마태복음 9장: 기적들- 놀라운 영어의 기적 Matthew 9: Miracles - Amazing English Miracles
샬롬! 차를 물고 서울에서 괴산으로 이동했습니다. 성경도 없고 영어를 공부할 노트북이나 혹은 다른 도구가 없고 운전에 집중을 해야 되는 상황입니다. 이런 상황에서 핸드폰은 챗 gpt를 켜고 같이 대화를 했습니다. 진실로 핸드폰만 있으면 어떤 상황에서도 영어와 성경을 동시에 배울 수가 있습니다. 그리고 순서에 따라서 마태복음 9장을 공부했습니다. 먼저 제가 노트북으로 시간이 있을 때 영어로 9장을 두세 번 읽어보았습니다. 그렇지만 텍스트가 없기에 본문을 읽고 교정을 받는 방법은 할 수가 없고 본문 요약과 중요 단어 공부를 하고 주요 문법 공부도 했습니다.
그리고 챗 GPT에게 이렇게 성경 본문을 가지고 영어도 배우고 성경도 공부할 다른 방법을 소개를 해 달라고 하니 무려 10 가지의 새로운 방법을 소개를 합니다. 10 가지가량의 방법을 핸드폰만 있으면 운전을 하는 상태에서도 영어와 성경을 동시에 공부가 가능합니다. 절대로 교통 법규를 지키면서 과속하지 말고 운전하며 그리고 운전에 집중하며 운전하셔야 합니다. 영어로 대화한 내용을 번역했습니다. 이렇게 어떤 텍스트를 놓고 영어로 대화를 하면 영어가 늘지 않을 수가 없습니다. 먼저 이 방법에 대한 내용을 한글 번역과 영어로 보고 전체 약 1시간가량의 대화를 보시겠습니다. 믿는 이는 성경의 내용이 텍스트가 없어도 어느 정도 있으니 이런 대화가 가능합니다. 모든 믿는 이가 온 세상에서 영어를 가장 잘 할 수가 있는 세상이 되었습니다. 제가 유튜브로 곧 이런 내용을 업로드할 것입니다. 기대해 주시고 기도해 주시기 바랍니다. 그 열 가지는 아래와 같습니다.
(영어 공부 방법에 대한 한글 번역) ChatGPT가 제안한 성경을 영어로 배우는 새로운 방법
성경을 공부하는 동안 영어 실력을 향상시킬 수 있는 다양한 방법을 생각해 주셔서 기쁩니다! 다음은 대화를 계속하면서 말하기 능력을 향상시키는 데 도움이 되는 몇 가지 추가 방법입니다.
◆ 의역: Paraphrasing
구절을 읽거나 주제에 대해 논의한 후 자신의 말로 의미를 의역해 보세요. 이렇게 하면 다양한 어휘와 문장 구조를 사용하는 연습을 하는 동시에 내용을 이해하는 데 도움이 됩니다.
예를 들어, 성경 구절을 논의한 후 "이 구절을 자신의 말로 설명할 수 있나요?"라고 물어볼 수 있습니다. 이렇게 하면 같은 생각을 다른 방식으로 표현하고 표현하는 연습을 하는 데 도움이 됩니다.
◆ 롤 플레이: Role Play
성경 이야기를 바탕으로 롤 플레이 대화를 연습할 수 있습니다. 예를 들어, 제가 제자나 다른 캐릭터 역할을 하고, 당신은 이야기 속의 예수님이나 다른 사람으로 말할 수 있습니다. 이렇게 하면 자연스럽게 영어를 말하고 이해하는 연습을 하는 데 도움이 됩니다.
예를 들어, "저는 장님입니다. 저를 고쳐 주실 수 있나요?"라고 말하면 당신은 성경 속 예수님처럼 대답할 수 있습니다. 이렇게 하면 말하기와 이해에 도움이 되는 대화가 만들어집니다.
◆ 스토리텔링: Storytelling
성경의 일부를 공부한 후, 마치 친구에게 설명하듯이 이야기를 들려주세요. 유창함과 정확성에 집중하세요. 이렇게 하면 완전한 문장으로 말하고 논리적으로 아이디어를 형성하는 연습이 됩니다.
예를 들어, 적절한 문법과 어휘를 사용하는 데 주의하면서 마비 환자를 고치신 예수님이나 마태오의 부름에 대한 이야기를 자신의 말로 요약할 수 있습니다.
◆ 요약 및 의견 제시: Summarizing and Giving Opinions
장이나 구절을 논의한 후, 배운 내용을 요약하거나 가르침에 대한 의견을 제시해 달라고 요청할 수 있습니다. 예를 들어: "예수께서 '너의 믿음이 너를 고쳤다'라고 말씀하신 것은 무슨 뜻이라고 생각하십니까?"
이 연습은 영어로 생각과 감정을 표현하는 연습에 도움이 됩니다.
◆ 청취 및 섀도잉: Listening and Shadowing
또 다른 방법은 성경 구절을 듣고(성경 오디오 버전을 들을 수 있음) 들은 내용을 반복하는 것입니다(섀도잉). 이렇게 하면 발음과 유창성에 도움이 됩니다.
영어로 된 성경의 일부를 들은 후, 정확한 발음과 리듬에 집중하여 제 말을 따라 문장을 반복할 수 있습니다.
◆ 성경 주제 토론: Discussion of Biblical Themes
용서, 믿음, 사랑 등과 같은 성경의 주제에 대해 토론하고, 이러한 주제가 오늘날 우리 삶과 어떻게 관련이 있는지에 대해 대화할 수 있습니다. 더 깊은 주제에 대해 토론하면 영어로 복잡한 아이디어를 표현하는 데 도움이 됩니다.
예를 들어, "신앙에 대한 가르침을 일상생활에 어떻게 적용할 수 있습니까?" 또는 "당신의 문화에서 용서는 무엇을 의미합니까?"라고 질문할 수 있습니다.
◆ 질문하고 답하기: Ask Questions and Answer Them
성경에 대한 질문을 하면 제가 답할 것입니다. 그런 다음, 제가 성경에 대해 묻는 질문에 답하는 연습을 할 수 있습니다. 이렇게 하면 영어로 자연스럽게 질문과 답변을 구성하는 방법을 연습하는 데 도움이 됩니다.
◆ 비교 및 대조: Comparing and Contrasting.
