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[캐스모] 캐나다 한국인 스토리 모임
카페 게시글
Talk터놓고말해요(비댓X) Warning: Rental fraud-5 (lawsuit-5)
emilyzhou 추천 0 조회 2,324 20.07.14 12:04 댓글 26
게시글 본문내용
  • 20.07.14 13:33

    첫댓글 I kinda don't understand why you are keep leaving lawsuit cases against Hana here in Casmo..
    I mean.. the courts are doing there job no?

  • 작성자 20.07.14 15:57

    Because Hana RA is a Korean, many of my Korean friends suggested me to post my story in Casmo. The purpose I posted my story is to warn all landlords, especially Korean landlords to avoid the same incident to happen. In fact, I do not know Korean. I appreciate the helps from my Korean friends. Besides the Korean community website, I'll post my story in other community websites too. Thank you!

  • 작성자 20.07.14 23:46

    @Dillan Thanks!

  • 20.07.14 16:56

    I understand that you are pretty mad about the case, but I also think that the majority of the members now know how to deal with her later in the future.
    I am fully aware that you want to warn any potential victim but, at this point I think you are just bashing on "any potential Korean offender".
    I suggest deal your problem with the court, it is not comfortable to see a certain person keeps posting on the SAME thing over and over and over and over again.
    K we got it already

  • 20.07.14 18:43

    Not to be rude but it seems like you are friends with Hana Ra. I didn't know we aren't allow to rant on the internet anymore. It's a good story and she is seeking for additional information for help.

    Maybe if you aren't comfortable, you should go find a different website. How are her posts the same? One post is a follow up of the another.

    K Ok, leave please

  • 작성자 20.07.15 01:19

    Thank you! I really want to read the comments which are negative. This is the first time I posted something in the Korean website. Through reading the incident, you would know that Hana has some very bad behaviors, however, it does not affect my good impressions to Koreans. Your rational comments on the incident are a response to your good qualities. If you are Hana's friend, I hope you deal with her well. I posted the incident was to give a warning. If your suggestion is right, all cases ought not be published on the website. (1)

  • 작성자 20.07.15 01:28

    @mm20 I am a Chinese, I do not have any friend here. I do not know Korean Language. I did not post the repeated content, please read them.

  • 작성자 20.07.15 01:30

    @emilyzhou I was worried that the readers were tired of reading the long article, so I posted it part by part. If you read the incident thoroughly, you would know there is no repeat and bash, I just stated the incident. (2)

  • 작성자 20.07.15 02:16

    @mm20 I am very sorry to hear that. If you want to give a warning, you can post it to YORKBBS which is a forum of the Chinese community. Based on the law, we must post the true. When you post it, you can know how hard it is if you do not know Chinese. The incident has lasted for more than four years, so it is a very long story. When I posted it, I just thought how tired it is to read the article, so I determined to post it part by part.

  • 작성자 20.07.15 02:34

    @mm20 I try to delete my posts and combine them together. My neighbuor who knows Korean language can help me to do it.

  • 20.07.15 09:39

    @카시오1231 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 저기요 미안한데 저도 처음에는 무슨 나라 망신인가 싶어서 대신 미안하다고 하고 싶을정도였어요 ㅋㅋ
    근데 일주일 넘게 캐스모에다가 같은 이벤트를 가지고 쪼개고 쪼개고 또 쪼개서 올리는게 도배식이라 생각해서 그런거였고
    그리고 처음부터 쭉 cases를 읽어봤는데 몇년 전부터 일어난 일들을, 그리고 현재까지도 case closed 가 되지 않은걸 왜 여기다 올리는건지 이해할 수가 없다 이말이에요 ㅋ
    저사람이야 나하나라는 사람 조심하라는 취지로 올렸다지만 굳이 똑같은 글을 열번을 넘게?
    ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 지능이 있는 사람이라면 한번에 캐치 못한다고 하더라도 ㅂ두번세번 읽음 어련히 알아서 상종못할 사람이구나 걸러요 ㅋ

  • 20.07.15 09:40

    @카시오1231 그리고, 그냥 일반 물품 거래하는것도 아니고 돈거래가 이루어지는 property rent 같은 경우에서는 사기를 치는사람이 백번 천번 찢어죽여도 시원찮을 년이지만 ㅋㅋ
    본인이 한번더 의심하고 두들겨보고 해야되는거 아닌가요?
    그리고 도대체 이게 어딜봐서 내가 저깟년 친구라는거야 ㅋㅋㅋ

  • 20.07.15 09:42

    @mm20 sincerely appreciate your support :)

  • 20.07.15 09:47

    @emilyzhou and excuse me I am sorry that I am not a friend with Hana Ra, and to be honest I sympathized you since the beginning of the post.
    I have read your story about your son as well, and I really wanted to say that I am sorry on behalf of those scums.
    You said you were worried that the readers might get tired of reading your posts, and yes certainly.

  • 20.07.15 12:29

    @emilyzhou In all honesty, we aren't tired of the posts and we are thankful about the process.

    This shows how we can prevent from being scammed. Who knows, if a person knows about Hana's current status, this case could be closed. Don't let 1 korean guy stop you from posting.

  • 20.07.15 12:34

    @mm20 As you have mentioned, I have the rights to post my own beliefs and comments. If someone is not comfortable seeing this post, why not just look at a different post and leave? No one is forcing you to read the thread. Some threads are indeed helpful for others. You just contradicted yourself by stating that everyone is free to write but I have no rights to leave a comment asking them to leave? Huh?

  • 20.07.15 21:48

    @mm20 Unfortunately, you don't understand the logic. You are saying the person has the right to request to remove the posts but not leave the comment? When did this site become CCP?

    If the person doesn't like to see the post, they can just leave. Why would you ask them to stop making the posts?

    It's a sad reality that some people don't understand the value of education nowadays.

  • 20.07.16 02:28

    @mm20 Do you have dyslexia? When did I say I have the right to manage the site? If you think managing the site and asking people to leave are the same thing, you should start educating yourself. I have the right to post whatever I want and make comments.

  • 20.07.16 02:30

    @mm20 Additionally, who are you to tell me to stop exercising my rights?

  • 20.07.15 00:33

    u are sharing good info but try to keep it minimum posts or just update one post with additional update. that way ppl can still search for relevant info in the future. your intent is taken well.

  • 작성자 20.07.15 01:49

    Thank you! your ideas are very good. The reason I posted the article part by part is that I worried the readers were tired of reading the long article. Because I do not know Korean word, I do not know which word is update, but I try my best later.

  • 20.07.15 01:11

    아 도배좀 하지마

  • 20.07.16 08:58

    Please call this number 416-568-1116. Thank you!

  • 20.08.05 03:10

    You should be careful posting about legal proceedings on a public forum as you could be sued for defamation.

  • 작성자 20.08.07 10:21

    I posted my true story, so it is not defamation. Hana posted an article on her INS which contents are fictitious, so it is a libel case. I have consulted with lawyers. There are many victims caused by Hana RA. Besides me, all victims are Korean. This is the reason I posted my story in the Korean forum.
    Hana gave the fake information to the court on June 13, 2019 for her motion and she has sworn and affirmed before the commissioner, Adam Nickerson, it is a criminal offence-Perjury. I will report it after the virus season.

  • 20.09.10 12:57

    @emilyzhou Hi. Emily. I am sorry to hear that. I would like to know more about it and maybe we could think about what we can do. I can not imagine how bad ly you frustrated about that. But I can tell how you had hard time because you even tried to post your story here. I had similar experiences before. It made me angry and upset a lot and for a long time. It is sad when I hear about good people who hooked up by bad people. Cheer up.
