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You Love Your Dog. Should She Be in Your Will?
The rise of the ‘pet directive’ lets anyone plan for their animals, not just the wealthy
By Ashlea Ebeling / WSJ
Leaving money in a will for a cat or dog was once a thing the ultrawealthy did. Now, with Americans of all stripes lavishing more money and time on their animals, pets are part of the common estate plan.
Pet trusts like the one created by billionaire Leona Helmsley, who set aside $12 million for her Maltese, Trouble, are still mostly for the rich, say estate lawyers. More common is the pet directive, a section in a will that lets you name guardians for your pets and leave money intended for their care.
Estate lawyers say they routinely ask about pets when taking on new clients, given how many had raised worries about the future of their cats and dogs. Online estate-planning companies such as Trust & Will helped democratize the process, adding automatic prompts to include guardians for pets. Clients often dedicate thousands of dollars for them.
In their wills, Nick and Irene Olender of Boynton Beach, Fla., left instructions for the care of their two young children, Nico and Chloe, and how they wanted to distribute their assets when they die, all typical estate-planning steps.