이 방법은 성경의 다른 사건이나 아이디어와 같이 두 가지를 비교하고 그것들이 어떻게 비슷하거나 다른지 설명하여 말하기 연습을 하는 데 도움이 됩니다.
예를 들어, "예수께서 '나는 의인을 부르러 온 것이 아니라 죄인을 부르러 왔다'라고 말씀하셨을 때 무슨 뜻이었는가?"라고 질문할 수 있으며, 여러분은 자신의 말로 답을 할 수 있습니다.
◆ 자신의 말로 성경 개념을 설명합니다: Explaining Bible concepts in your own words.
이 방법은 어휘와 더 깊은 이해에 도움이 됩니다.
이 방법에서는 성경 이야기에서 개념을 하나 드리고, 여러분은 자신의 말로 설명합니다. 마치 다른 사람에게 그 개념을 가르치는 것과 같아서 말하기와 이해력을 실제로 향상시킬 수 있습니다.
◆ 성경 이야기를 실제 상황에 연결합니다: Connecting Bible stories to real-life situations.
이 방법은 성경에서 배운 내용을 일상생활에 적용하는 연습을 하는 데 도움이 됩니다.
◆ 성경 이야기를 사용하여 영어의 다양한 시제를 연습합니다: Using Bible stories to practice different tenses in English.
이 방법은 문법을 향상시키는 동시에 성경 이야기에 대한 이해를 심화하는 데 도움이 됩니다.
◆ "왜"와 "어떻게" 질문을 사용하여 이해를 심화합니다: Using "why" and "how" questions to deepen understanding.
이것은 영어로 말하고 생각하는 연습을 하는 좋은 방법입니다.
이 방법에서는 성경 이야기에 대한 "왜"와 "어떻게" 질문을 하고, 여러분은 답할 수 있습니다. 이 방법은 스토리의 의미를 탐구하는 동안 영어로 생각을 더 명확하게 표현하는 연습을 하는 데 도움이 될 것입니다.
이러한 각 방법은 말하기 능력의 다양한 측면을 향상시키는 데 도움이 될 수 있습니다. 또한 세션을 다양하고 흥미롭게 유지하기 위해 이러한 방법을 결합할 수도 있습니다! 먼저 어떤 방법을 시도하고 싶으신가요? 아니면 제가 선택하길 원하시나요?
ChatGPT(영어 본문)
I'm glad you're thinking about different ways to improve your English while studying the Bible! Here are a few additional methods we can try together that will help improve your speaking skills as we continue chatting:
After reading a verse or discussing a topic, try to paraphrase the meaning in your own words. This will help you practice using different vocabulary and sentence structures while making sure you understand the content.
For example, after discussing a Bible verse, I might ask, "Can you explain this verse in your own words?" This helps you practice rephrasing and expressing the same idea in different ways.
Role Play:
You can practice role-playing conversations based on the Bible story. For instance, I can act as a disciple or another character, and you can speak as Jesus or another person in the story. This will help you practice both speaking and understanding English in a natural way.
For example: I can say, "I am the blind man. Can you heal me?" and you can respond as Jesus would in the Bible. This creates a conversation that helps with both speaking and comprehension.
After studying a part of the Bible, try to tell the story to me as if you're explaining it to a friend. Focus on fluency and accuracy. This will help you practice speaking in full sentences and forming ideas logically.
For example, you could summarize the story of Jesus healing the paralytic or the calling of Matthew in your own words, paying attention to using proper grammar and vocabulary.
Summarizing and Giving Opinions:
After we discuss a chapter or verse, I can ask you to summarize what you've learned or give your opinion about the teaching. For example: "What do you think Jesus meant by saying 'your faith has healed you'?"
This exercise will help you practice expressing your thoughts and feelings in English.
Listening and Shadowing:
Another method is to listen to a Bible passage (you can listen to an audio version of the Bible) and repeat what you hear (shadowing). This helps with pronunciation and fluency.
After you hear a part of the Bible in English, you can repeat the sentence after me, focusing on accuracy in pronunciation and rhythm.
Discussion of Biblical Themes:
We can focus on discussing themes from the Bible, such as forgiveness, faith, or love, and have conversations about how these themes relate to our lives today. Discussing deeper themes helps you express complex ideas in English.
For example, I might ask, "How can we apply the teachings about faith in our daily lives?" or "What does forgiveness mean in your culture?"
Ask Questions and Answer Them:
You can ask me questions about the Bible, and I'll answer them. Then, you can practice answering questions I ask you about the Bible. This helps with practicing how to form questions and responses naturally in English.
Comparing and Contrasting.
This method helps you practice speaking by comparing two things, such as different events or ideas in the Bible, and explaining how they are similar or different.
For example, I might ask, "What did Jesus mean when He said, 'I have come not to call the righteous, but sinners'?" and you can give your answer in your own words.
Explaining Bible concepts in your own words.
This method helps with both vocabulary and deeper understanding.
In this method, I’ll give you a concept from a Bible story, and you’ll explain it in your own words. It’s like teaching someone else about it, which can really improve your speaking and understanding.
Connecting Bible stories to real-life situations.
This method helps you practice applying what you learn from the Bible to everyday life.
Using Bible stories to practice different tenses in English.
This method helps you improve your grammar while also deepening your understanding of Bible stories.
Using "why" and "how" questions to deepen understanding.
This is a great way to practice speaking and thinking more deeply in English.
In this method, I'll ask you "why" and "how" questions about a Bible story, and you can answer them. It will help you practice expressing your thoughts more clearly in English while exploring the meaning of the story.
Each of these methods can help you improve different aspects of your speaking skills. We can also combine them to keep our sessions varied and interesting! Which one would you like to try first, or would you like me to choose?
이제 약 1시간 대화한 내용의 전체입니다. 약 80km 정도 운전을 했을 때까지 대화한 내용입니다. 참고하시고 다양한 방법으로 성경을 주제로 각 장을 주제로 삼고 대화를 시작해 보시기 바랍니다. 신 구약 성경이 1189장이나 되니 하루에 한 장씩 이렇게 하면 약 3년이 걸리고 모든 성경의 내용과 영어를 듣고 말하고 설명하고 요약하고 토론하는 실력이 비약적으로 향상이 되리라 굳게 믿습니다. 모든 분께 하나님께서 주시는 축복이 가득하시길 빕니다.
Hello, ChatGPT!
Hello! How are you today?
