a more elongated body, a lighter band, and a shorter front dorsal fin.
5 먹이와 요리법
- 먹이; 멸치, 청어, 정어리, 꽁치, 오징어와 갑각류 등
- 봄부터 가을까지 연안에 산란
- 이빨이 날카로우니 살아있는 경우 취급주의
- 열대어로 시구아테라 중독가능성이 있어 가급적 작은 고기 선택
. 독소수치가 높은 머리와 간은 제거하고 식용
- 꼬리부분에 기생충이 있으므로 잘라 버리고 섭취
- 회, 굽거나 절이거나 훈제, 스튜로 섭취
Almaco jacks spawn offshore from spring through fall.
Food. An offshore predator, the almaco jack feeds mainly on fish but also on invertebrates.