1. 법회의 인연
이와 같이 나는 들었습니다. 어느 때 부처님께서 거룩한 비구 천이백오십 명과 함께 사위국 기수급고독원에 계셨습니다. 그때 세존께서는 공양 때가 되어 가사를 입고, 발우를 들고 걸식하고자 사위대성에 들어가셨습니다. 성 안에서 차례로 걸식을 하신 후 본래의 처소로 돌아와 공양을 드신 뒤 가사와 발우를 거두고 발을 씻으신 다음 자리를 펴고 앉으셨습니다.
Section 1: The cause of the Dharma assembly
Chapter 1. Daily Life of Shanga
제 01 · 법회인유法會因由 | 법회가 열리던 날
Thus have I heard: Once the Buddha was dwelling in the monastery in Anathapindada Garden in Jeta Forest near Shravasti with all of the one thousand two hundred and fifty great bhikhus.
One day at mealtime, the Buddha put on his sanghati robe and, holding his bowl, entered the city of Shravasti to beg for alms food, going from house to house in order. When the alms round was completed, He returned to the monastery to eat His meal. Then He put away His sanghati robe and His bowl, washed His feet, arranged His seat, and sat down.
제 1 법회가 열린 인연
이와 같이 내가 들었다. 어느 때 부처님께서 사위국 기수급고독원에서 큰 비구 천이백오십인과 함께 계시었다. 그 때 세존께서는 진지드실 때가 되었으므로 가사를 입으시고 바루를 가 지시고 사위성에 들어 가시와 차례로 밥을 비시었다. 그리고 본곳으로 돌 아 오시어 공양을 마치신 뒤 가사와 바루를 거두시고 발을 씻으신 다음 자리를 펴고 앉으셨다.
Chapter 1.
This is what I heard. At one time the Buddha was staying in the Jeta Grove, near the city of Sravasti. With him there was a community of 1,250 venerable monks and devoted disciples. One day before dawn, the Buddha clothed himself, and along with his disciples took up his alms bowl and entered the city to beg for food door to door, as was his custom. After he had returned and eaten, he put away his bowl and cloak, bathed his feet, and then sat with his legs crossed and body upright upon the seat arranged for him. He began mindfully fixing his attention in front of himself, while many monks approached the Buddha, and showing great reverence, seated themselves around him.
Section 1: The cause of the Dharma assembly
Thus have I heard. At one time the Buddha was in Śrāvastī, residing in the Jeta Grove, in Anāthapiṇḍada’s park, along with a great saṃgha [gathering] of bhikṣus [monks], twelve hundred and fifty in all. At mealtime, the Bhagavān ['holy one', the Buddha] put on his robe, picked up his bowl, and made his way into the great city of Śrāvastī to beg for food within the city walls. After he had finished begging sequentially from door to door, he returned and ate his meal. Then he put away his robe and bowl, washed his feet, arranged his seat, and sat down.