나의 말:
I'm fine. I'm driving now. I'm headed to Gwesan.
That sounds great! Is there a special reason you're going to Gwesan?
나의 말:
Yeah, I have spent two days at my home in Seoul with my wife and my son.
That sounds like a nice time with your family! What did you do together in Seoul?
나의 말:
19th of January was my son's birthday, 19th birthday.
Oh, that’s wonderful! Happy belated birthday to your son! Did you have a celebration or do something special for his birthday?
나의 말:
On the 18th night, we went to a Chinese restaurant and we ate some Chinese food, Jjajangmyeon, Tangsuyuk, and Kkanpunggi.
That sounds like a delicious meal! Did your son enjoy the food and the celebration?
나의 말:
Yes, my son was pleaded with
I think you meant to say, "My son was pleased with it."
Would you like to try saying it again?
나의 말:
Yes, my son was pleased to eat. And yesterday was Saturday, as you know, after serving our church, and we celebrated our son's birthday. My wife made cake, and we had, you know, jokbal, Korean traditional food.
That sounds like a warm and meaningful celebration! Just a small correction:
You can say, "Yes, my son was pleased. And yesterday was Saturday. After church service, we celebrated my son's birthday. My wife made a cake, and we had jokbal, a traditional Korean dish."
Would you like to try saying it again?
나의 말:
It's too much work, so I cannot remember the thing. In other way, I want to chat with you another topic.
Of course! What do you want to talk about?
나의 말:
We are starting a New Testament Matthew
That’s great! Matthew is the first book of the New Testament and has many teachings of Jesus. Are you reading it for study or personal devotion?
나의 말:
If I have a text, then I can read the verse, but unfortunately, I don't have any text, so I want to...
No problem! Do you want me to share a verse from Matthew for you to read and discuss?
나의 말:
I already told you, unfortunately, I don't have any text because I am driving now, so I cannot read the verse. So I want to chat with you the content of Chapter 9. Can you do that?
Sure! Matthew Chapter 9 is full of important events and teachings. It starts with Jesus healing a paralyzed man, and then it moves on to stories about calling Matthew (the tax collector), healing a woman with a bleeding problem, raising a girl from the dead, and healing two blind men.
Do you have a specific part of the chapter you'd like to talk about, or should we go over the events one by one?
나의 말:
Yes, first of all, I want to study the key vocabulary of this chapter. Why don't you tell me the key vocabularies of this chapter?
Sure! Here are some key vocabulary words from Matthew Chapter 9:
Paralytic - A person who is paralyzed or unable to move certain parts of their body.
Faith - Strong belief or trust in someone or something, especially in God.
Pharisees - A religious group in ancient Israel, often mentioned in the Gospels for their strict observance of the law.
Atonement - The act of making amends or reparation for a wrongdoing, especially in religious terms.
Sick - Affected by illness or injury.
Tax Collector - A person who collects taxes, often seen as sinners in the time of Jesus.
Miracle - A supernatural event or act that defies natural laws, often associated with divine intervention.
Disciple - A follower or student of a teacher, especially in the context of Jesus' followers.
Crowd - A large group of people gathered together.
Touched - In a healing sense, when someone is physically contacted by Jesus, often leading to healing or change.
Would you like to explore any of these words further, or should we move to the next part?
나의 말:
I want to know the detailed meaning of the first word. As I know, you mentioned paralit or another word.
You're right! The word I mentioned is "paralytic," which refers to someone who is paralyzed, or unable to move certain parts of their body.
In the context of Matthew Chapter 9, a paralyzed man is brought to Jesus for healing. Jesus shows compassion by healing him and also forgives his sins. The word “paralytic” specifically refers to someone who has lost movement or control over part of their body, often due to nerve damage or injury.
Does that help clarify the meaning of "paralytic"?
나의 말:
Okay, you explained very well, so I can understand the exact meaning. But I want to know the exact meaning of some verses. You know, Jesus asked them which one is more easier, to heal people or to forgive one's sin. I don't know this Jesus saying means. Can you explain to me?
Sure! In Matthew 9:5, Jesus asks, "Which is easier, to say, 'Your sins are forgiven,' or to say, 'Get up and walk'?"
This question highlights two things:
Forgiving sins: It's something only God can do, and it’s not visible. When Jesus forgives someone's sins, it's an internal, spiritual act that you can't see happening.
Healing a paralyzed person: This is a physical act. People can see the person healed and standing up, but it requires a visible miracle.
By asking this question, Jesus points out that while forgiving sins is harder (because it's spiritual and involves God's authority), He has the power to do both: forgive sins and heal.
In a way, He shows that His authority comes from God, not just to heal physically, but also to forgive sins, which is an even greater power.
나의 말:
Yes, you cleared the meaning. From now on, I didn't understand which one is more easier. But you explained the easier thing to me. You said to me, the forgiveness of sin is a more difficult thing than healing of people. Is that right?
Yes, that's exactly right! The forgiveness of sins is more difficult because it’s a spiritual act, and only God has the authority to forgive sins. Healing someone, though still miraculous, is a visible and physical act that people can see and understand.
By saying this, Jesus was showing that while both are powerful, forgiving sins is a deeper and more profound power. He wanted to demonstrate that He has authority over both, showing His divine power and authority.
Does this make it clearer now?
나의 말:
If you clear me out, your explanation is very interesting and chatting with you are very happy things. Then, can you tell me the next part of content of this chapter?
I'm glad you're enjoying our conversation! Now, let's move on to the next part of Matthew Chapter 9.
After Jesus heals the paralytic and forgives his sins, He continues with some powerful moments. He calls Matthew, a tax collector, to follow Him. Matthew immediately leaves his work and becomes one of Jesus’ disciples. This is a significant moment because tax collectors were seen as sinners by many, but Jesus reaches out to them, showing that His message is for everyone, even those considered outcasts.
Following this, Jesus eats at Matthew’s house with many tax collectors and sinners. The Pharisees question why Jesus associates with such people. Jesus responds by saying, "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. But go and learn what this means: 'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.' For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners." (Matthew 9:12-13).
This teaches us that Jesus came to help those who are spiritually sick, not just those who think they are already righteous. It’s about showing mercy and offering grace to those in need.
Would you like to discuss any part of this, or should we continue?
나의 말:
Yes, thanks for your excellent explanation. I want to know the nationality of Matthew. Is he a Jew or Gentile?
