Why football (American soccer) is so popular in the USA?
Football in other word, American soccer, is considered the primary sport only in the United States. The excitements of the game and other varieties of reasons bring innumerous people to watch the NFL as known as National Football League. In addition, I never knew much about football before I moved to Philadelphia; however, Philadelphia as being known as the most passionate sports city in the United States, in short period of time, I became the NFL’s biggest fan.
If you watch football, football has its own style that other sports do not have, which is tackling, role of assistant coaches, rules, and positions. Unlike other sports, the roles of assistant coaches are critical of the outcome of the game. In football, there are offensive coordinator, defensive coordinator, special team coach, quarterback coach, etc and these assistant coaches conduct the team just like the head coach. In addition, football permits tackling and rough actions unlike other sports. In order to stop the opponent from scoring a touchdown defensive player must make a tackle so the person with the ball hits his knee on the ground or push him out of a bounce. Since there are lots of violence is allowed, the players wear all kinds of pads to protect themselves, but it does not stop the players being injured. For the people who watch football for the first time may not know how critical the strategies play the outcome. A quarterback must memorize more than five-hundred different plays and the head coach and the coordinator must select the right plays in just thirty seconds. Therefore, football is not just tackling and rough actions; it also needs brain as much as powers and muscles.
The biggest reason in my opinion why football is so popular in the United States is that the football is an enormous marketing product. The game is sixty-minute game; however, it takes more than three hours, since there are frequent breaks during the game. Since two-thirds of the time is the commercials, the NFL can make a huge profit of it. As I told the readers before, soccer cannot be popular in the United States because soccer is a small marketing product. Recently, the NFL signed the new contracts with ESPN, FOX, and CBS, which will profits NFL millions of dollars with the new contracts. In addition, the Super bowl that two-fifth of the American people watches, I think it is the biggest sporting markets in short period of time. In order to put commercial on the super bowl, the company must pay millions of dollars just put thirty seconds commercial. However, many companies are willing to pay millions of dollars on the super bowl, since they know they will profit even more.
Currently, I am one of the biggest NFL’s fans and watch every Philadelphia Eagles game on Sunday. I also think since there are only sixteen games in a regular season and one game per week, people are anxious and wait one week to watch the football. Also, the time I lived in Philadelphia, I could not wait until Sunday to watch the football.
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