A representative from the Japanese Embassy in Malaysia, Mr. Yukiyoshi Saito, recently visited the M'KIS campus.
This visit served as a celebration of our Japanese community, which continues to enhance our learning environment.
The meeting also promoted our cultural, educational, and professional commitment to our diverse group of learners.
Mr. Saito was welcomed by Mr. Robert Cody (Head of School), Dato' Clinton Ho (Business Director), Dato' Dan Dudash (Head of Community Relations), Mr. Paul Henderson (Head of Curriculum & Assessment), and two Japanese parent representatives, Ms. Akiko Yuwaza and Ms. Mami Fujimoto.
Arigatou gozaimasu, Mr. Saito, for this valuable opportunity
최근에 주말레이시아 일본대사관의 Mr. Yukiyoshi Saito가 몽키아라를 방문했습니다. 일본인들의 커뮤니티를 축하하고 환경보호에 적극적으로 참여한다는 것을 위해 왔답니다.