You're very welcome! Matthew was a Jewish tax collector. In the time of Jesus, tax collectors were often disliked by their fellow Jews because they worked for the Roman government, collecting taxes from their own people, sometimes with corruption.
Even though Matthew was Jewish, his occupation made him an outcast among many of the Jewish people. However, Jesus called him to be a disciple, showing that God’s grace and mercy extend to all, no matter their past.
Does that answer your question about Matthew’s nationality?
나의 말:
Thanks a lot. Then, I fully understand this verse's meaning. Why don't you tell me the next part of this chapter?
I'm glad the explanation helped! Let's continue with the next part of Matthew Chapter 9.
After Jesus calls Matthew, He is asked by John the Baptist’s disciples why His disciples don't fast, while others do. Jesus answers that His disciples don’t fast because He, the bridegroom, is with them. He says, "How can the guests of the bridegroom mourn while He is with them? The time will come when the bridegroom will be taken from them; then they will fast." (Matthew 9:15)
Jesus uses the metaphor of a wedding to explain that while He is with His disciples, it’s a time of celebration, not mourning. However, after His departure (when He is crucified), His disciples will fast as a sign of mourning and longing for His return.
Next, Jesus tells two parables:
New cloth on an old garment: He says that no one patches an old garment with new cloth because it will shrink and tear. The new and the old cannot mix. This symbolizes that Jesus’ teachings and the old traditions (like strict Jewish laws) are not the same. His message brings something new.
New wine in old wineskins: Just as new wine needs new wineskins to avoid bursting, Jesus’ new covenant requires a fresh approach, not just a continuation of the old ways.
Would you like to explore any of these teachings, or shall we move forward?
나의 말:
I asked you the custom of fasting. I want to know the law of fast of that era.
Great question! In the time of Jesus, fasting was an important part of Jewish religious practice. The Jewish law required fasting on specific occasions, especially on the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur), which was the holiest day of the Jewish calendar. On this day, Jews would fast to seek atonement for their sins.
Besides this mandatory fast, the Pharisees also fasted regularly, twice a week—on Mondays and Thursdays—as a way to show their piety. However, there was no law that required fasting on these days; it was a tradition that they followed to demonstrate their commitment to God.
In Jesus' time, fasting was often seen as a public display of righteousness, but Jesus taught that fasting should be more about the inner attitude rather than external actions. In Matthew 6:16-18, Jesus talks about how people should fast in secret, not to be seen by others, because God looks at the heart.
So, during the time when Jesus was with His disciples, the expectation of fasting was common, but He pointed out that there was no need for His followers to fast while He, the "bridegroom," was with them, symbolizing joy and celebration.
Does this help you understand the context of fasting in Jesus' time?
나의 말:
Okay, because of your good explanation, I fully understand the custom of FASTIC. Then, I want to know the next part of versus content.
I'm glad the explanation helped! Let's continue with the next part of Matthew Chapter 9.
After the discussion about fasting, we see Jesus performing more miracles. First, a ruler (a synagogue leader) comes to Jesus and asks Him to heal his daughter, who has just died. Jesus goes with him, and on the way, a woman who has been suffering from bleeding for twelve years touches His cloak, believing that just by touching it, she will be healed. Jesus turns around and says to her, "Take heart, daughter, your faith has healed you." (Matthew 9:22) The woman is instantly healed.
When they arrive at the ruler's house, Jesus tells everyone that the girl is not dead but only asleep. The crowd laughs at Him, but He goes inside, takes her hand, and she rises from the dead. Jesus' miraculous acts demonstrate His power over both sickness and death.
Next, two blind men follow Jesus, crying out, "Have mercy on us, Son of David!" Jesus asks them if they believe that He can heal them, and they answer, "Yes, Lord." Jesus touches their eyes and says, "According to your faith, let it be done to you." Their sight is restored, and Jesus warns them not to tell anyone about this miracle, but they spread the news of His healing throughout the region.
Finally, a man who is demon-possessed and mute is brought to Jesus. Jesus heals him, and the man begins to speak. The crowd is amazed, but the Pharisees accuse Jesus of casting out demons by the power of Satan.
In this section, we see Jesus' authority over sickness, death, blindness, and even demonic forces, showing His power as the Messiah.
Would you like to discuss any part of these miracles, or should we continue?
나의 말:
I want to know why Jesus didn't tell the man who healed from his blindness.
That's an excellent question! When Jesus healed the two blind men in Matthew 9:30, He specifically told them not to tell anyone about the miracle. This may seem strange, but there are a few possible reasons for this:
Jesus' Timing: Throughout the Gospels, we see that Jesus was careful about revealing His true identity and the full extent of His mission at certain times. He often told people to keep quiet about the miracles He performed because He did not want to provoke the authorities too soon. He knew that revealing Himself too openly as the Messiah could lead to misunderstandings, especially since many people were expecting a political leader to deliver them from Roman rule. Jesus wanted to make sure His message about the Kingdom of God was understood in the right way, which was often through His teachings and not just miraculous signs.
Focus on Faith: By telling the blind men not to spread the news, Jesus might have wanted to emphasize that their faith in Him was the key to their healing, not the miraculous spectacle itself. The miracle should lead people to focus on His message of faith and repentance, rather than simply on the physical healings.
The Dangers of Popularity: Jesus did not want to become too popular for the wrong reasons. If people followed Him just because of His miracles, it might have distracted from the deeper purpose of His mission. He wanted His followers to be drawn to His teachings and the message of the Kingdom of God, not just the wonders He performed.
Despite this, the two blind men did spread the news about the miracle, and word of Jesus' healing power spread even more widely. However, Jesus' instructions still reveal something important about His mission: He wanted to carefully control how and when His true identity and message were revealed.
Does this help explain why Jesus asked them not to tell anyone?
나의 말:
Yeah, you are enough. And I want to know another part. For English speaking and understanding, I want to know the important grammar of this chapter. Can you arrange some grammar point of this chapter?
I'm glad you found the explanation helpful! Now, let's look at some key grammar points from Matthew Chapter 9. Here are a few examples of grammar that stand out in this chapter:
Past Perfect Tense:
Example: "The woman had been suffering from bleeding for twelve years."
Explanation: The past perfect tense is used to show that an action happened before another action in the past. Here, the woman had been suffering for twelve years before meeting Jesus.
