Do what you love or Love what you do.
“Work is love made visible. And if you cannot work with love but only with distaste, it is better that you should leave your work and sit at the gate of the temple and take alms of those who work with joy.”
~ Kahlil Gibran
Do What You Love? Or, Love What You Do?
David Sturt and Todd Nordstrom
Former Contributor
Mar 13, 2015,11:59am EDT
Updated Dec 10, 2021, 09:17am EST
This article is more than 9 years old.
Since some of the earliest writings from the world’s most prolific thought leaders the notion of doing what you love (seeking a career that fills you with passion) has been discussed at length. But with current research showing how many people are disengaged, dissatisfied, and frustrated at work, we wondered is it possible to flip the words—is it possible to simply love what you do—your current job?
Finding a job you love is age-old advice. Confucius probably has the best longstanding quote about “do what you love.” His words, “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life,” have been repeated throughout history. Or consider Warren Buffett’s words, “Take a job that you love.” And let’s not forget the prolific thoughts of Maya Angelou who said “…pursue the things you love doing and then do them so well that people can’t take their eyes off of you.”
Does anyone advocate the opposite approach—telling people to love what they do? We did not have to look far to find the advice of Steve Jobs who said, “The only way to do great work is to love what you do.”
Curious about our own experiences in the workplace, we began reviewing previous job titles we have had over the years. Between the two of us, we’ve held titles like: fire inspector, market research manager, disk jockey, product development director, wind surfing instructor, creative director, and the list goes on. As we discussed our roles, we couldn’t help but talk about the positions we loved, and those we knew weren’t the perfect fit. And apart from one position (we won’t admit who it was) of company mascot, which consisted of wearing a fuzzy cow suit and dancing down parade routes in the middle of summer, we loved each of the jobs we had (the cow suit was extremely hot, it was ridiculous, but pardon the pun, ‘Holy cow it was fun’).
Are we typical of most workers? Science actually gives us some insight.
The “find a job you love” advice listed above is easy to buy into for those who love their jobs. But for those who still don’t love their work, should they quit their current job and chase the dream of the job they would love? Or can people learn to find meaning and success in their current job? The answer is ‘yes.’ And here’s why.
Research shows that great work (award-winning work) is produced when people focus on doing something others love. The Great Work Study showed that 88% of projects that earned awards began with an employee asking their own version of the question, “What difference could I make that other people would love?”
Love Your Work: It’s All About Them, Not You
The same study, a combined effort between the O.C. Tanner Institute and Forbes Insights, found that all cases of work being studied shared a single intention—the work was focused on making a difference that someone else would love, instead of the person performing the work. They were focused on the recipient of their work—their customer, their colleague who depends on them, their leader who trusts in them, the community who expects their support, or others who benefit from their work.
Consider the example of Denise, the Safety and Environmental Affairs Manager at Subaru’s manufacturing plant in Lafayette, Indiana—a facility, which produces approximately 180,000 vehicles per year. When Denise was assigned the daunting task of reducing 15 tons of landfill waste generated per day by the plant, she could have felt overlooked, and been relegated to garbage duty for the whole plant.
However, Denise thought about how Subaru owners would love knowing that their car was produced in a facility that didn’t generate landfill waste. She also thought about the pride her coworkers would feel if they succeeded in reducing this much waste. She told us she began by literally diving into her work, “dumpster diving,” as she described it, to analyze what kind of trash was being collected, hunting down where it came from, and learning why it was there.
Over the next two years, she engaged dozens, then hundreds, then all 3,700 coworkers in the project. She was surprised at how many began to feel a similar enthusiasm for eradicating landfill-destined waste from their work areas. Eventually, she and her team pulled it off. They had found a way to eliminate, recycle, or repurpose every bit of waste in the plant. The facility sends nothing to the landfill. Even the cafeteria waste is composted and provided to employees as a free benefit for their gardens.
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Denise’s experience was a fascinating example of someone who found a way to love what she did. We doubt she would have ever chosen a job where she would spend two years of her life dealing with garbage. Yet, because she sought to make a difference others would love, she found her work enormously rewarding. She speaks with great pride that this 3.8 million square foot manufacturing facility sends less trash to the dump than the she puts out on her curb each week outside her home. For a little extra inspiration, we encourage you to watch Denise’s story in her own words.
The point is, loving your job is one thing—the activities and responsibilities you have on a day-to day basis. But loving the impact your job has on someone else is another. If you don’t totally hate your job but find you’re not that happy with what you are doing, try this one little simple activity: Go and see your work being received. See how it impacts someone else, another coworker, a customer, another team, or whoever benefits from your work.
Quite possibly, the best quote we found about loving your work is this:
“Work is love made visible. And if you cannot work with love but only with distaste, it is better that you should leave your work and sit at the gate of the temple and take alms of those who work with joy.”
~ Kahlil Gibran
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David Sturt and Todd Nordstrom