yester day jeremy made for me rubber band gun.
It was cool Iike gun and what I need to shoot only rubber that's all.
Rubber is not expencive 1pack was 75c it's not expencive it's cheap.
And jeremy made people's gun he made james's and michal's.
They are our friend james is going to high school and michal is same grade with me.
But he born 1993 I am more older but it's a friend.
First we played target the cars it was fun.
And we played servival we shared the team and we played.
My team is jeremy we attacked and they dead.
After that I lost my rubber band so jeremy gave to me.
We played sward fight it was fun I've good sphear.
It's so cool first I was live in the hiroki's house for homestay at that time I was trying to make fishing road but it's so hard so I made bamboo sphear.
(Bamboo is 대나무) I show skills and they show me skills too.
We are fighting they nearly lose at the last we draw no one win.
Now at night we are play target something it's fun.
That's what I did today.