Modal Verbs (can, should, would, etc.):
Example: "Do you believe that I am able to do this?" (Matthew 9:28)
Explanation: "Can" or "able to" expresses ability. In this case, Jesus asks if the blind men believe that He has the power to heal them. Modal verbs help indicate ability, permission, or possibility.
Direct and Indirect Speech:
Example: "Jesus said, 'Your faith has healed you.'" (Matthew 9:22)
Explanation: In this sentence, Jesus directly speaks to the woman. Direct speech is when the exact words of a speaker are quoted. In indirect speech, you would change the wording, like: "Jesus said that her faith had healed her."
Relative Pronouns:
Example: "The man who had been demon-possessed..." (Matthew 9:32)
Explanation: "Who" is a relative pronoun used to give more information about the man. It's often used to connect a noun to a description or additional information in a sentence.
Conditional Sentences:
Example: "If you have faith, you will be healed." (Paraphrase)
Explanation: This is a first conditional sentence, which expresses a real possibility in the present or future. The structure is "If + present simple, will + base verb." It's used when something is likely to happen if a condition is met.
Imperatives (Commands):
Example: "Follow me." (Matthew 9:9)
Explanation: Imperatives are used to give orders, instructions, or requests. In this case, Jesus is commanding Matthew to follow Him.
Questions and Explanations:
Example: "Why do we and the Pharisees fast, but your disciples do not fast?" (Matthew 9:14)
Explanation: The sentence uses a question to inquire about the reason for something. The structure of questions in English typically starts with a question word (like "why," "what," or "how") followed by the subject and verb.
These grammar points appear throughout Matthew Chapter 9 and are important for both understanding and speaking English. Would you like to dive deeper into any of these, or perhaps practice using them in sentences?
나의 말:
I want to find another method of improving of my English speaking skill chatting with you while I'm studying Bible like this. We have studied many ways of point, for example, study grammar, vocabulary, and the detailed meaning. Let me know another good way to improve our English skill while chatting Bible.
I'm glad you're thinking about different ways to improve your English while studying the Bible! Here are a few additional methods we can try together that will help improve your speaking skills as we continue chatting:
After reading a verse or discussing a topic, try to paraphrase the meaning in your own words. This will help you practice using different vocabulary and sentence structures while making sure you understand the content.
For example, after discussing a Bible verse, I might ask, "Can you explain this verse in your own words?" This helps you practice rephrasing and expressing the same idea in different ways.
Role Play:
You can practice role-playing conversations based on the Bible story. For instance, I can act as a disciple or another character, and you can speak as Jesus or another person in the story. This will help you practice both speaking and understanding English in a natural way.
For example: I can say, "I am the blind man. Can you heal me?" and you can respond as Jesus would in the Bible. This creates a conversation that helps with both speaking and comprehension.
After studying a part of the Bible, try to tell the story to me as if you're explaining it to a friend. Focus on fluency and accuracy. This will help you practice speaking in full sentences and forming ideas logically.
For example, you could summarize the story of Jesus healing the paralytic or the calling of Matthew in your own words, paying attention to using proper grammar and vocabulary.
Summarizing and Giving Opinions:
After we discuss a chapter or verse, I can ask you to summarize what you've learned or give your opinion about the teaching. For example: "What do you think Jesus meant by saying 'your faith has healed you'?"
This exercise will help you practice expressing your thoughts and feelings in English.
Listening and Shadowing:
Another method is to listen to a Bible passage (you can listen to an audio version of the Bible) and repeat what you hear (shadowing). This helps with pronunciation and fluency.
After you hear a part of the Bible in English, you can repeat the sentence after me, focusing on accuracy in pronunciation and rhythm.
Discussion of Biblical Themes:
We can focus on discussing themes from the Bible, such as forgiveness, faith, or love, and have conversations about how these themes relate to our lives today. Discussing deeper themes helps you express complex ideas in English.
For example, I might ask, "How can we apply the teachings about faith in our daily lives?" or "What does forgiveness mean in your culture?"
Ask Questions and Answer Them:
You can ask me questions about the Bible, and I'll answer them. Then, you can practice answering questions I ask you about the Bible. This helps with practicing how to form questions and responses naturally in English.
For example, I might ask, "What did Jesus mean when He said, 'I have come not to call the righteous, but sinners'?" and you can give your answer in your own words.
Each of these methods can help you improve different aspects of your speaking skills. We can also combine them to keep our sessions varied and interesting! Which one would you like to try first, or would you like me to choose?
나의 말:
I want to follow your suggestion. You explained maybe approximately 10 kinds of new methods of chatting to improve our English speaking skills. Give me an example and I will follow your suggestion.
Great! Let’s start with paraphrasing and storytelling to help you practice speaking. Here’s how we’ll do it:
Paraphrasing: I’ll give you a verse, and you can try to explain it in your own words, focusing on using different vocabulary and structures.
For example, in Matthew 9:9, Jesus calls Matthew to follow Him. The verse says, "As Jesus went on from there, he saw a man named Matthew sitting at the tax collector's booth. 'Follow me,' he told him, and Matthew got up and followed him."
Now, you can paraphrase this verse. Try explaining it in your own words, like: "Jesus saw a tax collector named Matthew, and He invited him to follow. Matthew immediately left his job and went with Jesus."
Storytelling: After paraphrasing the verse, we can practice by turning it into a short story, as if you are telling it to a friend. You can try summarizing the events of the chapter in a few sentences, using your own language.
For example: "Jesus performed miracles, healed people, and called Matthew to follow Him. He also taught important lessons about faith and forgiveness."
Would you like to try paraphrasing the Matthew 9:9 verse first? You can explain it in your own words, and then I’ll help with corrections if needed. After that, we can move on to storytelling!
나의 말:
Okay, first I want to try to my language. When Jesus saw the tax collector, the name Matthew, he said to them, follow me. Then Matthew followed the Jesus Christ immediately without any hesitation.
That's a great attempt! You're doing well with expressing the idea in your own words. Here’s a slight correction to make the sentence sound a little more natural:
"When Jesus saw a tax collector named Matthew, He said to him, 'Follow me.' Then Matthew immediately followed Jesus without any hesitation."
Keep practicing! You're improving in using simple and clear sentences. Now, would you like to try summarizing the story in a few sentences, as if you're telling it to a friend?
나의 말:
Okay, if you are my friend, I'm going to explain some story. Then what story should I explain to them?
