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Who do the Jewish people elicit so much hatred?
The rise in antisemitic incidents in the US should concern all of us because it is rarely an isolated phenomenon. According to a recent report from the Anti-Defamation League, the number of antisemitic incidents in the US increased by 36 percent from 2021 to 2022, when it reached the staggering total of 3,697. The war in the Middle East is certain to make the numbers this year even worse.
What causes this? Why do a people who constitute 0.2 percent of the world’s population elicit so much hatred? Why does a country that occupies 0.1 percent of the land mass in the Middle East get blamed for most of its problems?
I have long asked myself these questions. As a Jewish kid growing up in the Chicago suburbs in the aftermath of World War II, my experience of antisemitism was limited. I remember being called a “dirty Jew” on the playground and knew that there were neighborhoods where Jews were not welcome. Although I learned from books about the massacres, expulsions and pogroms the Jewish people had suffered, and had images of Nazi death camps etched in my memory, I was convinced that the future held out greater promise.