이상한 부족들 (1)
아프리카 수단 남쪽 국경선과 인접한 에디오피아 남서쪽 오지에 살고 있는 서마족. 남자들은 긴 막대기로 싸우는
‘장대 싸움’을, 여성들은 입술에 구멍을 뚫어 널찍한
판을 끼우는 ‘입술판’을 전통으로 고수하고 있다.

에디오피아 남서쪽 오지에 살고 있는 서마족 서마족의 족장은 올레호조. 4명의 아내와 아이들, 죽은 남동생의 아내 3명을 거느리며 사는 그는 장남의 결혼식 준비로 분주하다.
이 부족에서는 신부가 입술판을 가져야 결혼에 임할 수 있다. 입술을 고 늘리는 데 걸리는 시간은 6개월. 결혼 전 완성시키지 못하는 신부의 부모는 결혼 사례금을 받지 못한다.

| A Surma woman wearing a traditional wooden plate in her lower lip with her young boy. Photo taken in a remote part of South West Ethiopia along the Kibish river.

The lip plates are worn by a Mursi young woman in her twenties. First, when a Mursi girl is contemplating of marriage, about six months prior to her engagement, the lower lip will be cut into which a small wooden or clay disk is inserted. Gradually the plates or disks will be progressively replaced until the required plate size is attained. The plates have a symbolic function.The bigger the lip plates the higher the bride price. These plates should be worn all the time except when sleeping and at private mealtime. It is also possible to remove the plates when there are no Mursi men around.

mursi woman
환장하겄네 정말 .... 잉 ~

 A girl of the Mursi tribe in southern Ethiopia shows how her lip plate is fitted. She possibly looks a little unhappy in this photo but this girl was definitely the friendliest, cheekiest of all the people I met in the Mursi village. She was always fooling around, pulling stunts like this and it was her suggestion to take this shot.

 Most, but not all, of the girls of the Mursi tribe in Southern Ethiopia wear a clay plate in their lower lip. The lip is slit then stretched and bigger and bigger plates are inserted. The girl on the left had recently had her lip slit. The wound was still open and bleeding. She constantly covered it with this blanket. The girls also often slit their ears and insert plates like the girl on the left. They also shave their heads leaving onl y a thin strip of hair across the top of their heads.

 아~ ... 이 이쁜 얼굴들을 ... (ㅡ.,ㅡ;) 쌩물 교회 박은조 목사님 우리 좀 살려주세여 ~~~ ㅠㅠ .... ▶ Ethiopia