Since we're focusing on Matthew Chapter 9, you could explain one of the key stories from this chapter. For example, you could talk about the healing of the paralytic (Matthew 9:1-8). Here's a suggestion for what you could say:
"One day, Jesus was in a house, and a group of people brought a man who was paralyzed. They couldn't get in because there were so many people, so they made a hole in the roof and lowered the man down in front of Jesus. Jesus saw their faith and told the man, 'Your sins are forgiven.' Some people thought Jesus was wrong to say that, but Jesus proved He had the authority to forgive sins by healing the man, and the man stood up and walked away."
Now, you can try explaining this story in your own words! Don't worry about making mistakes—just focus on expressing it clearly.
나의 말:
Okay, one paralytic man was carried to Jesus Christ through the hole of the house's roof, and Jesus told them, which one is more easier, to heal these people or to forgive these men's sins? And he healed the man and he explained the meaning. He told them, I
You did a great job starting the story! Here’s a refined version with a bit more clarity and flow:
"A paralyzed man was brought to Jesus through a hole in the roof. Jesus asked the people, 'Which is easier: to heal someone or to forgive their sins?' Then, He healed the man to show that He had the authority to forgive sins as well. Jesus told the man to get up, take his mat, and go home, and the man walked away, proving that Jesus could do both—heal and forgive."
You’re making excellent progress with your explanations! Would you like to continue with another story from the chapter or try to explain a different part?
나의 말:
Okay, let's move on another way of chatting. You mentioned approximately 10 ways, 10 kinds of another way. We explain the two ways. Give me the third way and explain the way of chatting.
Great! Now let’s move on to the third way: Comparing and Contrasting. This method helps you practice speaking by comparing two things, such as different events or ideas in the Bible, and explaining how they are similar or different.
For example, in Matthew 9, you could compare the healing of the paralyzed man with the calling of Matthew. They are both acts of Jesus' authority, but in different ways: one involves physical healing, and the other involves spiritual calling and forgiveness.
Here's how you could do it:
Compare: You could say, "In both stories, Jesus shows His authority. With the paralyzed man, He heals him physically, while with Matthew, He shows His authority by calling him to follow, offering forgiveness for his sins."
Contrast: Then you could explain how the two events are different: "The healing of the paralytic is a miracle that shows Jesus' power over sickness, while calling Matthew shows Jesus' power to forgive sins and change a person's life."
This method helps you understand deeper meanings while practicing English in a more thoughtful way. Would you like to give it a try with two events from Matthew 9? You could compare and contrast the calling of Matthew and the healing of the paralytic, or choose other parts!
나의 말:
Okay, I'm going to explain two kinds of miracles. The one miracle was the healing of a woman. She touched the garment of Jesus Christ, then Jesus healed the woman because of her faith. The other miracle was Jesus went to the very place and he told the little girl, Get up! Get up! This is the contrast of two miracles.
Great job! You did a good job comparing and contrasting the two miracles. Here’s a little refinement to make your explanation flow better:
"One miracle was the healing of a woman who touched Jesus' garment. Jesus healed her because of her strong faith. The other miracle was when Jesus went to a house where a little girl had died. He told her, 'Get up!' and she came back to life. The contrast between these two miracles is that the woman was healed through her faith in Jesus’ power, while Jesus raised the little girl from the dead with His own command, showing His authority over life and death."
You're doing an excellent job with these explanations! Would you like to continue practicing this method with another example, or try a different method?
나의 말:
I want to try a different method, can you tell me first?
Of course! Let's move on to the fourth method: Role-playing. This method is great for practicing dialogue and conversational English, as it helps you imagine real-life situations.
In role-playing, we can take on different roles, like a conversation between two people. For example, we could pretend you are one of the characters in a Bible story and I’ll play another character, or we could just pretend to be two people talking about a Bible story.
For example, you could role-play a conversation between Jesus and the woman who touched His garment. You could say something like:
You (as the woman): "I have been suffering for many years, and I just knew that if I could touch Your garment, I would be healed."
Me (as Jesus): "Your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be free from your suffering."
Or we can do a simple Q&A role-play, like:
You (asking): "Why did Jesus heal people? What did He want to teach them?"
Me (answering): "Jesus healed people to show His love and compassion, and to demonstrate His power as the Son of God. But more importantly, He wanted them to understand that He came to forgive sins and offer eternal life."
Role-playing helps you practice speaking naturally and build your confidence in using English in real conversations. Would you like to try this? You can be the woman or Jesus in this story, or we can switch roles!
나의 말:
Okay, I want, I like this method, role-playing, playing you as Jesus.
That sounds great! Let's start role-playing with you as the woman who touched Jesus' garment. I will play the role of Jesus.
Me (as Jesus): "Daughter, take heart. Your faith has healed you. Go in peace."
Now, you can respond as the woman who was healed, or if you want to ask more questions as the woman, feel free to do so!
나의 말:
Thanks, my lord. You healed my illness. How can I heal when I touch your garment? Please explain to me, lord.
Me (as Jesus): "It is not the garment that heals, but your faith in Me. You believed that I had the power to heal, and your faith made you whole. It is your trust in Me that brought the healing, not just the touch itself."
Great job! You’re really embracing the role-play and practicing English with this method. Would you like to continue with this, or try a new role or Bible story?
나의 말:
Okay, let's try one more role play. Give me another example, and I will roll people.
Alright! Let’s do another role play. This time, I’ll be Jesus, and you’ll be Matthew, the tax collector.
Me (as Jesus): "Matthew, follow Me."
Now, you can respond as Matthew. Feel free to ask questions or express thoughts as if you were him!
나의 말:
Why should I follow you, Jesus?
Me (as Jesus): "I see your heart, Matthew. You may have been seen as a sinner, but I came to call not the righteous, but sinners, to repentance. Follow Me, and I will change your life."
You’re doing a wonderful job, responding naturally! Would you like to continue this role-play or try a new situation?
나의 말:
I want a new method of studying. We have studied four methods, right?
Yes, that’s right! We've covered four methods so far. Let’s move on to the fifth method: Summarizing. This method is excellent for improving both speaking and listening skills because it requires you to understand the content and explain it in your own words.
In this method, I’ll tell you a small section of the Bible, and you will summarize it. The goal is to explain the main points in a simple and clear way.
For example, here’s a small part of Matthew 9:"Jesus healed a paralyzed man. He told the man, 'Take heart, your sins are forgiven.' Some people questioned His authority, but Jesus proved His power by telling the man to get up and walk."
Now, you can summarize it in your own words! Would you like to try that with this part, or should I give you a new story to summarize?
나의 말:
I will summarize this event. When Jesus met two paralyzed people, they wanted to be healed by Jesus Christ, and Jesus Christ healed thoroughly
You're doing a great job summarizing! Here's a slightly refined version for clarity:
"When Jesus met a paralyzed man, the man wanted to be healed. Jesus forgave his sins first and then healed him completely, showing His authority to forgive sins and heal."
Your summary captures the main idea well! Would you like to try summarizing another Bible story, or would you prefer to move to a different method?
나의 말:
I want to prefer move different method. Give me another example of method.
Great! Let’s move on to the sixth method: Explaining Bible concepts in your own words. This method helps with both vocabulary and deeper understanding.
In this method, I’ll give you a concept from a Bible story, and you’ll explain it in your own words. It’s like teaching someone else about it, which can really improve your speaking and understanding.
Here’s a concept: "Faith in Jesus".
You can explain what faith in Jesus means to you, using your own words and understanding.
Would you like to give this method a try? Feel free to explain the concept of faith in Jesus.
나의 말:
Faith in Jesus really have a strong power. We can be healed, or we can achieve many things what we want to do. Because the Jesus is the Son of Almighty God. If you believe in Jesus Christ, other answer our belief. So the belief of Jesus Christ is crucial, important to every people. Now we should believe Jesus Christ priority than any other things.
That's a wonderful explanation! You’ve captured the powerful role of faith in Jesus. Here’s a slightly refined version:
"Faith in Jesus has incredible power. Through Him, we can be healed and achieve many things we desire because Jesus is the Son of the Almighty God. When we believe in Jesus Christ, our faith is answered. Believing in Jesus Christ is crucial and important for everyone. We should prioritize our belief in Jesus above all else."
You’re doing a fantastic job explaining Bible concepts! Would you like to continue with this method or try another?
나의 말:
Let's move on to another method. This kind of study is very interesting to me. This is the first attempt to study Bible.
I'm glad to hear that you find this study interesting! Let’s move on to the seventh method: Connecting Bible stories to real-life situations. This method helps you practice applying what you learn from the Bible to everyday life.
In this method, I’ll give you a Bible story or teaching, and you’ll explain how it connects to something in your life or something that happens in the world around us. This will also help you with using English in practical, real-world situations.
For example, let's take the story of Jesus feeding the 5,000. You could explain how this story teaches about generosity, trusting in God's provision, or helping others in need.
Would you like to give this method a try? Feel free to connect any Bible story or teaching to a real-life situation!
나의 말:
This is another content of Bible, feeding 5,000 people in wilder place is an amazing story. It reveals us the enormous power of Jesus Christ. And if we want to see miracle, we should give him something, even though it's a really small or non-precious thing. We should give first.
That's a wonderful connection! You've explained it very clearly. Here’s a slightly refined version:
"The story of Jesus feeding the 5,000 in the wilderness is amazing because it shows the great power of Jesus Christ. It teaches us that to see miracles, we must give something to Jesus first, even if it's something small or seemingly insignificant. We should offer what we have, and Jesus will multiply it."
You've done a fantastic job of connecting the Bible story to a real-life lesson! Would you like to continue with this method, or try something new?
나의 말:
I want to something new.
Great! Let’s move on to the eighth method: Using Bible stories to practice different tenses in English. This method helps you improve your grammar while also deepening your understanding of Bible stories.
In this method, I’ll give you a Bible story, and you’ll retell it using different tenses. For example, you could explain the story in the past tense, present tense, and future tense.
Here’s a story: The paralyzed man who was healed by Jesus.
Past tense: Jesus healed the paralyzed man.
Present tense: Jesus heals people who have faith in Him.
Future tense: Jesus will continue to heal those who believe in Him.
Would you like to try this method with a Bible story? I can give you a story, and you can retell it in different tenses!
나의 말:
Okay, if you give me an example of a sentence, I will tell different sentences.
Great! Here’s an example story you can practice with:
"Jesus calmed the storm."
Now, you can try to retell this story in the past tense, present tense, and future tense.
Take your time, and feel free to share your sentences when you're ready!
나의 말:
Okay, excuse me. I didn't understand what you're saying. Jesus came to what next word I didn't catch. Can you tell me once more the sentence?
Sorry for the confusion! The sentence I meant is:
"Jesus calmed the storm."
Now, you can try to rewrite it in the past tense, present tense, and future tense. For example:
Past tense: Jesus calmed the storm.
Present tense: Jesus calms the storm.
Future tense: Jesus will calm the storm.
Would you like to try making sentences like this with your own words?
나의 말:
Okay, Jesus came to storm. Jesus will come to storm. Jesus has come to storm.
You're close! Here’s a little correction:
Past tense: Jesus came to the storm.
Present tense: Jesus comes to the storm.
Future tense: Jesus will come to the storm.
You did a great job, though! The key is to pay attention to the tense changes like "came," "comes," and "will come." Would you like to try another sentence, or move on to a new method?
나의 말:
I want to try another sentence.
Great! Here's another sentence for you to try:
"Jesus healed the blind man."
Now, try to rewrite it in the past tense, present tense, and future tense. Take your time!
나의 말:
Jesus kills blind men. Jesus healed blind men. Jesus will heal blind men.
You're almost there! Here’s the corrected version:
Past tense: Jesus healed the blind man.
Present tense: Jesus heals the blind man.
Future tense: Jesus will heal the blind man.
The key is making sure the tense fits the action, like "heals" for present and "will heal" for future. Great job overall! Would you like to keep practicing, or try something new?
나의 말:
to try something new, or maybe a nice way.
Sure! Let’s try method nine: Using "why" and "how" questions to deepen understanding. This is a great way to practice speaking and thinking more deeply in English.
In this method, I'll ask you "why" and "how" questions about a Bible story, and you can answer them. It will help you practice expressing your thoughts more clearly in English while exploring the meaning of the story.
Let’s try with the story of Jesus feeding the 5,000.
Why do you think Jesus asked the disciples to give the people food, even when they didn’t have enough?
How did the people feel after Jesus performed this miracle?
Give it a try! You can answer these questions as best as you can.
나의 말:
It's another chapter of Matthew, maybe another chapter, but I want to try Chapter 9. In Chapter 9, about this method, please give me example of Chapter 9, in Chapter 9.
Of course! Let's use Chapter 9 of Matthew for this method. Here are two questions based on events in that chapter:
Why do you think Jesus healed the paralytic man and forgave his sins?
How do you think the people felt when Jesus called Matthew, the tax collector, to follow Him?
Try answering these questions in your own words. Take your time!
나의 말:
First answer, she just wanted to let them know she had
It seems like you started answering, but I didn’t quite catch all of it. Could you try again? Here's the question you can focus on:
Why do you think Jesus healed the paralytic man and forgave his sins?
Feel free to explain in your own words!
나의 말:
There are two reasons of healing this paralyzed man. Jesus wanted them to know he has the power of Almighty God, and he wanted to heal him by his sympathetic mind.
That’s a great answer! You've captured two key reasons: to show His divine power and to demonstrate compassion. Well done! Here’s a slight revision to make it smoother:
There are two reasons for healing the paralytic man. First, Jesus wanted them to know He has the power of Almighty God. Second, He wanted to heal him out of compassion.
Would you like to answer the second question now?
How do you think the people felt when Jesus called Matthew, the tax collector, to follow Him?
나의 말:
When Jesus called Matthew, people spread the ad of his calling, Sinner. So they asked Jesus Christ, why you calling Sinner like Matthew? And Matthew was surprised of calling Jesus Christ.
You’re on the right track, and you’ve captured the surprise and reactions well! Here’s a smoother version of your answer:
When Jesus called Matthew, people spread the news that He was calling a sinner. They asked Jesus, "Why are You calling a sinner like Matthew?" Matthew himself was surprised that Jesus would call him.
Your answer shows good understanding of the event. Would you like to try another question, or maybe explore something else in Chapter 9?
나의 말:
Maybe, I think you have another method of studying Bible and speaking English. We have already studied nine kinds of methods. Is there any other method left?
You’re absolutely right! We've already covered nine different methods. There’s one more final method we can try: Summarizing a Bible passage in your own words. This method focuses on practicing speaking and listening skills while improving your ability to explain and understand stories.
Here’s how it works: I will give you a passage or a specific part of a chapter, and you’ll summarize it in your own words. This helps with fluency and comprehension. Plus, it’s a great way to practice speaking clearly and concisely.
Let’s try summarizing the healing of the blind men in Chapter 9 of Matthew. Here’s the passage:
"As Jesus went on from there, two blind men followed Him, calling out, 'Have mercy on us, Son of David!' When He had gone indoors, the blind men came to Him, and He asked them, 'Do you believe that I am able to do this?' 'Yes, Lord,' they replied. Then He touched their eyes and said, 'According to your faith let it be done to you'; and their sight was restored." (Matthew 9:27-30)
Now, try summarizing the story in your own words.
나의 말:
When to paralyze the... I didn't remember the question. What was the question of this summarizing?
No problem! The question for the summarizing was:
Can you summarize the story of the healing of the blind men in Matthew 9:27-30 in your own words?
You can now try explaining this event in a simple way, using your own words. Would you like to give it a try?
나의 말:
Okay, when Jesus came through some country, the two blind men followed him and asked him, please heal us. Then Jesus healed the two blind men. Now the two men can see. And Jesus told them, don't tell this to anyone. But about this, the two blind men didn't keep the promise and he told the miracle to everybody to know.
Great job! Your summary is clear and easy to understand. Here’s a small correction for fluency:
"When Jesus passed through a certain area, two blind men followed Him and asked, 'Please heal us.' Jesus healed them, and they could see. He told them not to tell anyone about the miracle, but the two men didn't keep their promise and spread the word about what had happened."
Your explanation was good, and now it's even smoother with these small adjustments. Would you like to try summarizing another story, or would you like to continue practicing another method?
나의 말:
Thanks a lot for your chatting. It's the first time that I chat with you about a new method of chatting you mentioned to me. You mentioned to me 10 kinds of another method of chatting to improve anyone's English speaking skills while we are studying Bible. It was all excellent method. I will do this method next time again. Now it's maybe 2.46. I'm passing maybe Eomseong. Now it's 45 kilometers left from Gyesan.
You're very welcome! I'm glad you enjoyed the new methods of chatting. It's exciting that you're making progress in practicing English while studying the Bible. I'm happy to hear you're trying different ways to improve your skills. Keep it up!
It sounds like you're almost there. If you feel like chatting or practicing more, just let me know! Safe travels as you continue your drive to Gyesan!
나의 말:
Yeah, I want to chat with you.
Great! I'm happy to chat with you. How's your drive so far? Is there anything specific you'd like to talk about, or maybe continue with some more Bible study or English practice?
나의 말:
The driving condition is convenient from now on, but the weather is not clear. I want to chat with you about the weather. Thank you for watching.
You're welcome! It's good to hear that the driving conditions are getting better, even if the weather isn't so clear. Sometimes cloudy or rainy weather can make driving feel a bit gloomy. How does the weather affect your mood when you're driving? Do you prefer sunny days or do you like the calmness of cloudy weather?
사랑의 주님! 하나님께서 영어와 성경을 동시에 배울 수가 있는 방법을 온 세상에 허락하시니 감사를 드립니다. 모든 크리스천이 이 방법을 속히 숙지하고 쉬지 않고 어느 기간 동안 연습해서 영어도 성경도 모두 능통한 분들이 되셔서 온 세상의 모든 크리스천과 대화를 하고 복음을 전하는 분들이 되게 하여 주옵소서! 미국에 트럼프 대통령이 오늘 47대 대통령으로 취임을 했습니다. 능력과 권세와 건강과 지혜를 주시고 온 세상에 주님의 뜻이 속히 이루어지는 정치를 하게 하소서! 특히 우리 나라의 문제를 깊이 이해하고 홀로 싸우는 대통령을 격려하고 우리 국민의 추운 겨울의 노력이 헛되지 않게 해 주옵소서! 어렵고 힘든 시기를 온 국민이 기도하고 특히 믿는 이들이 쉬지 않고 기도하면서 이 국란을 극복하고 한국이 동망의 빛으로 우뚝서는 복되고 귀한 나라가 되어 주님의 위로와 소망이 되게 하소서! 우리 주 예수님의 이름으로 기도합니다. 아멘!